
Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan

Assalam o Alaikum

Posted 09 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan

Assalam O Alaikum

*Nice Topic

*I Bought

*2 books
*5 pens
*1 note book
Posted 09 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Rapunzel said:

sun_shine said:

Assalam O Alaikum

*Asin ka Add dekha hain,Thats Nice
Ufone Add Normal hain
Coke Add Bhi acha hain "Coke kay saath Dost free"Lolz
Jazz ka Add dekhnay Ka Ittefaak nahi Hua

*"yeh hain Youngistan Meri jaan" Add Kafi acha hain...!

Yeah Dost free wht abt Saheli SS

Hmm nhi dekha Youngistan ka

*oops No lolz
waisay Acha thanda Coke mil jaye yahan,its More better
Coz electricity ki waja say garam Coke hi milta hain Lolz...!
Posted 09 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan

Assalam O Alaikum

Posted 09 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan

Assalam O Alaikum

I'll Try My best to Follow
InshAllah i am sure i'll be successful lol...!
Posted 09 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan

Assalam O Alaikum

*Yaa Very Right
Apnay Daur e Hukumat main inhain yeh baatein yaad nahi hoti
Jab Job say farigh ho jatay hain aur haath main koi Power nahi rehti tho Bayanaat samnay anay lagtay hain kay aisa hona chahiye ya waisa Hona Chahiye.
Waisay Inki Roshan Khayali aur Aitdaal Pasandi Bhi dekh li hain sab nay.
I am sorry To say Pakistan Ko inho nay aur in jaisay logo nay barbaad kar k rakh diya.
Posted 09 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan

Assalam O Alaikum

Posted 09 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan

Assalam O Alaikum

*Wow its Beautiful

*Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.

Salaam To All The Mothers...!
Posted 09 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
*I got this Article From My Friend and I wanna Share it with All of You...!

The Importance of Eid Milad-un-Nabi (S.A.W.W)*

*There are many people among us who do not give much importance to Eid Milad-un-Nabi. They even have no faith in the importance of this day. Let me explain you the importance of Eid Milad-un-Nabi to you all.

Both of our Eids exist because of Eid Milad-un-Nabi (S.A.W.W). On that day All the Angels celebrate “Eid”. It was the day when the Satan (Iblees) was mourning and crying with grief. He was melancholic and gloomy that “today He born who will protect the creation of Allah from my Satanic temptations and tricks”.

In Iran there was a grand fire-place where the fire had been kept burning for the last one thousand years. They worshipped that fire. They have posted a troop of gurads who protected their god (fire) from storm and rain. They had a very strong system of protection of fire (god). So the fire had been burning since 1000 years continously. When Hazrat Muhmmad (S.A.W.W) born, the fire became cool down at the very moment despite of the whole protection and supervision. Kind got furious and ordered to punish the guards because due to this act the fire (god) became angry. But astrologists of the time came to him and told that according to their knowledge, a very sacred person came into the world, because of whom, not only the fire-place of Iran but also the fire of the whole world had been extinguished. Hadees tells us that when Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) came into the world, the fire that is burning in the Hell was also cool down, for the next seven days, it had no heat and no warmth.

Imam Rabbani Mujaddid Alif Sani Sheik Sirhindi (Remhat Allah Alaih) narrates “when Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) came into the world, on that day there were only blessings and welfare everywhere”.

Tirmazi Sharif describes a Hadees that Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) used to keep fasting on every Mondy. When the companions (R.A) asked its reason. He (P.B.U.H) said, “Because I born on that day”.

Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) said, “I am the pray of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S), Glad Tiding (Basharat) of Hazrat Esah (Jesus A.S) and the interpretation of the dreams that my mother saw.

Some days before the birth of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W), Hazrat Amna (R.A) dreamed a Holy Old Man who greeted Hazrat Amna (R.A). Hazrat Amna (R.A) surprisingly said to him, “O respected and Holy man who are you, its first time that I am meeting you”. He said, “I am Abb-ul-Bashar and Adam (A.S) and I came here to give you a happy news that I am Abb-ul-Bashar and you are going to be the mother of “Khair-ul-Bashar”.

