
Age: 2024
1303 days old here
Total Posts: 3
Points: 10

there was board games, and then they made video games. And then they made board games OF THE video games. So they went to cardboard and plastic to pixels on a screen, back to cardboard and plastic again. Let's see how well some of these 'Video Game Board Game' games'have turned out. First up is Pac-Man. If you know how Pac-Man is played, then there's not much to say.  They translated the video game to physical medium in a pure, faithful way. The famous pellets are represented by these balls which go in his mouth. Ehh. 
.it works okay. Damn! The main difference is that there's multiple Pac-Men for a competitive game play.
Posted 02 Sep 2021


Age: 2024
1303 days old here
Total Posts: 3
Points: 10

Right, so the game is set in London after the Blitz and we need to exchange steel and wood for more wood but you can't get any wood unless you have the magical feather. In which case you do that in reverse but if the sword of Cthulhudor is out, that negates the effects of the wood. - What? - You get the wood, you win the game. - I'm just gonna say, this is probably gonna be too complicated. I have to go in half an hour. - Card game
Board game
I'm restarting. I'm just gonna restart because the way the di– I'm the dicemaster. So, have you seen 'Back to the Future'? Who's the dice master - me or you? - You are - No you are. We are paper boys.
Posted 30 Aug 2021


Age: 2024
1303 days old here
Total Posts: 3
Points: 10

 if someone ever has a card in hand that is lower in value than a card that was just placed then they must stop play by declaring a stop and discarding one of the team's life cards. Any cards in hand by any player which are lower than the last one played are discarded, then the team refocuses and continues the current level. If the team loses their last life, they lose the game.      card game OEM board game OEM tabletop gameAdditionally, at any point during a level a player may raise their hand, signaling that they want to throw a star. If all the players agree the throwing star is activated and discarded, after which all players discard the lowest card in their hand placing it face up to the side. Throwing stars are handy for those times when you may have all close numbers or if you want to like get somebody in the neck and they're really close by. You just want to like watch the blood spurt. Is this on brand? Should a team succeed in completing all the levels in the stack they win the game. Collective victory! And that's The Mind. I'm Becca Scott and I'm always ready for non-verbal communication. Watch. (intense instrumental music) Okay. You can watch me and my friends play this game and other awesome games on Game the Game. Right here on Geek & Sundry.
Posted 09 Aug 2021