What’s on your mind?

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Age: 124
Total Posts: 4298
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Write whatever's bugging you or whatever's on your mind.

It's 7:10 am
it's sunday
i lost my voice
my throat hurts
my head hurts
runny nose..the works
gone through half of the kleenex box
i think i've got a fever
i want some coffee
right now!
Posted 28 Nov 2004

DejaVu077 says
thinking abt making tea
Posted 22 Apr 2005

Awaaara says
tHInkIn Of HaViN a CuP of Tea wITh DEjU
Posted 23 Apr 2005

DejaVu077 says
Good idea..........come on
Posted 23 Apr 2005

Bazigaar says
Posted 23 Apr 2005

paki_fan says
thinking to get a soda but don't feel like getting up
Posted 23 Apr 2005

Bazigaar says
who should i take out for dinner? maria or jessica?
Posted 23 Apr 2005


hmm many things
Posted 24 Apr 2005

Bazigaar says
i owe government tax   
Posted 24 Apr 2005

paki_fan says
Posted 24 Apr 2005

Ashii says
nahi batanaa nahi batanaaa
naaahhhiii batanaaaa

Posted 24 Apr 2005

Bazigaar says
can't tell ya
Posted 25 Apr 2005

^manie^ says
complete and utter sadnesss
sense of failure
feelings of mylife crumbling to pieces around me
deep dark corners of my mind coming to life
i want to commit suicide
Posted 26 Apr 2005

Bazigaar says
^manie^ said:

i want to commit suicide

try 39 sleeping pills with diet coke..it works 100% good luck
Posted 27 Apr 2005

Bazigaar says
Posted 27 Apr 2005

^manie^ says
why 39?
i went upto 12 abd they dint even put meto sleep

cudnt go further cuz u get all hot inside and u feel liek puking
Posted 27 Apr 2005

DejaVu077 says
Posted 27 Apr 2005

DejaVu077 says
Bazigaar said:

^manie^ said:

i want to commit suicide

try 39 sleeping pills with diet coke..it works 100% good luck

Yeah i think 39 will do the work
but why wid diet coke
Let him atleast enjoy his last
drink yaar

Posted 27 Apr 2005

^manie^ says
oh yeah

why diet coke?
why not simple coke?

ugot somethingagainst sprite?
are u workingagainst paksitan or something

ill get oneo da maulvi's to land a fatwa against u mate
Posted 27 Apr 2005

Bazigaar says
^manie^ said:

oh yeah

why diet coke?
why not simple coke?

ugot somethingagainst sprite?
are u workingagainst paksitan or something

ill get oneo da maulvi's to land a fatwa against u mate

there was a study done and chemicals found in diet coke (not found in other pops) help a medicine to react 75 times faster then it normally would
Posted 27 Apr 2005

2HOT4U says
i remember the way you choked back tears
when i said that i didn't love you
it was so hard to force the words from my mouth
when my heart was screaming "i still do!"
Posted 28 Apr 2005

2HOT4U says
and i want to ask you to come back..
but i won't..not for your sake
all i want is to see you happy
ill be miserable if that's what it takes
Posted 28 Apr 2005

Bazigaar says
why does this happen to me
Posted 28 Apr 2005

2HOT4U says
life's become boring
and i've run out of synonyms for boring

everytime i post here, i'm either sad, mad, or trying to cover up the fact that i'm sad or mad

i don't know what i'm talking about

forget it
Posted 28 Apr 2005

Bazigaar says
it's alrite maryam..i know what u'r talking bout
Posted 28 Apr 2005

2HOT4U says
you do? how come? cuz i certainly don't
Posted 28 Apr 2005

2HOT4U says
i'm mrr lonellyy i have noboddyy forr my ownnnn i'm soo lonelyy i'm mr lonelyyy i havee enobody for my ownnnnnnn
Posted 28 Apr 2005

Bazigaar says

mae hoon na
Posted 28 Apr 2005

2HOT4U says
you are
no way

Posted 28 Apr 2005

Bazigaar says
u know mae hoon na...and u just know that
Posted 28 Apr 2005

LiL_DollY says

(Hi hottie)

Im singing with you

I am so lonely I have nobody
Im on my own
Posted 28 Apr 2005

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