Hazrat Amna again says that after some days another Holy man came into her dream and greeted her. She again asked him that who he was and he replied, “I am the ancestor of Prophets (Jadd-ul-Anbiyah) and Khalil Allah Ibrahim (A.S). and Allah will bless you a son who is “Habib Allah”.

Hazrat Abdul Mutlib (R.A) said that the night when Hazrat Muhammad came into the world, he spent in “Bait Allah” and whole night he stayed there and kept praying, “O Allah! bless me a grandson who be reason of respect for my family. When it was dawn, he saw that “Bait Allah” was slightly shivering and bowing its forehead in the direction where there was the house of Hazrat Amna (R.A). The walls were shivering slightly and all the idols those where hanging at the walls, fell face down.

Before the birth of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W), whenever a girl born to Arabs, she was buried alive. Family kept mourning at the birth of that girl and felt ashamed. But on the night when Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) was coming to the world, it was the order of Allah that tonight no girl but only the boys will take birth, so that there would be no house with mourning and cries in Arab.

“Flag” shows the reign and soveriegnity of any person. On the night when Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) came into the world, Allah Ta’ala blessed three flags to Hazrat Jibrael (A.S) and asked to fix one at the house of Hazrat Amna, second flag at the top of “Bait Allah” and the third flag at the heights of the Sky that shows the reign and soveriegnity of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) that He (S.A.W.W) had been blessed with the soveriegnity from the Earth to the heights of the sky.

Sahih Bukhari describes a Hadees that when Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) came into the world, the maid of Abu Lahab named Sobia (R.A) rushed to him happily and told him about the birht of his nephew. Abu Lahab was so pleased at the news of his nephew’s birth that he set free to his maid (Sobia R.A) with the movement of his forefinger. After the death of Abu Lahab, who died as a blasphamer, Hazrat Abbas (the real brother of Abu Lahab and the uncle of Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.W) embraced Islam. He narrates, “After the few days of the death of Abu Lahab, I saw him in the dream and the face of Abu Lahab was hard to look at. It was too ugly and miserable. I asekd Abu Lahab, How is your life after death?, He replied, “I am in great sufferings even that facing a lot of pain and agony due to my blasphemy. I have been kept hungry and thirsty for the whole time. But since I set free a maid at the birth of Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W) with a motion of my forefinger, so I get relief after some days and I get few drops of water from my forefinger and I quench my thirst.

So how we the muslims can deny from the importance of Eid Milad-un-Nabi. Its the most important and beloved day of the life of every muslim. If any of our friends invites us in her birthday party, we immediately confirm our participation in that party but when we have a discussion about the Importance of Eid Milad-un-Nabi, we need references to prove its importance. The most authentic thing that you can trust in, is your heart, your wisdom and your way of thought that tells you, “If you love someone, his day of birth would be the most important day in your life” and like wise If you love our Beloved Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W.W), you need to love the day when he came into this world for the forgiveness of his Ummah.

Posted 08 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Walaikum Salaam Wa rahmatulahi Wa Barakatuhu

*Khair Mubarik
hamari taraf say Bhi Aap sabko Eid Milad Un Nabi Salalahu alaihi wa Alihi Wasalam Buhat Mubarak Ho

Allah swt se Dua hain K Hum sabko Quran O Sunnah pe Amal pera Honay Ki taufeeq Ata farmaye
Ap sab per salamati Ho.

Posted 08 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Assalam O Alaikum

*Thank You Very Much

To All The Queens and Princess
Happy Women's Day
May Allah swt Bless All of us

*Women in Men’s life..
I was born,
a woman was there
to hold me. -My Mother-

I grew as a child,
A woman was there
to care for me, to
play with me. -My Sister-

I went to school,
A woman was there
to help me learn. -My Teacher-

I became depressed, whenever i was lost.
A woman was there
to offer a shoulder. -My Wife-

I became tough,
A woman was there
to melt me. -My Daughter-

I am dying,
A woman is there
to absorb me in. -My Motherland-

If you are a Man,
Value every Woman…
If you happen to
be a Woman, be
Proud to be a Woman..


Posted 08 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Walaikum Salaam Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatuhu

*Eid Milad Un Nabi Salalahu Alaihi Wa Alihi Wasalam Mubarki To All The Muslimeen

May Allah swt Forgive us and Guide us To Follow The Quran and Sunnah Ameen...!

