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Age: 124
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Netherlands, Netherlands
i gotta a rat in my kitchen what i'm gonna do i got a rat in my kitchen what i'm gonna do? !!!!




Posted 18 May 2003

PumpKin says
what kind of deathful song from untouchable could be the worst lol
did pinky love to sing ?
well...he might be trapped by that charm...u know what I mean lol
Posted 13 Sep 2003

Ashii says
untouchyy (to trap my poor pinkooo) :
and my poor pinkoo couldnt resist :(

Posted 14 Sep 2003

PumpKin says
hey sall.....and touchy...silent !!!!!!!
respect the poor pinko...he want to rest in peace !!
I am going off and sail away for some times away from JB
all of u be good
and no fight
remember...pinko watchs u from up there !!!
Posted 14 Sep 2003

Ashii says
pumkin s leaving.. i ll miss my pinkooo even more now :(   coz when pumpkin s here i miss pinkooo less.. they ve something in common.. PEANUT IN THE HEAD [angel]
pinkooooo... lauttttt k aaaaaaja, laut k aajjja laut k aaaajaaa
Posted 14 Sep 2003

Ashii says
(cant reply on other forum) annoulin ??? a french city ?¿
never heard of it..
Posted 14 Sep 2003

i wanna sing.....

Posted 14 Sep 2003

Night says
okey people lets sing.... but I choose the song......
Sally...sing with us.....

"You know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm findin' it hard to do anything

You see I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
If you only knew what I'm goin' through
I just can't smile without you

You came along just like a song
And brightened my day
Who'da believed that you were part of a dream?
Now it all seems light years away

And now you know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm findin' it hard to do anything

You see, I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
If you only knew what I'm goin' through
I just can't smile without you

Now some people say happiness takes so very long to find
Well I'm finding it hard leavin' your love behind me

And you see I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm findin' it hard to do anything

You see I feel glad when you're glad
I feel sad when you're sad
If you only knew what I'm goin' through
I just can't smile without you..."

Posted 15 Sep 2003

Ashii says
nice song raat
my name isnnnnnnnt saaaaalllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy [:(!]
Posted 15 Sep 2003


its sooooo broin today
Posted 15 Sep 2003

Posted 15 Sep 2003

PumpKin says
greeting from distance........

see ya next month rat killer
Posted 16 Sep 2003


where r u goin?
Posted 18 Sep 2003

PumpKin says
to a cave
Posted 18 Sep 2003

Night says
Borin..borin...borin....lets burn something
Posted 19 Sep 2003

Ashii says
ohh yehhhh,,, let s burn pumpkin s car, she/he s away.. hehehheee
Posted 19 Sep 2003

lol..Sall....u do it first...lol
Posted 19 Sep 2003

i wanna burn it first...

may i?

Posted 19 Sep 2003

really??? lol......sure you got the honor to burn it first....lol
Posted 19 Sep 2003

Ashii says
here u go untouchyyy.. i wont name u if someone ask me, sachi sachiii.. [:I]
hmmm.. jupiter gave us that idea [:P]
Posted 20 Sep 2003

me?? no way......its ur idea Sall....I just giving approval... ;p

okey untouchable...burn it....ssshhhh!!
Posted 20 Sep 2003

Ashii says
jii nahii..
how can i give suchh an idea [angel]
untouchy s fault.. coz she has got the lighter [:P]
Posted 20 Sep 2003

i have burn it...

no let start the burning party...
Posted 21 Sep 2003

Ashii says
ahhh yeahhhh..
u all r invited to my place [:D]
Posted 21 Sep 2003

ke then...
what will we do...???

1st cinema.

2nd dinner

3rd party wif music
Posted 22 Sep 2003

Ashii says
that s what i ll do..
u guyz ll....
1st safai
2nd cooking
3rd washin up
Posted 22 Sep 2003

no way Sall....
I believe I'm the older here.... you guys should follow what I say......

first, we must throw that lighter away...dont keep the evident with us.

coz untouchable burned it and we see the flame.....we can burn something to eat.......eemm....its Sall's job to get that something....like chicken and its untouchable job to kill the chicken....lol...
Posted 22 Sep 2003

Ashii says
areyyy no one follow no one.. waise bhi i m sure me older than all of u.. wot does it change yar..
heyy u hungryy ??
hmm.. chicken...... hmm..       Image Insert:

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[director] untouchyy.. ur turn now
Posted 22 Sep 2003


i cant kill a chiken....

Posted 22 Sep 2003

but i am very bery hungry...so i think..i have to kill the chick
Posted 22 Sep 2003

Ashii says
hmmm untouchy can only kill rats.. hehhehehe..
need a help.. ask jupiterrr :-D
Posted 23 Sep 2003

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