Reversal Of Time.....

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Age: 45
Total Posts: 512
Points: 0

Islamabad, Pakistan
Am i just seein this candle burning or iz it someone movin across the room???
Looks like i had too much tonight....the glass looks like it contains the ocean of life?
The walls seem to stare at me...saying something i cant understand...Has my heart stopped ?? wHy cant i feel it beating? why am i so scared? why am i feeling cold?

HEyyyy lOOk lOok there'z a child running across the room....come here child ...oh dARn its moving too fast...and fading away.....i cant seem to catch him...or stop him...

There on the left side i see the hands of time....why are they goin backwards???? why am i becoming young again?

Whats that ugly looking figure comming closer to me??? Stay AWaYYYyy leave me alone...move outta my sight.....hey its still commin looks like a women ....what does she want from me???? she's got a knife and she's calling out to some other people as well....hEy there are 5 other women....aaaaah the slashes from their steel knives on my body generate sparks across the room...they're slaying me!!!!!!!!! but i dont feel anythin? Im numb? yet im still living...and im still dying...could someone help me...could the walls give me their hand and make me apart of theM? can the candle flame burn me in its light, can the hands of time testify my life? or iz it just a time reversal i've been in ....??
Posted 02 Oct 2002

sharara says
DG.. u ok?
chal ppl.. new topic coming up ;)
Posted 11 Oct 2002

sanam411 says
ok sharyy....

Posted 11 Oct 2002

BoRnFl_iRt says
Well Its Nice To Hear Tht U R Fine ZUNAIRA !!

& Sharara .. Wats Tht New Topic BTW [?][:P]
Posted 11 Oct 2002

The River...There is a small river....just behind that hill, been flowing for centuries... flowing still.

When the rains fell that small river swelled, there was a time when it didn't smell. Our ancestors' means of irrigation a symbol of power in its own, and may artists found inspiration in the natural beauty being shown.

It brought life to so many a highway of the past, but into industrialism's clutches it came to be cast. Now that small river just behind that hill, may no longer flow so gracefully but will keep flowing...still.

