
Age: 43
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burai us mein bhi nahi .... but yun nazam perhney ka maza aata hai
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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Smooth_daddy said:

one correction though, Jesus was not Jew. He was/is a Muslim

Yeah i agree He is Muslim and he will come bak to this earth as a UMATI of Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Posted 23 Aug 2006



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Muslims are required by God to believe in all of the Prophets. These include Jesus and John the Baptist peace be upon them. The Quran, the Islamic holy book, also instructs Muslims to believe in the books revealed to every Prophet as well. The book given to Jesus is called Injeel in the Quran.

* Muslims love Jesus. We also love Abraham, Moses, and Noah, to name just a few other Prophets Muslims revere. May God's peace be upon all of these great messengers of God.

* Muslims also love the mother of Jesus, the Virgin Mary. We believe she was a pious and noble woman chosen over all of the women of the world.

* Muslims believe that Jesus was born miraculously of a virgin mother and no father. His birth is miraculous like the birth of Adam, the first human being, who was created with neither mother nor father.

* Muslims do not believe that Jesus was the son of God. God is so powerful and self-sufficient that He does not need a son or any kind of partner.

* Jesus did not die on the cross. Rather, God saved him as his enemies were confused about him. Jesus was taken up by God to Heaven.

* Jesus performed miracles by the Will of God, like healing the blind and those with leprosy.

*   Jesus prayed to the same God as all Prophets and we pray to.

* Jesus will return before the end of the world.
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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woh tu sab kehtey hain ..........k woh udas hain per koi hum jaisa nahi
Posted 23 Aug 2006


Age: 43
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arey kiyoon nahi kar rahey

Posted 23 Aug 2006

Topic: required...


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yani yeh wakai mein song nahi hai
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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ah is duniya mein eik hum hee udas hain
rotey hoye hian

Posted 23 Aug 2006


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reading an article and posting
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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kahay ka intezar aur kab tak ka intezar
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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raaz hotey hee hamesha intresting hain
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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hein kaun hai 6 years ka ??
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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Thz Dear
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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but hmmmmmm is still dere
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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well jo bhi hoya game k liye acha nahi hoya
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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i think so
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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so na koi janey k kaun jeetey ga yahan
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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Several motives have been suggested for the U.S. government to fake the moon landings - some of the recurrent elements are:
Distraction - The U.S. government benefited from a popular distraction to take attention away from the Vietnam war. Lunar activities did abruptly stop, with planned missions cancelled, around the same time that the US ceased its involvement in the Vietnam War.
Cold War Prestige - The U.S. government considered it vital that the U.S. win the space race with the USSR. Going to the Moon, if it was possible, would have been risky and expensive. It would have been much easier to fake the landing, thereby ensuring success.
Money - NASA raised approximately 30 billion dollars pretending to go to the moon. This could have been used to pay off a large number of people, providing significant motivation for complicity. In variations of this theory, the space industry is characterized as a political economy, much like the military industrial complex, creating fertile ground for its own survival.
Risk - The available technology at the time was such that there was a good chance that the landing might fail if genuinely attempted.
The Soviets, with their own competing moon program and an intense economic and political and military rivalry with the USA, could be expected to have cried foul if the USA tried to fake a Moon landing. Theorist Ralph Rene responds that shortly after the alleged Moon landings, the USA silently started shipping hundreds of thousands of tons of grain as humanitarian aid to the allegedly starving USSR. He views this as evidence of a cover-up, the grain being the price of silence. (The Soviet Union in fact had its own Moon program).

Proponents of the Apollo hoax suggest that the Soviet Union, and latterly Russia, and the United States were allied in the exploration of space, during the Cold war and after. The United States and the former Soviet Union today routinely engage in cooperative space ventures, as do many other nations that are popularly believed to be enemies. However, this suggestion is challenged by the impression of intense international competition that was under way during the Cold War and is not supported by the accounts of participants on either side of the Iron Curtain. Many argue that the fact that the Soviet Union and other Communist bloc countries, eager to discredit the United States, have not produced any contrary evidence to be the single most significant argument against such a hoax. Soviet involvement might also implausibly multiply the scale of the conspiracy, to include hundreds of thousands of conspirators of uncertain loyalty. http://www.reference.com/browse/wiki/Apollo_moon_landing_hoa x_accusations
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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but aab apkee kaunsa age hai skool janey walee
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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no body is doing ru ru now
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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hum ajayein apko daraney
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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pardey mein rehney do .. parda na uthayo ......parda jo uth gaya tu bhaid khul jaye ga .........
Posted 23 Aug 2006

Topic: Bolly Mania!!


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Posted 23 Aug 2006


Age: 43
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Uff sam bhaiya gusa na karien hum kuch kartey hain
Posted 23 Aug 2006

Topic: ~ Princess


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waisey sall bhi kissi had tak theek hai
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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hanji aab bata hee do
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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plz no hmmming all around
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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bata do
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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chalein ji aaj kal mein i ll post sum kewl pix
Posted 23 Aug 2006


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hum ko tu jawab ka intezar hai
Posted 23 Aug 2006


Age: 43
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hmmm boley tu ....
Posted 23 Aug 2006