Age: 38
8100 days old here
Total Posts: 32
Points: 0
Karachi, Pakistan
i guess humari team australia shopping per gaey hai..kisi ka dil nahe hota khaialnay ka . i always read in the nwspaper team aj yahan shopping per gaey and idhar ghomi . thts all..
Age: 38
8100 days old here
Total Posts: 32
Points: 0
Karachi, Pakistan
i must sau ur site is nice very nice indeed i liked ur logo but on the opening page but write there something to enter the site i just by mistabke pressed on the image and it took me 2 ur main page write there [click below to enter website] and the main page is very cool just i dont know wht does tht arrow means which goes here n there. secondly place the menu on one side and the images at the center thts make ur site look furthur cool..its a nice site. great work by you and this is wht i rate for your work. ( 8/10 )
Age: 38
8100 days old here
Total Posts: 32
Points: 0
Karachi, Pakistan
well by looking at ur site i can tell u that it sure needs a lot of improvement in the layout section in the menu section and ur page must be balanced with few images on the index so that ur site loads quickly then you can place sub-links which wil take to the sub fotos try to work out ur mind in sorting pics out dont place so many pics on the index page and secondly place menu on one side of the page either at the top or at right hand side or left hand side. and try to host it somewhere else other then tripod people hate websites with adds n banners.try to sort these thing out if furthur u need me i m here.
Age: 38
8100 days old here
Total Posts: 32
Points: 0
Karachi, Pakistan
firstly nothing special at all in it i thought it would be a site with some techno stuff but its a project ..and secondly the link u have posted is taking back to the index of JB.correct it out.