The spoils of modern man overwhelming it so fast, its only real beauty lies in its past.
There is a small river just behind that hill, been flowing for centuries ... flowing still.

~~~~~~DreamzGuardian RUlz~~~~~~
Posted 11 Oct 2002

sharara says
heheh wait and see... ill make it sticky.. jaan pe bana hai ;)
Posted 12 Oct 2002

sanam411 says
loll shary...okk
Posted 14 Oct 2002

sharara says
youn to.. tu hai meri chaya aur tujme kya hai?
mps kahan hai? im missin him now :(
Posted 15 Oct 2002

sanam411 says
dont knoww sharyy....
Posted 15 Oct 2002

                                           ~MY Horizon~

                                    [::By Dreamz Guardian ::]

I've seen the Will and the Struggle of First Love....and I've seen the Face of my destiny....and the Cool breeze to make me reach it.....i've seen the desert sands and the tree's that cry for water....i've seen the stars up in the sky and their voice calling out to me...i've seen the music notes play ...and the melodious voice sing....and the feelingless soul...I've seen the
clouds move by and the rain shower on me....and the lightning in the sky...I've seen myself...and i've seen my tears...and my heart break...I've seen Him and i've seen the child of Medina....and the voice from His house....and the sunset of my Horizon...~


Posted 16 Oct 2002

sanam411 says
[|)][|)][|)] ehehhe....
Posted 17 Oct 2002

sharara says
ok DG.. so yve seen a lot.. now mind sparing us?
Posted 18 Oct 2002

SBG18 says
flirt is waiting for someone....but he does not many people will wait for his return...
Posted 24 Oct 2002

BoRnFl_iRt says
Well Nads !!

I M not Waitin For Ne 1 Yaar
Except 1 .. But Who Was Waitin For Me
Doc Flirt Iz Back On Job [:D][:D]
Nads U Ok [?][?]
Posted 25 Oct 2002

SBG18 says
yeah i am fine now
and who was waiting for you
a chica perhaps
your voice is very sexy!!!!!!!
i had a dream about yah...[;)][:P]
Posted 26 Oct 2002

sanam411 says
whoo adill..WHO IS THAT except 1
Posted 26 Oct 2002

SBG18 says
what do you mean FLIRT your back on the job
and no im not ok ADIl...I miss YOUUUUUUUUUUUU
Posted 29 Oct 2002

Originally posted by SexyBabyGirl18

yeah i am fine now
and who was waiting for you
a chica perhaps
your voice is very sexy!!!!!!!
i had a dream about yah...[;)][:P]

Posted 29 Oct 2002

#9787; Still Memories #9787;

                                                                     +- By DreamzGuardian -+

I could almost say anything tonight.......

I guess...when i waz growing up me n my dad used to go out all the time......
we were almost anything....but umm..i used to have really long hair way down past my shoulders ..when i waz 17 or 18 ...oh man he used to hate me....when we got to where we'd fight that night spend alotta my time outta the house..and in the summmer time it wasnt so bad cause it waz warm and friends were out but in winter i remember standing downtown when it
would get so cold...and when the wind would blow i had this phone booth where i used to stand..and i used to call my gurl for hours at a time...and talk wid her for all night long..and finally I'd get the nerve to go home..i'd stand in the drive way and he'd be waiting for me in the kitchen..and i'd tuck my hair down in my collar and i'd walk in ...and he'd call me back to sit down with him and the first thing he would always ask me what i was what did i think i was doing with myself and the first part was that i could never explain it to him...

Ah i remember i got in a motorcycle accident ...once....and i was laid up in bed...he came to the apartment and cut my hair..and man...i can remember tellin em that i hated
em and i would never ever forgive him....and he used to tell i cant wait till the ARmy gets you...when the army gets u ... it'll make a man outta u....its goin to cut all that and will make a man outta u...

ANd thiz was i guess in 68' alotta guyz in the neighbour had gone to Vietnam...i can still remember a German marine commin over to my place ...he was dressed up in the marine uniform....and said that he didnt know where it was....alotta guys went and alotta guys
didnt come backk....and when they came back they werent the same anymore...and i remember the day i got my draft notice..

I hit it from my folks ....three days from my physical me and my friends went out and we stayed up all night...and we got the bus that morning ...and i was so scared...and i went ...and i failed...and i came home....and i remmeber coming home after i had gone for 3 days and i walked in the kitchen..and my mother and father were sitting dad said where've u been..i said i went to take my physical...he said what happend...i said they didnt take me...he said and "Thats Good"......


Posted 29 Oct 2002

SBG18 says
you should be a writer publisha book or soemhting
Posted 31 Oct 2002

BoRnFl_iRt says
Good 1 Nads [:)]
Posted 01 Nov 2002

sanam411 says
yeah truuuee nadia..he shoulld bee
Posted 01 Nov 2002

BoRnFl_iRt says
Well Yeah Yeah [:p]
Posted 01 Nov 2002

sanam411 says
yeah yeahh YEAP
Posted 01 Nov 2002

SBG18 says
Posted 02 Nov 2002

Thanx GUyz~ but no thankzz...i dont wanna publicize my personal innovative stuff...if it'z at jb ..let it remain here...or otherwise wid me....other than thiz i dun wanna have it ...

All thiz a part of me ..and will soon become a memory of time....let's all read it ...think on it..and move on ....maybe later on at some certain part of might remind us of somethingz well used to go though n read while growin up....

DreamzGuardian RuLZ~
Posted 02 Nov 2002

SBG18 says
oh ok dreamz
youll feel like a dream
came and went
Posted 02 Nov 2002

sanam411 says
Posted 03 Nov 2002

BoRnFl_iRt says
Originally posted by SexyBabyGirl18


Well Dear Nads !!

Do U Really Wanna Buy Them All [?][?]
If YEs Then Hurry Up Cuz They R On 80%
Sale [:p][:P]
Posted 03 Nov 2002

SBG18 says
kabhi nahee
they would be sold out first day
full price
you'd need to make more copies
you might even make the guiness book of records...
for mostsold books...[:D]
Posted 03 Nov 2002

BoRnFl_iRt says
Yeah U R Rite .. [:P]
I'll Make More Copies & Examples For
Others [:D][:P]
I'll Give Ya The Master Peice [;)][:X][:X]
Posted 03 Nov 2002

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