dost19 said:one moreee
I wrote your name in the sky
But the wind blew it away
i wrote your name in the sand
But the waves washed it away
I wrote your name in my heart
And forever it will stay
2HOT4U said:"If I could, I would spend my whole life watching you or waiting for you. But we both know that can’t happen. If I could, I’d spent everyday with you making you smile, making you feel beautiful, be there for you when you fall and watching you while you stared at me. I know you will be loved and I know you will find happiness, I just wish I were the one to provide you with it. I can’t do anything… I’m on the verge of helplessness.
I will disappear from your sight, but I’ll always be sneaking glances at you whenever I can. I will never call you but your voice will be playing in my head everyday. I will never write to you but will imagine what you are doing at every minute of the day. I don’t want a single thing from you but just because I can’t be with you doesn’t mean I have to crush my feelings. I’m devoting my life to you but I want you to forget me. Easier said than done, I know very well, but try. You won’t understand but it’s a fruitless war trying to be with me. I am not with myself, how can someone else be? I never wanted to say it to you because if I did, it would become more real, but I will now anyway. I love you, with all my heart, always had and always will. Never think I didn’t, because that would be the biggest lie to live with."
Aww....... &n bsp;