Age: 125
7989 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
lol @ yas. its all good tho! a small price 2 pay, cause in the end we get sawaab and eid's gonna be awsome, right!!
sanam jee, how the heck do u guys open it 30 minutes b4 us?!?! boston/toronto are not THAT far. lol. u guys r lucky. maybe boston ain't that bad afterall. lol.
Age: 125
7989 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
Points: 0
Canada, Canada
u probably thought u were the only one with that name eh!? same here! when i was younger, i used 2 think only 2 people had the name 'yasser': me and yasser arafat. LOL. but there's so many more!
Rain Man
Age: 125
7831 days old here
Total Posts: 24391
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United States, United States
MAN thats exactly wat i thought, i even use to ask my mom, i was like mom wat kinda name is yasir therez no one with this i actually like my name...
Age: 125
7989 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
Points: 0
Canada, Canada
yeah man....our name is wicked.
yasser/yasir means 'madat karne wala' i think....'helpful'? thats what my mom told me.
how do u pronounce it? i have a goraa accent so i pronounce it YAA-SER. but half my family back home calls me YAA-SIR, and the other half YAA-SAR. which is right?! when i asked my mom she started laughin' at me. lol she said its supposed 2 be 'YAA-SAR' which do u use?!
Rain Man
Age: 125
7831 days old here
Total Posts: 24391
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United States, United States
man about the teacher damn its a high school one believes me except for the friends who went to high school with me, i asked her out for a date on a night before valentine...n she said yes so i took her too Friday's i don't if there is one in canada...n u know its not like i wanted her to be my GF or ne thing, but she was a sweetheart for sayin yes to me, cuz she could've said no infront of the whole love no lust...jus liked her as a teacher i guess
have u heard about that guy in USA who use to rape lil boys n then eat em...well my teacher's dad was one of the cops who got that bastard...
Age: 125
7989 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
Points: 0
Canada, Canada
wow yaar! hookin' up with a teacher?!?! ur a sly one eh?! was she a student teacher or something? cause if not....isn't that illegal?! LOL. and was she a goree?!
and whose this punk who raped lil' boys and ate 'em?? thats crazy man. is this recent? and was the cop who nailed him, this same teacher's dad, or another teacher's dad?
Rain Man
Age: 125
7831 days old here
Total Posts: 24391
Points: 0
United States, United States
yea its illegal if u have physical relationship with ur teacher, but it was off campus...we're all good, she was a goree but its all good, i go with ne thing that suits me...
imma look up for his name its DHAMER or something like that, its not recent its atleast like a 20 t0 25 year old story...n yea the cop is the same teachers dad...
Age: 125
8330 days old here
Total Posts: 8696
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hey guys!.......i cant come online....cuz my stupid computer is broken.....dont know when its goona get bro is working on it!.....miss me guys!...ill talk to ya guys....later....