Posted 08 Mar 2009

Topic: Dua Plz


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Assalam O Alaikum

*Allah swt Apko Sehat ata farmaye aur Apko Exams main Kamyaabi hasil Ho
Hamari Dua'ein Ap kay sath hain
InshAllah You'll be Alright...!
Posted 07 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan

*Most Welcome Always For Your Good Work
Posted 07 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan

*Thanks Alot
JazakAllah khair...!
Posted 07 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan

Walaikum Salaam Wa Rahmatulahi Wa Barakatuhu

InshAllah All The Best...!

Posted 06 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan

*Thank You Both
Jazakumu'Allah Khair.
yaa MashAllah its a Beautiful Dua.

Posted 06 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Assalam O Alaikum

*Asin ka Add dekha hain,Thats Nice
Ufone Add Normal hain
Coke Add Bhi acha hain "Coke kay saath Dost free"Lolz
Jazz ka Add dekhnay Ka Ittefaak nahi Hua

*"yeh hain Youngistan Meri jaan" Add Kafi acha hain...!
Posted 06 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
oodbalow said:

@ sun_shine


thanx a lot for ur warm wishes

*Most welcome Sir...!
Posted 06 Mar 2009


Age: 125
7118 days old here
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Assalam O Alaikum

*Congratulations On Your 2000 Posts
Keep Going well InshAllah...!

Posted 06 Mar 2009


Age: 125
7118 days old here
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan

Assalam O Alaikum

*Congratulations On Your 47,000 Posts
keep Going well InshAllah...!

Posted 06 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Posted 06 Mar 2009

Topic: Barish


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Assalam O alaikum

*Nice Sharing Dear friend...!

Posted 06 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Posted 06 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Posted 05 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Posted 05 Mar 2009


Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Assalam O Alaikum

*Its Brilliant...!
Posted 05 Mar 2009

Topic: BAT


Age: 125
7118 days old here
Total Posts: 13494
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Shahrukh Khan said:

sun_shine said:

Shahrukh Khan said:

sun_shine said:

Shahrukh Khan said:

sun_shine said:

Assalam O Alaikum

*I Think Sialkot say achay bats mil saktay hain apko
May be 100-3000 maximum...!

walekum salaam..koi website mil sakti hai?? aur recommended by players wale bats mil jayiengey??

*website ka hamain maloom nahi
but let me try InshAllah

*bats Recommended By Players
Bro every bat is good
jab us say century ban jaye lolz...!

every bat,,hmmm plastic wala bat not good aik afghani mere club main uske paas recomended by afridi tha tu kafi acha tha

*I Think jis Level pe Aap Cricket kheltay hain Wahan Plastic bat ka Koi concept Nahi jee
I Think Player pe depend karta hain n kismat too
bat se koi fark nahi Parta...!
Mostly I've seen MRF bats..!

Jab tak bat acha nahi hoga tu zyada runs nahi baneingey

*Yaa Right Bro
let me ask someone who can help You
Posted 05 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
Doctor Sam said:

Wa Alekum Assalam SUNSHINE ..

Main ne amsterdam k time k lehaaz se kaha tha, wahan 1 bajne walay hain na ..

aor aap kehne ko mujhe kuch bhi keh lo, lekin ye DR Mam kaffi ba-takalluf lagta hai, itni bari bhi nahi hoon main ...

*OOps Sorry jee
I Thought Aap Over all pooch Rahi hain

Ok i'll call You Dr.Sam jee...!
Posted 05 Mar 2009


Age: 125
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Afghanistan, Afghanistan
oodbalow said:

sun_shine said:

*yaa Right
poori zimedaari Govt pe aati hain aur aani Bhi chahiye
ek Tv channel pe aik Msg tha k
"Govt 16 Players ki hifazat na kar saki tho 16 crore awaam ki kya hifazat karaigi"Lolz
sirf 12 boys Itni bari Headlines bana gaye...!

bilkul Govt. ki zimmadari thi protection povide karna lakin Govt. k leyey top priority par us waqt "sasta tandoor" talaash karna tha

12 boys n they were well planned n trained

Govt. ko 16 crore awaam se kuch lena dena nahi here i must say aesi awaam par lanat ho jo aesi Govt. laati hai

*Yaa Right jee...!
Posted 05 Mar 2009