okie a couple of friends and i were playing a game last night, it was really funny, we were falling off my sofa laughing, it's like a never ending story, each time you re-ply to this topic you add a little to the story,
so i'll start
One sip on a time, a young Prince called Fragi was walking down the street when he see's a beautfull....
Teen Tracker
Age: 125
7947 days old here
Total Posts: 28886
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Pakistan, Pakistan
ha ha ha yas come back to TT Sis Sofia Appartment and discussed next possible attack of Evils Asian and Sunnnnz.Suddenly door bell rang Sofia opened the door and there was her neighbor Rano holding evening news paper in which headline was terrorist attacks done by two virsu infected EVILs Asian and Sunnnz..
Yas said "yeh dono balain mar kyun nahin jatee take dunya ko sukoon milay" and both get out side to teach them a fine lesson....
Rain Man
Age: 125
7822 days old here
Total Posts: 24391
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United States, United States
but this time TT n Yas were really angry...so they left every explosives aside n picked up the two big damn bazookas...Asian n TT here we come to wipe u out forever...in the news Yas said "i just want the whole world to know me n TT did not started this, but we will finish it"
Age: 37
7781 days old here
Total Posts: 11550
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Police State, Pakistan
it was Asian......"TT DARLING, HOW DO U KILL A DEAD WOMAN, ANSWER: U CAN'T MUHAHAHAHAH", cowering in fear the two Pindos TT and yas stood their, TT with his Pindo clothes and Yas as an snoop dogg wanna be, Asian and sunzz with their wepon Wafa were already in the castle, Yas went on the hunt, comming down the walk way he see's sunzz standing their with a beautfull dress on, se smiles at him as he aims his Bazooka, only to fire, the missile hit what was a mirror and bounced off heading straight for Yas. Yas got blown into a million peices, an evil Laugh came from sunnz as Asian headed towards the master bedroom where TT was hiding.......she wanted to kill
Rain Man
Age: 125
7822 days old here
Total Posts: 24391
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United States, United States
n Then they hear a voice, it was YAS, u can't kill i was dead long ago, i was jus in SRK's body but now u won't even see me...get ready for the worst beating of ur life...hoo hoo hahaha n suddenly TT jumps out with holy water n throws it on Asian since she was a christian she ran away like a chicken POCK POCK POCK POCK
Age: 37
7781 days old here
Total Posts: 11550
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Police State, Pakistan
hayyyyyyyyyyy I'am am not a christian inferdel, okie and i am not a chicken i don't even like KFC, , and TT and yas in Hell sunnz and Asian in hevan munching mangos muuuuuuu mangos munch munch munch munch, BURP
Teen Tracker
Age: 125
7947 days old here
Total Posts: 28886
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Asian dream sequence is over...Now u r in real world. and reality is that Evil powers of Asian ,Sunnz and WAFA has come to an end World is now going to enjoy peace.Yas and TT scarified their life for some good reasons so they are now "Shaheed" ...
Rain Man
Age: 125
7822 days old here
Total Posts: 24391
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United States, United States
it aint done yet janubabe
God has sent TT n Yas back to earth, so we can kill Asian Sunnz n Wafa once again...its time we finish it for good, Asian has munched so many mangoos, she can't even walk so we have to kill her in her sleep...
our new powers
TT = can heal him self... Yas= can kill u in ur nightmare...
so u can't kill TT n to live u can't go to sleep, cuz i'll meet u there...
Age: 125
7611 days old here
Total Posts: 6984
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Pakistan, Pakistan
and shary gave a call to wafa and said..yes they(yas n tt) are coming for the party, plan successful ...YAS n TT will be finished wid their new powerz [email protected]