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Frndship is like a clap it make sound great when we clap with two hands and frndship is strong when two person can understand each orther,and that two person are u and me ... thanks for being my frnd.....
Posted 29 May 2009


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Met u, became friends, had fun, freaked out, shared secrets, fought wid u,over u,for u, cried 4 u,wid u, teased u, hurt u, missed u, n here m stil thinking of u. Long journey huh? Will never let it end, right? Just wanted you to know that Dear friend, you are valued
Posted 29 May 2009


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Beleive not only in yourself, but beleive in your friends as well for it is in the eye"s of your friends that you discover yourself."
Posted 29 May 2009


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Posted 29 May 2009


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A Special poem 4 u, Forgetting U is hard to do, Forgetting me is up to u, Forget me not, Forget me never N u"ll have a lovable Friend 4 ever...."
Posted 29 May 2009


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friends are the combination of our parents ,good books,teachers,etc.,So everyone must try to get a very good friend & be a good friend
Posted 29 May 2009


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Frndship is like a clap it make sound great when we clap with two hands and frndship is strong when two person can understand each orther,and that two person are u and me ... thanks for being my frnd.....
Posted 29 May 2009


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Down in the valley, carved on the rock. 3 little words forget me not u met me as a strangre, i took u as a friend lets hope we make a frienship i heaven where frndship nevre ends
Posted 29 May 2009


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Miles and Smiles are made 4m same letters. But u know the difference?? A Smile on ur face keeps me happy even though i"m miles away from u."
Posted 29 May 2009


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someone who made me sad
Posted 29 May 2009


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funny cheetu
Posted 29 May 2009


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Posted 29 May 2009


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Posted 29 May 2009


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Posted 29 May 2009


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Pulse Rates
Everyone's pulse (average heart rate per minute) changes as we age. Here is a chart of average pulse rates at different ages:

Age Pulse
Newborn 130
3 months 140
6 months 130
1 year 120
2 years 115
3 years 100
4 years 100
6 years 100
8 years 90
12 years 85
adult 60 - 100
Posted 28 May 2009


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The heart is divided into four chambers:

1. right atrium (RA)
2. right ventricle (RV)
3. left atrium (LA)
4. left ventricle (LV)

The heart is divided into four chambers.
Each chamber has a sort of one-way valve at its exit that prevents blood from flowing backwards. When each chamber contracts, the valve at its exit opens. When it is finished contracting, the valve closes so that blood does not flow backwards.

5. The tricuspid valve is at the exit of the right atrium.
6. The pulmonary valve is at the exit of the right ventricle.
7. The mitral valve is at the exit of the left atrium.
8. The aortic valve is at the exit of the left ventricle.

When the heart muscle contracts or beats (called systole), it pumps blood out of the heart. The heart contracts in two stages. In the first stage, the right and left atria contract at the same time, pumping blood to the right and left ventricles. Then the ventricles contract together to propel blood out of the heart. Then the heart muscle relaxes (called diastole) before the next heartbeat. This allows blood to fill up the heart again.

The right and left sides of the heart have separate functions. The right side of the heart collects oxygen-poor blood from the body and pumps it to the lungs where it picks up oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. The left side of the heart then collects oxygen-rich blood from the lungs and pumps it to the body so that the cells throughout your body have the oxygen.
Posted 28 May 2009


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The Human Heart

The heart is a hollow, cone-shaped muscle located between the lungs and behind the sternum (breastbone). Two-thirds of the heart is located to the left of the midline of the body and 1/3 is to the right

The heart is a hollow, cone-shaped muscle located between the lungs and behind the sternum (breastbone).

Heart Sounds

When someone listens to your heart with a stethoscope the sound is often described as lub-dub lub-dub. The first heart sound (lub) is caused by the acceleration and deceleration of blood and a vibration of the heart at the time of the closure of the tricuspid and mitral valves. The second heart sound (dub) is caused by the same acceleration and deceleration of blood and vibrations at the time of closure of the pulmonic and aortic valves.

