Age: 125
7950 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
oyyye girlz al l of u wol frind
kiya hay na yare ham apny frind kay liyee akk larki nahi dhon sakyyyyyyy
wesy wol bhai
akk pic lagado na
sab khoch khod hi ahem ahem ho jay gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Age: 125
7950 days old here
Total Posts: 56416
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
March 21 - April 19
The Plus Side
You are a practical Earth sign who is realistic and hard-working. You are filled with determination, planning and persistence when you set your sights on something. You tend to have a reputation for giving good advice to friends in need. You are very generous and make an extremely loyal friend. Once you love somebody, you love them forever.
The Flip SIde
Sometimes you are not the best judge of character. If a friend you trust lets you down or betrays you, your suspicions rise and often never come down. You sometimes test your friends to see if you can really trust them. You also can be unforgiving - especially if someone teases you! Sometimes you just have to learn to lighten up!
· Having lots of spending money
· New clothes
· Presents wrapped in pretty paper
· Sparkly eye-shadow and nail polish
· Having to wait in line
· Hand-me-downs
· Being ignored
· Food with no taste
April 20 - May 20
The Plus Side
You're a glamour girl by nature and you love looking and feeling your best. You pay attention to details and are very thorough in your projects. You are very loving and dependable and your calm personality always puts everyone at ease. You are also loyal to your friends and will always stick by them - even in the worst of times.
The Flip SIde
You, Earthy Taurus, get easily embarrassed! Sometimes you take too long to make a decision and you miss an opportunity or come across as slow-moving. You love nice things, but remember: you have to work hard to get them! You can be awfully stubborn too - they don't call you the Bull for nothing!
· Having money saved
· Furry or silky material
· Eating good foods
· Taking your time
· Being disturbed when concentrating
· Scratchy material
· Changing your routine
· Being told to hurry up
May 21 - June 21
The Plus Side
You are a great communicator and you love to talk! Your charm and wit often help you persuade people to see things your way. You pay close attention to details and are very curious. You love an adventure and you are always ready to explore or learn new things. You are also a great storyteller! You are often the gal in the middle of the circle telling scary stories at slumber parties!
The Flip SIde
With all of the stories you love to tell, sometimes you get carried away and stretch out the truth. You love making things interesting and will add details that don't exist just to get a reaction. Be careful with that - you could get in trouble! You also tend to gossip, and because The Twins represent your sign, you can be known to have a dual personality.
· Talking on the phone
· Getting to the bottom of things
· Being around your friends
· Nicknames
· Listening to others whine and complain
· Not knowing what's going on
· Being alone for too long
· Wasting time
June 22 - July 22
The Plus Side
You are very kind and you regard your friends like they are your family. You are very patient, gentle and compassionate to others, and are the first one to give a friend a hug when they have had a bad day. You truly care when friends tell you their problems. If you have a younger sibling, you are very protective of them because you love your family so much!
The Flip SIde
You tend to be on the shy side! Being shy can be a problem when you really want something and are afraid to speak up. You get your feelings hurt often, and instead of getting to the heart of the matter and fixing it, you tend to let it build up inside. It's okay to tell someone how you are feeling, and with your Cancer care, you will do it with kindness! Also, watch those mood swings!
· Your birthday remembered by friends
· Keeping a photo album
· Hugs
· Collecting things
· Those who forget names and dates
· Having to handle a crisis
· Yelling
· Losing things
July 23 - August 22
The Plus Side
Your sunny disposition is always a happy sight! You are fun and playful and enjoy being around people who are exciting. You always liven up a party and you make a great cheerleader for your friends! You are the first to say, "You can do it!" or "Wow! You did a great job!" You are also ambitious and know you must work hard so you can play hard!
The Flip SIde
You like to be noticed! While it's often a good thing to stand out in a crowd, you sometimes get pouty if you feel that others don't appreciate what you have done. You give a lot of praise to others, and you expect it back in return! Don't get your feelings hurt if they don't gush over how wonderful you are... inside they know you are terrific!
· Being active
· Sincere compliments
· Fashionable clothes
· Being outside
· Being bored
· Being laughed at
· Last year's trends
· Being cooped up
August 23 - September 22
The Plus Side
You have a hard working, dedicated personality that wants perfection in all you do. You are a loyal friend who is very considerate of other people's feelings. Because you are very organized, you make the perfect party planner! You love reading books and magazines on a regular basis. Cleanliness and a healthy lifestyle are important to you.
The Flip SIde
Since you want to be perfect in all you do, you are often very hard on yourself and never happy with anything you are working on. This can make you cranky and irritable, nervous and worried. Listen to your friends when they tell you you've done a great job!
· Being on time
· Using fancy soaps and shampoos
· Making lists
· Small animals
· Crowds and noisy places
· Leaving the top off of the toothpaste
· People who move your things
· Sitting for too long