All replies posted by ~khushi~
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
tania said: would you leave home? this is something which is happneing in our lifes or in those people lifes which are really close to us. know days dughters go to college or uni and find some guy start its starts to get serious and one day they tell her mum dad. mum dad disagree and thats is all years of love and everything they throw it away and leave home just coz of one boy they leave everything mum dad family friends those people who are very imported to them they leave and that is they bad worse days start happening. what would u say on this topic and what would you do? every girl and son needs they parents blessing when they start new life if you dont get they blessing your life is hell do you agree or disagree?
wuteva da reason cud b but i can neva think of leaving home, my parents n my siblings
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
Bazigaar said: sorry but mae ne to love ke baray mae sochna he choor diya hae
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
wud dat make u happy mishale?
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
she is but it suits her
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
Bazigaar said:
~khushi~ said: congrats
humain khushi hoye lol humain sun kar khushi hoi
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
wots ur name dolly?
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
search on google
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
search on google
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
planning my trip to portugal
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
at work but having a break
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
yep choice apni apni i think ayesha thakia is betta dan amrita rao
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
i luv da way u talk balish how old r u?
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
lol its true yaar bhot garmi hai
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
oye fragi where da hell have ya been long time no see
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
Bazigaar said: lo je kar lo baat
konsi baat?
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
feelin hot hot :p
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
stretchy jean wid top
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
havin lunch
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
lol shaista
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
da gal in tarzan da wonder car, dil maange more and socha na tha
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
v. interesting feedback in my opinion if love is one sided den it is most proabably infatuation
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
last nite i saw a cute girl about few days old in my arms.. as if its mine.. im feeding her. playing wid her. loving her. i know it means sumthing nice and prbably gonna get a gud news.
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
its not smart its mercedes a class
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
kon sarial?
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
yeh i will post a pic of ma car very soon
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
wot kinda probs? if u trust each other phir to problem nahi honi chahiye?
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
aur agar na hua to?
Age: 125
7714 days old here
Total Posts: 1439
Points: 0
Aruba, Aruba
it was n is same as usual