The apex (pointed end) points down and to the left. It is 5 inches (12 cm) long, 3.5 inches (8-9 cm) wide and 2.5 inches (6 cm) from front to back, and is roughly the size of your fist. The average weight of a female human heart is 9 ounces and a male's heart is 10.5 ounces. The heart comprises less than 0.5 percent of the total body weight.

The heart has three layers. The smooth, inside lining of the heart is called the endocardium. The middle layer of heart muscle is called the myocardium. It is surrounded by a fluid filled sac call the pericardium.
Posted 28 May 2009


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1: Reference: The World Factbook '09

What would take an iPhone app from release to number one in less than a week? How about the opportunity to have the world at your fingertips, or the chance to impress your friends with interesting information about Auckland, or a quick satellite view of Gabon? The World Factbook '09 shot up Apple's most popular paid application rankings fast, because it seemingly puts the whole world in your hands.

With detailed information on more than 250 countries and territories, you're sure to discover something interesting every time you launch the app. In addition to the basic information you would expect, such as population, imports/exports and land mass, the World Factbook '09 includes political information, military issues and up-to-date details on specific areas of the world whose status has not been resolved, such as the Middle East.

By linking directly with Google Maps, World Factbook '09 allows you view satellite images and maps of specific areas of interest in any country. This is a great app to have on hand when you're watching the news. And free updates are included, so you'll always have the latest facts on hand.
Posted 28 May 2009


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2: Relaxing: Karma Art

Let's say you've got some time to kill, or things are getting a bit tense. Imagine if your iPhone could help you relax and pass the time. And, you could create something fun to send a friend or your significant other. That's what Karma Art is all about. It's simple, fun and won't tax your tired brain. Not even a little.

Begin by choosing from eight background textures, and then add elements from categories such as transportation, people, animals, scenery, clouds and more. The developer promises many more design elements in future releases.

You can resize and move the design elements to your heart's desire. When you tilt the phone, the image automatically adjusts from portrait to landscape mode. Finally, pop up the on-screen keyboard, add a special message, save your artwork and e-mail it to someone important.

It's fun, it's easy and you don't have to know how to draw. Nice.
Posted 28 May 2009


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3: Social Networking: Twitterfon

When it comes to social networking, Twitter is one of the hottest sites around, and has become the online home for celebrities, politicians, sports figures and lots of folks like you and me.

Twitter is a simple concept. The key element of the site is the "tweet," a 140-character answer to the question "what are you doing?" If you care about what a certain person (tweeter?) is up to, you can follow them with a single click. It's a simple and fast way to keep up to date with friends, stars and even the White House.

Twitterfon is an easy to use app that enables you to read other people's tweets and send your own. It includes support for all major Twitter features, such as links and direct messaging. Using the iPhone as a Twitter machine somehow seems right, given the simplicity and speed of the site itself. Launch Twitterfon and see the latest entries instantly. Oh, and did we mention Twitterfon is free?
Posted 28 May 2009


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4: Reading: Stanza

Digital reading devices have been around for a long time, but they never really caught on until Amazon introduced the Kindle. This device downloads books from a selection of thousands and displays them in a readable, clean interface. There's a Kindle app for the iPhone and it works extremely well. But, there's another reading program that has legions of dedicated users, can be downloaded for free and includes access to thousands of classic book titles at no charge. This may explain why this application was recently acquired by Amazon.com.

Stanza makes reading on your iPhone easy. While there is nothing the app can do to make the screen larger, the interface gets the most readability out of the space available. You may find that, once you read a few pages and begin getting involved in the book, you completely forget about screen size.

Stanza provides access to more than 50,000 titles for purchase from the Fictionwise eReader store. Prepare to be amazed by the number of books, newspapers and publications available for free. In addition, more than 50,000 items can also be downloaded at no cost from Project Gutenberg, Feedbooks and other sources. A particular favorite is a site called "Now a Major Motion Picture!" Here you'll find dozens of free books that became popular movies.

