Hi Friends, as u all know that I am a Doctor. I am qualified Practitioner of Homoeopathy. If you or anyone of your family, have some health problems and want Homeopathic treatment then you can tell me. I’ll be there for your help.
I will try to post here some information about the diseases or other problems, for your knowledge. I hope you will be like it.
Age: 124
7871 days old here
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Lahore, Pakistan
Natural Carcinogens in Our Food Though the average American diet may cause about one third of all cancers, we don't know exactly what it is in our food that makes cells turn renegade and begin dividing without restraint. While many people suspect the synthetic compounds added to food—things such as pesticides or preservatives or food coloring—natural culprits probably also play a role.
Although synthetic chemicals present in the diet cannot be ignored as potential carcinogenic risks, it seems likely that it is the naturally occurring compounds in our diet, together with excess fat and total calories, that have the greatest effect on cancer causation and prevention.
For decades, research into the diet-cancer connection focused almost entirely on synthetic chemicals added to food, primarily because federal laws demand that food additives be rigorously tested. But interest in the naturally occurring compounds in foods has grown over the past few years, as researchers have learned that some of these compounds act as carcinogens (i.e., cause cancer). Known natural carcinogens include caffeic acid, found in a variety of plants, and aflatoxins produced by fungi that infest nuts and grains.
Age: 124
7871 days old here
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Lahore, Pakistan
Characterizing the carcinogenic potential of food is a daunting task. Your diet is an incredibly complex mixture. Even if you ate only raw, organically grown fruits and vegetables, you would take in untold thousands of different compounds each day. As a result of modern agriculture, fertilizer and pesticide residues now commonly appear in food. Preservatives and coloring agents may be added during processing and packaging. And cooking further complicates the mixture—several carcinogens have been isolated from compounds formed when meat is cooked.
The National Research Council asked a committee of 20 scientists, including chemists, toxicologists, oncologists, food scientists, and other experts, to examine the evidence linking diet to cancer. After an exhaustive review, they concluded that the majority of diet-related cancer stems from eating too much fat and too many calories. However, they qualified that conclusion by noting that we have very little information about the roles played by food chemicals in cancer causation and prevention and that much more research must be done.
Through the ages, civilizations have learned to avoid foods containing compounds that are acutely toxic, mostly by seeing people get sick or die soon after eating a particular food. Unfortunately, that sort of shared wisdom doesn't protect against foods that may cause cancer, because the exposure is over many years and there is usually a decades-long latent period before cancer develops.
As cancer rates continue to climb, the link between cancer and diet becomes increasingly important. Cancer causes more than 500,000 deaths in the United States each year. If we had a better understanding of the diet-cancer connection, we could prevent a great deal of suffering and many deaths. Unfortunately, what we currently know is dwarfed by what we don't know:
Age: 124
7871 days old here
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Lahore, Pakistan
So far, chemists have identified only a fraction of the myriad natural compounds in food. And only a fraction of those have been adequately tested for their ability to cause or prevent cancer. The process by which we test a compound to see if it causes cancer—feeding it in relatively high doses to hundreds of laboratory animals—is an important assay, but it is very expensive and doesn't necessarily tell us if the compound will cause cancer in humans. (Different species and individuals differ in their susceptibility to cancer-causing chemicals.) Nor does it tell us if it will cause cancer at the doses found in the diet, or when mixed with all the other compounds in the human diet. Finally, we don't know the precise mechanisms by which many of the chemicals found in food cause or prevent cancer. Even though not all the facts are in, our committee felt it could make several recommendations. Based on the scientific information currently in hand concerning diet and cancer, we feel it is prudent to avoid excess fat, to avoid eating excessive calories each day, and to eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables.
It makes sense to wash your fruits and vegetables before you eat them and to limit exposure to pesticides in other ways. If later research finds that these synthetic compounds do increase cancer risk, then the small effort you expend today may in fact protect your health tomorrow.
Age: 124
7810 days old here
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United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Types of headaches
Headaches are so common that they have become one of life’s routine/problems. They’re so routine that you usually just take a couple of pain relievers, go on about your business and forget about it. But did you know that there are different kinds of headaches?
Tension headaches: These are caused mostly by physical or psychological stress (or both) from muscles contractions around the eyes, face, neck and even shoulders; or an imbalance in some of the naturally occurring neuro-transmitters or brain chemicals.
Cluster headaches: These are also known as histamine caphalgia and cause an excruciating pain on one side of the head around the eye or nose. They may recur several times within a couple of days. Sometimes they are variants of migraine headaches, but may also be due to histamine release, and therefore, be related to allergic sinusitis.
Sinusitis: This inflammation of the lining of one of the eight sinus cavities can cause a deep, dull, chronic ache around the eyes, nose and head.
TMJ pain: Temporomandibular Joint pain is the result of an imbalance in the teeth or jaws resulting from a mechanical problem or muscle contraction around the joint where the lower jaw joins the face (on the side of the cheekbone in front of the ear).
