Rapunzel said:
~tasha~ said:
Rapunzel said:u r not
i am
u mean u r clever
Rapunzel said:
~tasha~ said:
noooo uuuuuuuu
ooh no dear
Rapunzel said:
Lub U
Rapunzel said:
~tasha~ said:
Rapunzel said:
yeah soon there will be new morning
let the sun shines in
But Sun shine is sleeping
Rapunzel said:
~tasha~ said:
bt kind of
Rapunzel said:
u r supportive
Rapunzel said:
Now Rehan Bhai will again say we are buttering each other
Rapunzel said:
~tasha~ said:
Rapunzel said:
combination of rapu n tashu
wow wow n wow
oh thank u thank U
Rapunzel said:
good going
Rapunzel said:
~tasha~ said:
Rapunzel said:
where is the b/g music
in our minds
ut i cant listen it na