Install Stanza, download a bunch of good books and curl up with your iPhone.
Posted 28 May 2009


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5: Music Making: iShred LE

iPods and iPhones were invented to play music, not make it. Many developers have tried to create apps to help you make music on the iPhone, with limited success. As a result, you can turn your iPhone into any number of musical instruments, including a cowbell, triangle, guitar and even an ocarina. Technically, these apps make music, but in most cases, it's not something you'd want to send off to a recording company in search of a contract. There is one app, however, that could actually make this possible. Well, almost.

iShred LE takes iPhone guitar apps to new levels of reality and utility. Even the best guitar player will appreciate the breadth of sound options available. What truly sets iShred LE apart, however, is that the developers designed the interface so you play it the way the iPhone works. Strum or pick out a tune with one finger and play chords using a series of buttons above the digital fret board. They didn't duplicate a guitar for the iPhone, they created a guitar for the iPhone.

The app uses actual guitar sound samples and passes them through your choice of eight effects pedals and a simulated amplifier. Play with the effects pedals to your heart's content, or choose from several pre-set styles including Heavy Metal, Psychedelic 60s, Surf's Up, Area 51 and New Waver.

For even more capabilities, you can move up to an enhanced version that allows you to create your own chords, select an actual model of amplifier, use multiple effects and more. The fact is, there's a guitar superstar lurking in almost everyone. iShred LE is a fun way to set yours free.
Posted 28 May 2009


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6: Lifestyle: Urbanspoon

A great app can make your life easier and more fun at the same time. Urbanspoon solves a problem that has vexed mankind throughout the ages: where to eat.

Urbanspoon uses a creative, clever interface, combined with an extensive database, to suggest restaurants that meet your criteria for type of food, location and cost. Or, if you're completely undecided, just give it a shake and see what comes up.

Urbanspoon uses the iPhone's GPS capability to determine your current location. If you prefer, you can also enter a city manually. Fire it up and you'll find a main screen that looks like a slot machine with three tumblers. On the left is a list of local cities. In the center, various restaurant styles such as Italian, Chinese or American. Or you can choose categories such as fast food, sandwiches or pizza. The right tumbler provides a guide to the expected cost using a scale of one to four dollar signs.

Shake your iPhone and the tumblers begin to spin, stopping on a random item in each column. You can also freeze any column to limit the choices. When the tumblers stop, a restaurant suggestion appears at the bottom. Tap the name and you will see a page describing the facility and, when available, showing an actual menu. You can call the restaurant with a single tap or view a map showing its location. Google Maps is available to provide driving directions.

Other cool features enable you to share information with friends via e-mail or on Facebook. You can also browse the local database or search for a specific restaurant. No matter which restaurant you choose, however, the bill is still on you.
Posted 28 May 2009


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7: Educational: Wheels on the Bus

There is a relatively recent trend in iPhone apps that's a bit unexpected. The number of apps designed for toddlers and other very young children is exploding. Although some of us might hesitate to hand an iPhone over to a three-year old, the educational and fun aspects of these apps just might make you change your mind. Although you'll still want to be nearby…just in case.

Wheels on the Bus does a lot of things babies and young kids find fascinating. In fact, many users have reported problems getting their phone back from the toddler when a call comes in.

As the name implies, Wheels on the Bus is based on the popular children's song. In this case, however, you can choose to hear it in one of five languages. Each section of the song (such as "the wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish") is sung as a special page is displayed. Each page includes small elements that move or make sounds when the child touches them. The wipers, for example, go back and forth. The child can move from page to page by touching arrows at the bottom of each screen.

Thise app appears to have just the right number of elements for young children, who will learn how to get things moving quite easily. If you don't mind hearing the song over and over again, Wheels on the Bus will be both fun and educational for the younger set.
Posted 28 May 2009


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8: Telephone: A Special Phone

When you get right down to it, the iPhone is, well, a phone. You would expect there to be tons of apps to make calling easier -- and there are. The goal of this app, however, is to make it easier for blind or visually impaired individuals to do something most of us pretty much take for granted: make a phone call.

