100 things about me ^_^
- SALAM(hi)
- I am RiZWAN.
- You can call me RiZ, RiZZiE
- I born on 30th of JULY 1982.. so am 22.
- I am from KARACHi, PAKiSTAN.
- I am SiNGLE.
- My STAR is LEO.. I don't believe in star, it's totally sh*t.
~ Ma' favorite Colors > SKY BLUE and GREEN.
~ Ma' favorite T.V. Program > FRiENDS and FULL HOUSE.
~ Ma' favorite Movie > Indian movie 'PYAAR TOA HONA Hi THA' and in English 'JOSiE AND THE PUSSYCATS'
~ Ma' favorite Song > depands on mood.
~ Ma' favorite Singers > SHEHZAD ROY and ACE OF BASE.
~ Ma' favorite Sport > CRiCKET, AUSTRALiAN CRiCKET TEAM is my best one.
~ Ma' favorite Sportsmen > SAEED ANWAR and ADAM GiLCHRiST.
~ Ma' favorite Vacation Spot > Anywhere but with Friends, nor with Relatives coz fun always vanish when they hang around.
~ Ma' favorite Words or lines > so many likes... Bingo! ^_^ Unspeakalble! :)
~ Ma' favorite Ice Cream > hmmm, I like SNOOPY and VANiLLA! ^_^
~ Ma' favorite part of the Year > of course none other than JULY and DECEMBER.
* I live life on a day-to-day basis, at times I work very hard and then there are times when I am so lazy that I don't want to do anything.
* I am scared of my anger because normally when I am angry I do something that's bad for myself.
* One good habit that I have is that I love those people that are not blessed like we are, so I always try to help such people. Another thing that can be called both good and bad is that I can be emotionally black mailed. HAA HAAA :)
* Most of my friends are the ones who are my school or college friends. Normally I don't make friends, coz I already have lots of them whom I met on the internet, but when I do then its a very strong friendship otherwise acquaintance to sab se ho jati hai! ^_^
* My Marriage plan! hmm.. I don't know when the time will come, so lets see but Its such a thing that if I say that there is a certain girl I want to marry then everyone will start asking who is she and if I say that there is no one then everyone will think that I am lying so normally I don't discuss it.
* I'll do love marriage but my parents would think that its arranged!! :P
* I love graphics to death.
* Most of my friends call me Riz.
* My very first day on internet, if am not wrong then it were 30th July 1998.
* I love having the great friends I have online.
* I'm damn thankful for them for being a part of my life.
* I love teaching Graphics and other computer stuff cause ma' students are absolute sweethearts.
* I love making people laugh, and when people can make me laugh.
* I laugh at everything.. I laugh when nothing is funny.
* I'm way too emotional sometimes.
* I don't like cheese.
* I don't like pizza.
* I've an opinion and I use it. I'll speak my mind.anyone will tell you that!:P
* You wouldn't believe how well I keep secrets.
* I'm also very sensitive. Didn't care for the big things but tha' little things make me sad.
* I hate that too. I'm beginning to think I say "hate" a lot.
* When I'm angry, I tell things like it is, even if it hurts.
* I love reading books, it's somewhere I can escape.
* The best book I've read was 'THE 7 HABiTS'.
* I have no respect for people who didn't care about others.
* I'm Punk Rock Prom Prince, as Cecilia and Linn says! :).
* I love my Blogging friends, I don't know where I would be without them.
* I wouldn't be here that's for sure! :)
* You can always find me near a computer or some technologicial item.
* I have an obsession with candy and chocolate.
* I don't know how to express my love for my friends. I really don't know how.
* I had meet 3 special people in my life at the same day. I meet Phil, Julie and Jessie.
* I don't mind cold, but I mind heat.
* I wish I always had someone to be with when I'm down so they could just hold me and tell me I'm gonna be alright.
* I think hugging is the best thing in the world! :)
* If I'm watching TV, it's usually on the Sports Channels or watching Friends - Full house.
* In class when I'm bored, I staring others and note what they are doing!
* I constantly check my e-mail everyday. Ok...every week! :P
* I hate it when people don't return e-mails.
* I hope that I will find a girl who loves me for who I am! :P
* I realize I have a lot to live for.
* I wish I was more organized.
* I love participating on Message Boards. I've met a lot of great people.
* Blogging is the best thing in the whole world, only because I can let myself say whatever I want.
* I'm proud that I am Muslim, Alhamdulillah.
* I can speak English, Urdu and Hindi(learn via movies! haaa haa:))
* 75% of the time, I take jokes really well.
* I'm pretty sociable, and I like to talk a lot. Can't you tell? haa haa :p
* I'm beginning to learn to like myself for who I am.
* As long as there is life, there is hope! Bingo ^_^