okie a couple of friends and i were playing a game last night, it was really funny, we were falling off my sofa laughing, it's like a never ending story, each time you re-ply to this topic you add a little to the story,
so i'll start
One sip on a time, a young Prince called Fragi was walking down the street when he see's a beautfull....
Age: 125
7514 days old here
Total Posts: 6323
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Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands
TeenTracker said:
yeh .. Another day was save d by Yas and TT.
This time Evil died before war...
i heard kay ur war was wid undead....n evil never dies...the evil has returned after having some fresh blood... u cant kill the immortal one... THE DRACOOL
Age: 125
7514 days old here
Total Posts: 6323
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Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands
obviously iam the draculia so nobody has the right to be one..iam gonna sue him or her..if anybuddy claimed to be the DRACOOL...then........ u know iam vicious
Teen Tracker
Age: 125
7947 days old here
Total Posts: 28886
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Pakistan, Pakistan
get set go and put that dracula into church.This time fake draculas teeth were broken and he was put into church where he died in very miserable condition now TT and Yas is free to eliminate any other evil left...
Age: 37
7781 days old here
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Police State, Pakistan
yeah tt and yas-d jumped into a bath and eliminated the evil know as dirt because they had NEVER TAKEN A BATH , not to say you guiys were in the same bath , eh okie moving on I AM NOT EVIL OKIE I'AM GOODIE , dracula may be bad but atleast he will stop u from picking on the angels know as rafia sunzz and asian,
Age: 125
7514 days old here
Total Posts: 6323
Points: 0
Faroe Islands, Faroe Islands
after drinkin the blood of tt n yas...dracula will go to church himself..n today aint a church day anyway... livin legends like dracula dont end up like this...i myself go to church sevral times a week...that will not work...so dont think like typical dracula movies..all u see in movies is a crap iam wearing a crucifix what about u YAS-DEVIL....u'll be burnt...so do not threat dracula otherwise dracula not gonna leave ya