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Age: 124
Total Posts: 3389
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Netherlands, Netherlands
i gotta a rat in my kitchen what i'm gonna do i got a rat in my kitchen what i'm gonna do? !!!!




Posted 18 May 2003

Posted 30 Jul 2003

Night says
and you are the leader???
Posted 31 Jul 2003


Posted 31 Jul 2003

Night says
I know
that's why joji's rat (in his signature)has gone.....
you responsible for that touchy....
confess !!!
Posted 01 Aug 2003


Posted 01 Aug 2003

i didnt do that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ask him...

where his rat is....

Posted 01 Aug 2003

PumpKin says
I did ask him....and he said YOU DID IT!!!!!!

You are the only suspect.....rat Killer!!!!!!Touchy the serial rat Killer!!!
Posted 03 Aug 2003

Originally posted by PumPkin

I did ask him....and he said YOU DID IT!!!!!!

You are the only suspect.....rat Killer!!!!!!Touchy the serial rat Killer!!!


i didnt kill the rat....

and i am not a serial rat killer...

how can u say that to me....

i ones again...

i havent kill his rat....

he is lyin....
Posted 03 Aug 2003

PumpKin says
well...dont worry...
just tell him that it was an accident
I am sure joji will understand
and dont forget to say sorry
okay !!
Posted 03 Aug 2003

PumpKin says
look at you after killing the rat !

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Posted 03 Aug 2003

Night says
Touchy, though u said you didn't kill Joji's rat, people will accuse you coz you are the leader of Rat Killer Club.
Posted 04 Aug 2003


i will never kill a friends mouse...

Posted 04 Aug 2003

Posted 04 Aug 2003

PumpKin says
I know it was an accident !
Posted 06 Aug 2003

Night says
no way....you hate rat...you'll kill it no matter who own it.
Posted 07 Aug 2003

PumpKin says
rat.....be careful of touchy !
Posted 10 Aug 2003

Night says

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Posted 11 Aug 2003

Night says
Posted 11 Aug 2003

PumpKin says
oh rat
Posted 14 Aug 2003

you guys so funny.....
Posted 16 Aug 2003


i sad naa!!!!

i havent kill joji's rat...

par doosre rat maine mareh hai...

but not joji's one....

trust me....


( i am back from my holi's....

:(... i want to go back.....!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted 25 Aug 2003

PumpKin says
hey Touchy....did you kill any rat in England ???

Untouchable the Rat Slayer!!!
Posted 27 Aug 2003


Posted 27 Aug 2003

PumpKin says
oh..my...u did !!!!!!!
what a habbit na ???
Posted 29 Aug 2003


Posted 29 Aug 2003

PumpKin says
Posted 30 Aug 2003

Posted 30 Aug 2003

PumpKin says
what about mickey mouse......did u ???????
Posted 31 Aug 2003


he is still alive
Posted 01 Sep 2003

PumpKin says
u feed him ?
Posted 01 Sep 2003

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