okie guys yesturday i was talking on the phone with my cousin from amercia. we were joking about how men can be dumbass's[:D]. but it lead to the topic of marriage[:(!][V]. she said to me every girl needs to marry 9if thay want a secure future. i said i'll marry when i'am 50[:p]. well i think it's not the mom's that are bothered with your marriage as it is the rest of your local comunity. i hate it. everywhere you go and eveyone you meet ask's "ARE U MARRIED?"[:(!]. do anyone of u guy's suffer this? hay bazu what's it like if your a boy do ppl still ask r u married?
o yeah and by the way JAZZIE WELCOME BACK[:p][:D][8D]
Age: 125
8240 days old here
Total Posts: 18288
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
oh den u shud gi n sleep na..... u know i didnt slept last night.....i ws completinma assignment....im feeling slepey now..but wheneva i go off to ma bed...dun know y i cudnt sleep dat's y i came on com.....
well i know wat u mean whn pplasked r u married........or thy start rubbin thier hand and thinkin ummmmmmmm she'll be good for my son or brother ..ect..........da worst is whn thy look at u n think umm larki jawaan ho gey hai n thy say to ur parents u should gget her married........wellppl will always be ppl n do their everyday thing which is hassle hassle hassle....lol......but on da other hand i think we all have high expectation.....i mean in da sense of having everything about aur husband or wife to be perfect.......u no whn u want ur guy to be so and so hieght with so n so coluor eyes ect......but we forget its da personality dat counts n not only dat we 4get dat no ones perfect........its like saying Islam is perfect 100% but us muslim aint perfect to be perfect we have to try so..........whn the thing about marriage is concerned were all in a bit of a muddle some may not wanna get married becase they have boyfriends or girlfriends.......n for muslims 2 date......well tooba tooba......allah mafkareh........ya thy want to go on in life and get well edcated n many other reasons but no matter how much u think about delayin marriage its gonna come apart of ur life one day.......uffffffffffff.............look @ me im jus going on and on c ya laters ppl........allah hafiz........byeeeeeeeeee