A Special Phone -- Adaptive Keyboard is a very long name for a deceptively simple application. The ingenious functionality of this program makes you think, "Why didn't someone think of this before?"

The application enables users to set up a list of up to six contacts that can be called by simply shaking the phone. In addition, users can record themselves saying the name of each contact and upload a photo. When you shake the phone, it announces the contact name and waits two seconds before placing the call. To call the third contact on your list, for example, shake the phone three times until the correct name is spoken.

This elegant and useful application makes it much easier for visually impaired people to place calls. It is also useful for anyone who needs to place a call without looking at the phone.
Posted 28 May 2009


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9: Utilities: 9-Tool Box

The cool-factor associated with carrying what amounts to a pocket-size computer around with you is pretty high. But, if your wiz-bang device can actually help you do stuff; well, now you have a cupcake beneath all that icing. The app 9-Tool Box, from e2ndesign, includes 9 (actually 10 -- they added one right before release) utilities to help simplify your day.

Here's what's included in the app:

Currency -- Currency converts among 161 currencies.

Date Calc -- If your in-laws are due to arrive in 23 days, this utility can help select the right date for your "unexpected business trip."

Days Until -- This utility provides a countdown to any important date you enter.

Holidays -- When is Memorial Day this year? This utility provides a calendar of holidays in 83 countries.

Two Inclinometer -- This utility does other level apps one better by including both a surface and bubble level. Data are provided in degrees, percent and pitch.

Loan -- Tap in the required data and Loan provides details on payment amount, payment schedule, monthly interest, total interest and total repayment amount.

My Girl's Day -- This clever app helps women track and estimate their menstrual cycle to provide critical information for healthcare and family planning purposes.

Tip Calc -- Calculates a tip based on the percentage you choose with or without taxes.

Units -- This app instantly converts units for area, distance, pressure, temperature, volume and weight.

Price Grab -- Enter the total price and quantity of any item and the app provides a unit price.
Posted 28 May 2009


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10: Games: Glyder

It won't surprise you to learn there are literally thousands of games available for the iPhone. There are classics reborn, easy time wasters and highly complex, graphics-intensive supergames designed to satisfy even the most ardent gamer. We decided to go for something unique.

Glyder is a game that combines skill and cunning with a touch of elegance not typically found in this genre. The magical graphics flow smoothly, our hero Eryn glides effortlessly and the music is like nothing you've ever heard in a hand-held game. In short, Glyder is a class act.

Glyder was created by Glu and is designed to test the limits of the iPhone's capabilities. Your character, Eryn, finds herself in a "dimensional rift" with only her amazing flying apparatus. To get home, she must collect crystals while flying through a fantastic landscape.

The game begins with Eryn standing on a platform overlooking an incredible, magical environment. Simply tap the screen and Eryn takes to her wings. Flight is controlled by tilting the iPhone in the direction you wish to go. Catch available updrafts to gain height and dive to pick up speed.

With Glyder, Glu has created something amazing. A game that is at once challenging and relaxing. Glide on, Eryn!
Posted 28 May 2009


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How do I unstick my fingers?

Let's say you're repairing some broken pottery and before you can say "Whoops," you've glued your index finger to your thumb! The recommended first aid treatment for this is:

1.Soaking hands
Scrape off any excess glue. Don't use cloth or tissue -- a chemical reaction between the fabric and glue could potentially cause burns or smoke.
2. Soak the bonded fingers in a bath of warm, soapy water.
3. Don't try forcing the fingers apart, or you'll tear the skin.
4. After soaking, use some kind of dull, rounded utensil to carefully wedge the fingers apart.
5. If you see no immediate success with this, drop a little acetone (found in nail polish remover) on the area. Again try wedging the digits apart.

