okie guys yesturday i was talking on the phone with my cousin from amercia. we were joking about how men can be dumbass's[:D]. but it lead to the topic of marriage[:(!][V]. she said to me every girl needs to marry 9if thay want a secure future. i said i'll marry when i'am 50[:p]. well i think it's not the mom's that are bothered with your marriage as it is the rest of your local comunity. i hate it. everywhere you go and eveyone you meet ask's "ARE U MARRIED?"[:(!]. do anyone of u guy's suffer this? hay bazu what's it like if your a boy do ppl still ask r u married?
o yeah and by the way JAZZIE WELCOME BACK[:p][:D][8D]
Age: 125
8240 days old here
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
HOsh Mein chahat Ab ayi......Kismat se tum hum ko mile ho......kaise chorein ge .....yeh hath hum na chorein ge.........phir se banti taqderon ko kaise torein ge ......yehhath hum na chorein ge........[:)]
Age: 125
8085 days old here
Total Posts: 1
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
well do u knw wht i dnt mind gettin married but on da other hand i dnt wanna leave my parents.. it is so sad dat u leave da one who gav u birth n who bought u up n u go to sum totally stranger...well its in islam to get married so u knw u shuldnt say no if ur muslim...but wht makes me scared is da fact tht will my mother in law treat me da way my mum does.. i guess if i see her as my mum den i shuldnt hav ne problems... one advice to gals is dat wen u get married... C UR MOTHER IN LAW AS UR OWN MUM N UR FATHER IN LAW AS UR OWN DAD N DA REST OF DA FAMILY AS U C SEE UR REAL FAMILY... never think tht dats ur Susral otherwise u will hav problems trust me..n if ur sass say sumfin den think like ur mum is sayin it...y is it dat wen ur own mother says sumfin to u .. u dnt feel bad but wen ur sass says sumfin u h8 her so much... dis is completely wrong!! neways my msg to gals is tht try to be a gud daughter in law n treat everyone wid kindness.. let them say wateva they want to n jus think dat allah is lookin n he knws whos doin wht wid who!!