
Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Originally posted by AyeshaKhan_Fanatic

yes FEDEX is the way to go...

Yaar what about UPS or USPS,dont they work?And are they reliable?

Yaar i tried to find out about UPS and USPS over here in Islamabad,but nearly everybody i asked,were looking at me like if i am an alien [:(]

I am really getting impatient and really wanna get my stuff over here safely [:(]
Posted 16 Sep 2003


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Originally posted by zara_sheikh

cheap,,,,,,,looooooooooser,dog ya get a life!!!!!!11

hehehehe /smoking[bandit]
Posted 16 Sep 2003


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Oh and yeah,My team in All the Kof series was:

The Japan Team i.e.

Kyo Kusanagai
Goro Daimon
Benamaru nikaido


i guess my Kyo was the strongest,and nearly all of my opponents used to say to me that Kyo was the only one troubling
Posted 15 Sep 2003


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Originally posted by AyeshaKhan_Fanatic

KOF ka KING hoon mein...

Iori, Kyo...Robert n Ryo...the best n Takuma...

BWHAHAHAHHAHHAHHAHAHA.........This has got to be the funniest comment i ever heard.yeah sure pal u r the king,in ur dreams.Trust me man,u dont even know what Kof stands for.Bah,u call urselves a KING!?

Ok jokes aside,lets talk now,

1)Have u ever played KoF outside ur house i.e In Arcades etc?
2)How long u been playin Kof?
3)Which series did u start from?

Alright now let me tell u something kiddo,

1)I been playin KoF since 6 years.

2)Started from Kof 94.

3)Played in the arcades of Islamabad/Rawalpindi/Lahore all these 6 yrs.

4)I 've been searching for a good challenger all these past 6 yrs,i swear man,i am not kidding.

5)I hold the #1 spot in all of the major cities of pakistan excluding karachi,never been there.

6)Won 2 KOF Tournaments in Islamabad and Rawalpindi.

7)Left KoF scene 2 yrs ago,because of my age,guess i was gettin too old for the arcades.I am 22 now seriously i think i had too much of the arcades :).

Well thats just about it,If u ever visit Islamabad,do visit "Karachi Company",and ask anybody about "Waleed",they will tell u for sure,even though i left kof 2 yrs ago.

Anyway,I know that there is some "gharoor pana" in this post,for this i ask forgiveness from God....

Anyway,At the moment,i am playing Quake 3,and right now,MashAllah i am at #1 spot in allover pakistan in this game as well.Ever heard of it? :)

Posted 15 Sep 2003


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
No problem man.Btw i was sayin that in islams point of view,but anyway,u know now,so its up to u.

Say I see that u got Iori Yagami in ur pic?U played Kof Before?
Are u good at it?
Posted 14 Sep 2003


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Hey ayeshakhan_fanatic,sup man :).
Listen dude,u might wanna change the wordings in ur sig,:).

I think u r not goin in the right direction,just giving u an advice as a friend.Take care :).

Posted 13 Sep 2003


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
I am sure Mirazajee will address this matter of concern soon and will remove and replace objectionable material from his site with something decent

He sure did man :).

I thinks all the people Janu baba site maker that's why make me cool
for your kind info u all in the chat room of and its also entertaining site and also they putting nude and teen pic's
why ?

I think he is asking u smoothdaddy,do help him out,will ya ;),cause i cant understand s*** of what hez sayin :S.
Posted 16 Jul 2003


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Well i fully agree with u Smoothdaddy,what u say is very true.

I swear i wanted to tell this guy in a peaceful and calm way about this issue.but lemme tell u why i didnt,theres an explanation for this my friend.

First of all,the guy did a gr8 job by creating a wonderful site about islam,true,very true.Ofcourse the guy has lots of knowledge of islam,thats why he created such a beautiful site,right?

Well if this guy created an islamic site,and knows all the bads and goods of Islam,then didnt he knew kay posting a picture of a HOT GIRL on top of our Kalma (Nauso-billa),is the worst thing anyone can imagine??

Even now he is fighting for it,Even though so many people pointed him out already,but he is sticking to his own beliefs that it is 2003 and we can do whatever we want.

yaar think about this,this guy is a MUSLIM who created an Islamic site with a picture of a hot girl on top of our kalma!!How can one keep silent and not show anger on this topic??
Yes if it were a foreigner who just accepted islam as his religion and has few knowledge about it at the moment,if he opens up such a site with a pic of veena malik,i swear to God,i would have had told him in the nicest way to remove that pic.

i am sorry but i just cant stand a muslim with so much knowledge, with which he can open up an islamic site,use a pic of a hot girl on top of our Kalma.

Thats all i want to say.
Thank you.
Posted 16 Jul 2003


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Well said Obiwankenobi,Thank God,people are now taking notice.

"can u think about that is the Muslims girls do that ?"

WTF does that mean?????
U been drinking or somethin?
Posted 16 Jul 2003


Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
What the hell does that mean man???

"Its a time of 2003"??????

Wtf does this mean?Its 2003?Yeah SO?
Does this mean that it is the year where we can place Hot pics of girls in an Islamic site?
Think about it man,Common i cant believe u r saying this.Hey where the hell are u guys?Tell this guy whatz wrong and whatz not.

Seriously man,Alright i think it must've been my attitude that bothering,alright i will take back my rudeness and stuff,now can u Please Kindly remove that from there.Thank You. :)
Posted 14 Jul 2003


Age: 125
7905 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Oye Hello Mirza sahab,Did u create this site?
If so,firstly a good job,i must admit,well done there.

Now tell me something,Are u insane!!!?????????
No seriously are u really insane?


"HOT THIS MONTH:VEENA MALIK"?????????????????????????????/

Are u really out of ur mind man?what the hel is this doing doin in an Islamic site?Is this a joke?

Or wait maybe u wanted to check kay how many users click on this and not on islamic things,if this is the case,then i pity u man.Cause do u have any idea kay what will come to the mind of a person who is curious and seeking knowledge of islam,At one side he will see the Greatness of the knowledge of islam,and on the very FRONT page,he will see "HOT THIS MONTH:VEENA MALIK"?????

Sorry for being rude,but i couldnt help it.Now plz remove that from there,it JUST IS NOT THE PLACE FOR IT.
Posted 13 Jul 2003