
Age: 33
5899 days old here
Total Posts: 1939
Points: 0
Toronto, Canada
Walekum as-salam!
Once again, the Muslim world is going to celebrate the Eid Milad-un-Nabi s.a.w, remembering the greatest event of the human history: birth of the Beloved of Allah Almighty.
May this event be a message of love and harmony among all Muslims of the world, and a message of peace to the non-Muslims.
Allah has bestowed upon humans uncountable blessings, but the Birth of Prophet Muhammad (sallallah o alaih wasallam) is counted the greatest blessing on humans and all worlds (Rahmat-al-Lil-Alameen), as Allah has himself declared in the Holy Quran.
May Allah give us the true and everlasting love of our Prophet(S.A.W), in this world and in hereafter.