Write whatever's bugging you or whatever's on your mind.
It's 7:10 am it's sunday i lost my voice my throat hurts my head hurts runny nose..the works gone through half of the kleenex box i think i've got a fever i want some coffee right now!
Age: 125
7268 days old here
Total Posts: 359
Points: 0
rage mad rage mad simmering hot arge lava burning lava stay the f**k away from me bu tif u do wanna cross me i wud dearly love to throw um on table and tie u down then dip an exacto knife in acid and cuts open ur stomach extremely slowly then poors salt and muriotic acid in ur stomach and while ur intestines slowly shrivel away stab one eye out with a knife and break both ur legs then chop ur fingers off and choke u with them...