Am i just seein this candle burning or iz it someone movin across the room??? Looks like i had too much tonight....the glass looks like it contains the ocean of life? The walls seem to stare at me...saying something i cant understand...Has my heart stopped ?? wHy cant i feel it beating? why am i so scared? why am i feeling cold?
HEyyyy lOOk lOok there'z a child running across the room....come here child ...oh dARn its moving too fast...and fading away.....i cant seem to catch him...or stop him...
There on the left side i see the hands of time....why are they goin backwards???? why am i becoming young again?
Whats that ugly looking figure comming closer to me??? Stay AWaYYYyy leave me alone...move outta my sight.....hey its still commin looks like a women ....what does she want from me???? she's got a knife and she's calling out to some other people as well....hEy there are 5 other women....aaaaah the slashes from their steel knives on my body generate sparks across the room...they're slaying me!!!!!!!!! but i dont feel anythin? Im numb? yet im still living...and im still dying...could someone help me...could the walls give me their hand and make me apart of theM? can the candle flame burn me in its light, can the hands of time testify my life? or iz it just a time reversal i've been in ....??
Age: 125
8388 days old here
Total Posts: 357
Points: 0
laughing zun/flirt/// very cute now....howz DG any better than before I hope so he's fine... answer back DG and take care of yoruself plz and plz zun....take care of him too...[:P]
Age: 45
8095 days old here
Total Posts: 512
Points: 0
Islamabad, Pakistan
Hiiieee...immm finnnee...thanxx alot fer yre concern sexy..i've been jus busy in my GRE xam preparation. I'll be giving em pretty soon...let's jus pray that everythin goes well :)))) How're u doinnng??
Age: 125
8388 days old here
Total Posts: 357
Points: 0
quote:Originally posted by dreamzguardian
Hiiieee...immm finnnee...thanxx alot fer yre concern sexy..i've been jus busy in my GRE xam preparation. I'll be giving em pretty soon...let's jus pray that everythin goes well :)))) How're u doinnng??
Zuni aint takin care of me;((((((
HEeeeeeey nice to hear from you. I hope you do well on yuor exams...I'll pray for the best for you. ANd tell me is everythign alright with you....last time I read your posts....seemed like you were really upset and soemthign was bothering you. Well take care of yourself and be a good boy. I'll whisper sanam to take care of Dg...hehe....but you also get rest...and eat before exams. so you can think...[:P]okiee. ME jus...alright....trying to endure know. Usual desi probz that the whole world has. You gotta deal with life soemtimes....theres awlasy a beautiful side to it...and Im hoping to find that soon. Anyways...need anything...any prob or yah jsut wanna me....always your friend....nadia
Age: 45
8095 days old here
Total Posts: 512
Points: 0
Islamabad, Pakistan
Mmmmmmm..thanxxx alot nad'z....i dont have the words to appreciate yre kindness....I just need everyone'z prayers at JB to get a good score at my GRE xam InshAllah .....I'm awrigh...u know when a big event iz comin one'z way...even the boldest and the cool minded guy can jus start having those rumbles and tha strange feeling in the intestine'zz.....:))
TAke CAre of yReself Nad'zz...anddd Zuni doesnt wanna talk wid me on msn anymore :((((
Age: 125
8388 days old here
Total Posts: 357
Points: 0
owee zunnie betta coem then...ill push ehr buttons jokin other than that....Iknow you'll do fine...don't trip jsut relax..believe me....belieev in urself...your a great guy...great brains too...[:P] you can get through anythign...hemath rako jaan. and huh....dont forget o say 786 b4 test
Age: 45
8095 days old here
Total Posts: 512
Points: 0
Islamabad, Pakistan
Nadzzz...yre a swell gal..thanxx fer tha GRE date just arrived via the email from the ETS guys..i've got my xam on the 27th InshAllah anddd im just a lil scared...*sigh*