Age: 125
7989 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
not 'steve cold austin', sanam jee!!! its STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN!!
he is finished with wrestling for the timebeing! he had 2 many injuries, so he basically retired. but he might come back as a manager or something down the line!
Age: 125
7989 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
yeah....undertaker's still around. he's like 45 years old tho. lol. u know he cut his hair!? it was short for 2-3 years, and now he's in the middle of growin' it back.
so u guys gonna see the rock's next movie? john travolta, danny davito, and other big names r in it with him. its called 'be cool.' u heard?
Rain Man
Age: 125
7831 days old here
Total Posts: 24391
Points: 0
United States, United States
damn it i haven't heard of that, but now i sure will search on it n won't miss it...
i was just watchin Walkin Tall again tonight n then i saw the Special Features, did u see the one FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT they show how they did the fightin scenes, it was nice
Age: 125
7989 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
Points: 0
Canada, Canada
rock and them monkeys have some good chemistry eh?! u know y that is?! cause his wrestling character always refers 2 monkeys in his promos! so they incorporated it in the movie! pure jokes. lol
Age: 125
7989 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
oh no no....he has nothing. he comes every 3-4 months and simply wrestles a match or cuts a promo. thats all. no belts! zahir hai....if u have a belt, u gotta be there 2 defend it! and he's never there!
Age: 125
8330 days old here
Total Posts: 8696
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nope!....*LUST HUNTER* whats with u and changing nicks.....stick with on3!....anywayz yas jee *RAMAZAAN MUBARIK*.....and u too EDGE JEE!.......cant wait till eid....yupppieee!!..heeh!
Age: 125
7989 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
Points: 0
Canada, Canada
ramzaan mubarik 2 u ya'll as well, sanam jee and yas (mind if i stick with yas?! its shorter)!
and no yaar.....rock's not scheduled 2 wrestle any time soon. maybe @ wrestlemania which is in april. i'll keep u posted tho!
he has 3-4 movies lined up. u hear of the video game spyhunter? they're makin' a movie on it and rock will play the lead. and i heard they're plannin' a superman vs. batman movie, and rock is being considered 4 the role of superman.
Age: 125
7989 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
Points: 0
Canada, Canada
yeah bro, and he's also makin' DOOM. 2 video game based movies and none other than the ROCK is playin' the lead in both. his career will take off BIG TIME after these 2 movies.