Age: 125
7954 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
God saw u hungry, he created Domino's pizza. He saw u thirsty, he created Pepsi. He saw u in dark, he created light. He saw ME without problems, he created YOU! ...........
Age: 125
7954 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
wen i send u msgs it dnt mean u ave 2 do da same... U can also send cash, fruits, tea, petrol, pizza, chicken, noodles and other GIFTS....... so start TODAY!!!!!
Age: 125
7954 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Flowers need sunshine, violets need dew, all angels in heaven know I need u. Years may fly, tears may dry, but my friendship with u will never die.
One day u will ask me: What is more important to you, me or your life? I will say: my life! You will walk away from me without knowing that U R MY LIFE!!!
Feel good when somebody misses u. Feel better when somebody loves u. But feel best when somebody never forgets u.
A friend is sweet when its new!! But it is sweeter when its TRUE! But u know what? Its sweetest when its you.
A friend gives hope when life is low, a friend is a place when you have nowhere to go. A friend is honest, a friend is true. A friend is precious.....A friend is u.
If kisses were water, I will give u sea. If hugs were leaves, I will give u a tree. If u love a planet, I will give u a galaxy. If friendship is life I will give u mine.
If I were to be anything in this world.....I'd be ur tears!!!? So, I can be conceived in ur heart, born in ur eyes, live on ur cheeks & die on ur lips!!!!!
If u r a chocolate.....ur the sweetest. If u r a teddy bear.... u r the most huggable. If u are a star....u r the brightest, and since u r my FRIEND....u r the BEST!!!!!!!!!
A special friend is rare indeed, it seems to be special breed. Yes, perfect friends r very few, so lucky I'm for having you.
They say it takes a minute 2 fine a special person, an hour 2 appreciate them, a day 2 love them, but then an entire life 2 forget them.
When God opened the window of the Heaven, he asked me: What is your wish for today? I said: please take special care of the person reading this!!!!!!!
Time might lead me to nowhere and faith might break into pieces but I will always be THANKFUL that once in my life journey we became FRIENDS!
It takes half our life to find true friends & half of it keeping them. I am lucky to have spent less than half my life finding you & wish to spend the rest keeping you.
Age: 125
7954 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
In my life I learned how 2 love, 2 smile, 2 be happy, 2 be strong, 2 work hard, 2 be honest, 2 be faithful, 2 forgive but I couldn't learn how.. 2 stop remembering u.