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Age: 125
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Pakistan, Pakistan
IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE BENEFICENT, THE MERCIFUL. Please proceed with the short Darood-e-pak from the heart. ALLAHUMA SALLE ALA MUHAMMADIN-WA ALA AALE MUHAMMADIN KAMASALLAITA ALA IBRAHIMA WA ALA AALE IBRAHIMA INNAKA HAMEEDUM MAJEED ! ASSALAM O ALAIKUM WA RAHMAT ULLAH HI WABARAKATUHU WA MUGHFIRATUHU sisters ! This information is specially for those who have neglected the Hijaab(pardah) which is not only clearly described in The Holy Quran but also in number of Hadiths.Please read carefully and find in which category you lie . Everything in Islam is due to some reason . Hijaab has a no. of benefits , the most important of which is that it leads to the end of a lot of "shar" which prevails in the society due to its absence.
Posted 28 Aug 2004

Ashii says
Posted 28 Aug 2004

BadShaH1 says
One thing id like to see ..
wid all my heart
is Pakistani women wearing hijab
and then proceed with the pakistan men.

Men develop respect automatically when they see a hijabed women for her. then there will also be no complaints of men teasing girls outside.
Posted 29 Aug 2004

Ashii says

no comments...............................

do u think in saudia or afghanistan, where all women wear hijab, men respect them more
Posted 29 Aug 2004

friend_16 says
jinhein respect kerni hote hai .. wo her larki ko kertay hein jinhein nahi .. wo..
Posted 29 Aug 2004

dost19 says
Posted 29 Aug 2004

BadShaH1 says

SAIL and Dost..
ab esi bewaqoofi ki batein to na kero
jinhein respect kerni hoti hei!!!!!
jo respect kerwaye ga ussi ki respect hogi itna to samaghne ke lie easy hei.

and yeah
sall iv lived half ov my life in SAUDIA ARABia
and im so proud that its a single country (wid IRAn) where hijaab is taken into account.

by the way REspect se kia matlab lia gayah hei?
Posted 01 Sep 2004

Ashii says
hmm,, okk then just tell me one thing

y all paki famillies living in saudia send their galz to pak for higher studies ??

2nd thing...
respect means,,, "insan ki nazar"
the way a man look at a gal/woman,,, chahe uss ne hijab pehna ho chahe kuch bhi.....

"buron k saath bura karna sawab ka kaam hai kya??"
Posted 02 Sep 2004

subha says
Posted 03 Sep 2004

Hijab is an outcome, a tool and a state of mind, which does not happen in a vacuum or by any order or force. It is an outcome of Haya (pious shyness / modesty) for it be a guy or a gal. The heart that overflows with belief in Allah and the certainty of meeting with Him on the last day will observe commandmands with passion. Ironic is that we expect women to wear hijab while hearts of men longing for hlaf-clothed women and they tend to fulfill their desires one way or the other. How would it happen when physical appearance wages higher in the sight of men when it comes to choosing life parterners. Of course, girls compete each other to get men's attention and fare to gain it with what men like to see. When virtuous, pious and respectful women were sought after as home-makers, women were competing in righteousness, and now, when the opposite is sought after, you will find only fewer upholding righteousness.
Hijaab is for both, men and women. Let men lower their gaze and curb their desires and replace it with rememberance of Allah and the certain appointment with Him that one could be called on to without prior notice. You will see hijaab prevail in the society.
Posted 03 Sep 2004

Ashii says
smooth dady

that was my point,, but not much ppl get it
Posted 03 Sep 2004

Thanks Sall!
So I should understand that you will be a proponent of Haya and Iman and lead with an example!

Make it two, I will join you inviting fellows to it. Let this virtous work begin here at JB. Are there others who want to join the ranks of Sall?

Posted 03 Sep 2004

Ashii says
well i dont wear hijaab, and not sure for the futur
but im sure abt my believes and imaan, no doubt abt it
coz im not like a "bogo monkey" who follows something wthout understanding it

my only pb is,,, if ever i have a doubt i keep trying till i understand it

hmm,, it s not that bad as a start
Posted 03 Sep 2004

As I said, hijaab comes from inside. someone wears it without believing in it gets very little benefit from it-likes of those who wear it with no modesty in their clothes, behavior and attitude.
I am quite sure you are a strong believer. Let this believe reach another level thru worship, invocation and matching actions.
Posted 03 Sep 2004

Ashii says
im trying,,,,,,,
to change myslef first of all and then y not this world
although all these ppl make me sick

may Allah miyan shows us the right path,,
Posted 03 Sep 2004

Ameen and out
Posted 03 Sep 2004

BadShaH1 says
okay guyz

listen up
specially Sall
no offense but u have a impression that u r sick of all the men in this world
as for Saudia... guyz have to come here for study also after Fsc!!

And smooth daddy.
iv seen most of the men decent.Yes i also agree that men should lower there eyes
Girls alwayz complain abot mens strange behaviour
but never do take any measures to make it alter

and yes Men like Beautiful women! but it is not NECESSARY TO SHOW UR BEAUTY ALL AROUND THE CITY...because it is alowwed for the man to see the women before marriage.
Posted 04 Sep 2004

Ashii says
that u r sick of all the men in this world
RITE,, let s b more precise, i hate all pakis
tell me one reason to like em...

Men like Beautiful women
then im sure u understant that woman like handsome man too

it is alowwed for the man to see the women before marriage
wot do u mean by "see the woman" ??
any woman or just the one he s going to marry ??

btw woman s allowed to see the man she s going to marry too

well all i want to say is,, im not against HIJAB
not at all yar
but saying that man respect woman wearing hijab is not true
coz a woman not wearing hijab will b punished, i agree
but man s bad NIYAAT depends only on his own thoughts

not only at JB, but everywhere we can read articles abt woman should do this and that,, even in our families we teach gals to not to talk with guyz...

but wot abt guyz ??
wont they b judge after death ??
Posted 04 Sep 2004

BadShaH1 says

this is plain discussion!

yeah the bride and groom can select each other.

men will also be judged, who sayz they wont be

....leave it .. we cant change others idea by talk.iv learned that,not u mine and not i urs

its GoD who makes contact with the person when he wishes!
Posted 08 Sep 2004

pak-gal says
sooooo CUTE!!!!!!

Posted 10 Sep 2004

Ashii says

"men will also be judged, who sayz they wont be"
heheheee.. logon ko dekh k to aisa nahi lagta

"its GoD who makes contact with the person when he wishes"
hmm,, easy to say,, we must deserve HIS attention

hmm forget it....
Posted 10 Sep 2004

BadShaH1 says

SALL ye bachi ke liey tha ya merey liey!
Posted 12 Sep 2004

Ashii says
wot do u think
Posted 13 Sep 2004

BadShaH1 says
pata nai, dats why i asked u
Posted 17 Sep 2004

valandrian says
Posted 30 Apr 2018

Posted 15 Sep 2018

Posted 18 Oct 2018

Posted 06 Nov 2018

Posted 17 Nov 2018

vipinkumar says
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Posted 11 Feb 2020

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