Rebound headache: Overuse of pain medication, caffeine or sedatives causes rebound headaches when these substances wear off. The result is usually greater discomfort. Mild to moderate dull pain, or diffuse pain over the forehead or back of the head is what can be experienced.
Migraine headaches: These are severe, debilitating and recurrent, are accompanied by disturbances of vision and/or nausea and vomiting. There is no single cause of migraine. It tends to run in families, but the exact mechanism of inheritance is not understood. In a susceptible person, a migraine may be brought on singly or in combination by stress, food (particularly chocolate, cheese and other dairy products, red wine, fried food and citrus fruits), sensory related factors (bright light, glare, loud noises), menstruation or birth control pills. Next time you get a headache, think about what type it might be and this might help in determining the proper cure.
Age: 124
7810 days old here
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United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
What Is Depression?
Depression is an illnessthat involves feelings of sadness lasting for two weeks or longer, often accompanied by a loss of interest in life, hopelessness, and decreased energy. Such distressing feelings can affect one's ability to perform the usual tasks and activities of daily living.
This is considered to be clinical depression. It is very different from a temporary case of "the blues" triggered by an unhappy event or stressful situation. Depression affects the mind, but this doesn't mean "it's all in your head." Depression is a medical illness linked to changes in the biochemistry of the brain.
Depression is not a weakness of character. Being depressed doesn't mean a person is inadequate. It means the person has a medical illness that is just as real as diabetes or ulcers. Like other medical disorders, clinical depression should not be ignored or dismissed. A clinically depressed person cannot simply "snap out of it" any more than a person with an ulcer could simply will it away.
But depression is highly treatable in the vast majority of cases. Up to 90% of depressed people respond positively to treatment. Sometimes psychotherapy or counseling is all that is needed, but there is also a wide array of effective antidepressant medications and alternatives available.
Clinical depression is an umbrella term used to describe the most common forms of depression, which include:
Major depression, also known as melancholia or unipolar depression, can last up to a year if not treated. A person experiencing an episode of major depression will experience some physical problems, such as headaches or digestive upset, in addition to emotional difficulties.
Bipolar disorder, once called manic depression, causes mood swings that soar to unusual elation, and then plummet to depression. A person with severe bipolar disorder may also see or hear things that are not there and experience paranoia (a feeling that they are in danger).
Dysthymia is a chronic (ongoing), low-grade depression. It often begins in childhood or adolescence and may last for many years in adulthood if not treated. It is a less severe form of clinical depression, but at times it can be almost as disabling as major depression.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a form of depression thought to be triggered by a decrease in exposure to sunlight. In the Northern Hemisphere, the condition usually occurs in late fall and winter, when daylight hours are short, and it is more common in geographical areas that have four clearly defined seasons.
Nice To Know:
Perhaps nowhere is the connection between mind, body, wellness, and illness more striking than in depression. It is now believed that human emotions, including sadness, elation, and anxiousness, are governed to some extent by chemical reactions in the brain. That is only the beginning. Scientists have only recently begun to unravel the complex interplay between factors that contribute to depression. Illness, heredity, psychological traits, and social environment are all believed to play a role.
Facts about depression
Depression affects nearly 17 million Americans. It is the most common mental illness, yet fewer than half of depressed people seek help. Depression affects one in five people at some point in their life.
It is the leading cause of suicide.
It reportedly afflicts twice as many women as men (although some observers speculate that this could be because fewer men admit they need treatment). Depression affects four times as many people over age 65 as those in other age groups.
Depression has affected countless accomplished people throughout history, including Abraham Lincoln, Ernest Hemingway, Peter Tchaikovsky, Charles Dickens, Virginia Woolf, and Mary Shelley.
The number of people who experience depression has increased with every generation since World War II.
Nice To Know
Facts about the form of depression known as bipolar disorder:
Bipolar disorder occurs in about one in 10 people with clinical depression.
It usually begins before the age of 30.
It strikes men and women equally.
It is twice as likely as major depression to run in families.
Bipolar disorder triggers more frequent and severe episodes of illness than does major depression.
Queen of jb
Age: 125
7393 days old here
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Virgin Islands, Virgin Islands
Queen Victoria said:
Queen of jb said:
ye khabar chapwado akhbar main poster lagwado bazar main..............
do u think it is a funny topic???????
Uttna serious bhi nahi hai hospitals main bhi mazak chalta hai, hai kae nahi Aur app kon sa yahan operation karne lagi hain. ... ...... kabhi koi serious baat hoi tu zaror discus karon gi aur halka phulka mazak tu chalta rehta hai...............
Age: 124
7871 days old here
Total Posts: 26285
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Lahore, Pakistan
yeah but sear halkay phulkay mazaq karnay k liye bohat say topics hain jahan chit chat chalti hai....iss topic main yeh na hi ho to topic ka maqsad hasil ho ga. but khuda na khuwasta aap ko koi health problem ho aur aap discuss karna chaho to most welcome