1000 thingsss about me

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Age: 125
Total Posts: 2264
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Pakistan, Pakistan

100 things about me ^_^

- SALAM(hi)
- I am RiZWAN.
- You can call me RiZ, RiZZiE
- I born on 30th of JULY 1982.. so am 22.
- I am from KARACHi, PAKiSTAN.
- I am SiNGLE.
- My STAR is LEO.. I don't believe in star, it's totally sh*t.

~ Ma' favorite Colors > SKY BLUE and GREEN.
~ Ma' favorite T.V. Program > FRiENDS and FULL HOUSE.
~ Ma' favorite Movie > Indian movie 'PYAAR TOA HONA Hi THA' and in English 'JOSiE AND THE PUSSYCATS'

~ Ma' favorite Song > depands on mood.
~ Ma' favorite Singers > SHEHZAD ROY and ACE OF BASE.
~ Ma' favorite Sport > CRiCKET, AUSTRALiAN CRiCKET TEAM is my best one.
~ Ma' favorite Sportsmen > SAEED ANWAR and ADAM GiLCHRiST.

~ Ma' favorite Vacation Spot > Anywhere but with Friends, nor with Relatives coz fun always vanish when they hang around.

~ Ma' favorite Words or lines > so many likes... Bingo! ^_^ Unspeakalble! :)

~ Ma' favorite Ice Cream > hmmm, I like SNOOPY and VANiLLA! ^_^

~ Ma' favorite part of the Year > of course none other than JULY and DECEMBER.

* I live life on a day-to-day basis, at times I work very hard and then there are times when I am so lazy that I don't want to do anything.

* I am scared of my anger because normally when I am angry I do something that's bad for myself.

* One good habit that I have is that I love those people that are not blessed like we are, so I always try to help such people. Another thing that can be called both good and bad is that I can be emotionally black mailed. HAA HAAA :)

* Most of my friends are the ones who are my school or college friends. Normally I don't make friends, coz I already have lots of them whom I met on the internet, but when I do then its a very strong friendship otherwise acquaintance to sab se ho jati hai! ^_^

* My Marriage plan! hmm.. I don't know when the time will come, so lets see but Its such a thing that if I say that there is a certain girl I want to marry then everyone will start asking who is she and if I say that there is no one then everyone will think that I am lying so normally I don't discuss it.

* I'll do love marriage but my parents would think that its arranged!! :P

* I love graphics to death.
* Most of my friends call me Riz.
* My very first day on internet, if am not wrong then it were 30th July 1998.

* I love having the great friends I have online.
* I'm damn thankful for them for being a part of my life.

* I love teaching Graphics and other computer stuff cause ma' students are absolute sweethearts.

* I love making people laugh, and when people can make me laugh.
* I laugh at everything.. I laugh when nothing is funny.
* I'm way too emotional sometimes.

* I don't like cheese.
* I don't like pizza.

* I've an opinion and I use it. I'll speak my mind.anyone will tell you that!:P
* You wouldn't believe how well I keep secrets.

* I'm also very sensitive. Didn't care for the big things but tha' little things make me sad.

* I hate that too. I'm beginning to think I say "hate" a lot.

* When I'm angry, I tell things like it is, even if it hurts.
* I love reading books, it's somewhere I can escape.
* The best book I've read was 'THE 7 HABiTS'.
* I have no respect for people who didn't care about others.
* I'm Punk Rock Prom Prince, as Cecilia and Linn says! :).
* I love my Blogging friends, I don't know where I would be without them.
* I wouldn't be here that's for sure! :)
* You can always find me near a computer or some technologicial item.
* I have an obsession with candy and chocolate.
* I don't know how to express my love for my friends. I really don't know how.

* I had meet 3 special people in my life at the same day. I meet Phil, Julie and Jessie.

* I don't mind cold, but I mind heat.

* I wish I always had someone to be with when I'm down so they could just hold me and tell me I'm gonna be alright.

* I think hugging is the best thing in the world! :)

* If I'm watching TV, it's usually on the Sports Channels or watching Friends - Full house.

* In class when I'm bored, I staring others and note what they are doing!

* I constantly check my e-mail everyday. Ok...every week! :P
* I hate it when people don't return e-mails.
* I hope that I will find a girl who loves me for who I am! :P
* I realize I have a lot to live for.
* I wish I was more organized.
* I love participating on Message Boards. I've met a lot of great people.

* Blogging is the best thing in the whole world, only because I can let myself say whatever I want.

* I'm proud that I am Muslim, Alhamdulillah.
* I can speak English, Urdu and Hindi(learn via movies! haaa haa:))

* 75% of the time, I take jokes really well.
* I'm pretty sociable, and I like to talk a lot. Can't you tell? haa haa :p
* I'm beginning to learn to like myself for who I am.
* As long as there is life, there is hope! Bingo ^_^
Posted 12 Feb 2005

stariz said:

jaisa ka tumhara

baj gaey 12..........
Posted 28 Apr 2005

stariz says
Queen of jb said:

stariz said:

jaisa ka tumhara

baj gaey 12..........

Posted 28 Apr 2005

guest. says
stariz said:

parents hena wo batahenga sach

jab hamay nahin yaad tou un ko kaisay yaad ho ga
Posted 29 Apr 2005

stariz says
aray sab yaad hota hai unko
kabhe tyme mila tu poch lena
Posted 30 Apr 2005

stariz says
aray sab yaad hota hai unko
kabhe tyme mila tu poch lena
Posted 30 Apr 2005

stariz says
Posted 30 Apr 2005

guest. says
tyme nahin hai
Posted 01 May 2005

stariz says
Posted 02 May 2005

guest. says
Posted 02 May 2005

Guest_005 says
kash_beauty said:

Posted 03 May 2005

Guest_005 says
Posted 03 May 2005

stariz says
sunna ka tyme nahi hai
Posted 03 May 2005

stariz says
Posted 04 May 2005

stariz says
Posted 04 May 2005

Guest_005 says
stariz said:

sunna ka tyme nahi hai

Posted 04 May 2005

stariz says
kia yaar adi
tum sa thori kaha tha

tusee mera bhai mera praaaaaaaaaaa
lekin fir sa kehna
Posted 04 May 2005

Guest_005 says

keh kar to wakhaooooo

sano pata hai yaar tusi sano nahi kaha
Posted 04 May 2005

Guest_005 says
waisay kaha kis ko tha
Posted 04 May 2005

stariz says
ae toa raaz hai ji

teno ki dasa mai

waisay ki naal hai thada
Posted 04 May 2005

guest. says
Posted 05 May 2005

Doctor Sam says
Posted 05 May 2005

stariz says
Posted 05 May 2005

guest. says
Posted 05 May 2005

Guest_005 says
stariz said:

ae toa raaz hai ji

teno ki dasa mai

waisay ki naal hai thada




Posted 05 May 2005

Guest_005 says
Posted 05 May 2005

guest. says
Posted 05 May 2005

Guest_005 says
koi baat nahi hota hai hota hai
Posted 05 May 2005

Guest_005 says
Posted 05 May 2005

guest. says
Posted 05 May 2005

Guest_005 says
hota hai hota hai
Posted 05 May 2005

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