At first, the thought of someone getting Super glue on his or her mouth seems pretty outlandish. But, let's face it a lot of us have a bad habit of using our teeth to wrench or twist off particularly stubborn caps. Say you do that with the top of the tube of glue and, presto, you've given an entirely new meaning to the phrase "zip it." In order to unzip those lips, your options on what to do are a little more limited:

* Since you're dealing with an area on the face, do not use acetone.
* Using a wide coffee cup or bowl, immerse your mouth in hot water.
* You will also want to dampen the bonded skin from the inside of your mouth as much as possible.
* Once you sense a loosening of the grip, use a dull, rounded utensil to wedge your mouth open. Be careful not to force it, or you will tear the skin.

If you think cyanoacrylate's ability to repair broken knick-knacks is super, wait until you hear about its other tricks. An interesting application is the use of cyanoacrylate to close wounds in place of stitches. Researchers found that by changing the type of alcohol in super glue, from ethyl or methyl alcohol to butyl or octyl, the compound becomes less toxic to tissue. Physicians aren't the only health care providers using cyanacrylate as a pharmacological fixative for their patients. Veterinarians use it too.
Posted 28 May 2009


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Something that all synaesthetes have in common is that particular tones or words will always elicit precisely the same colours or tastes.
Psychology experiment shapes
Which one of these shapes is 'bouba' and which one is 'kiki'?

And Professor Spence thinks he can use this to enhance our experience of flavour.

The concept of sharp- and soft-sounding words was introduced in 1929, when Estonian psychologist Wolfgang Kohler designed an experiment that asked people to choose which of two shapes was named "bouba" and which was "kiki".

The vast majority of people choose kiki for the orange angular shape and bouba for the purple rounded shape.

Professor Spence thinks this strange language can influence our taste buds.

Working with world-renowned chef Heston Blumenthal, he is trying to directly combine an auditory experience into a dish.

"We've been giving people dishes and asking them questions about them, including is that food more of a 'bouba' or a 'kiki'? Or is it a 'maluma' or 'takete'?" he told.
Brie and cranberries
Brie is "very maluma" whereas cranberries are "very takete"

He said that two of the best examples are brie, which is "very maluma", whereas cranberries are "very takete".

"The idea is that you get people to take part in the experiment by giving them two plates of food, and saying 'one of these is a takete and one is a maluma,' but not tell them which is which until they've eaten it.

The team may also, he says, make up a few new tasty-sounding words for dishes at Mr Blumenthal's restaurant. "We haven't decided which ones to use yet."
Posted 28 May 2009


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He and his colleagues tested 12 volunteers in trials during which an image flashed up on a screen at a slightly different time to a tone being played.

There were two sets of images: a large and a small black dot, or an angular and a very rounded shape.

The larger dots and more rounded shapes are perceived to "match" the lower-pitched sounds. And this matching and mismatching affected people's performance on the task.

"People are better at discriminating which came first when the sound and shape don't match," explained Professor Spence.

"When the sound and the image didn't match, people found it easier to keep them separate," he said. "Whereas with a congruent pairing - a small dot and a high-pitched sound - the participant's brain seemed to bind them together more."

The team also looked at volunteers' "spatial recognition". They played sounds either the left or right of the image, and discovered that people found it easier to work out which side the sound came from if it did not "match" the image.

It seems our brains may use these synaesthetic associations, says Professor Spence, "to combine all of the different sensory cues that are hitting our receptors at any one time".

"If there are lots of other visual events at the same time, for example, if I'm at a noisy party, how do I know which face goes with which voice?" he asked.

"We can match sights and sounds that come from the same position, or those that happen at the same time, but there are problems with this.

"If you think about thunder and lightning - as things get further away from us, the sound of the thunder gets separated from the visual event of the lightning.

"And if I move my head but not my eyes, or move my eyes but not my head, that's going to introduce some misalignment between my ears and eyes - between hearing and vision.

"So this synaesthetic correspondence is a third thing that the brain can use."

The idea of a particular word "sounding" sharp or soft - is not new. But this is the first time it has been shown to directly affect the perception of "non-synaesthetes".
Posted 28 May 2009