i was wondering if there are any humaira arshad fans out there?! i see people making posts in countless discussions regarding good-looking actresses/actors/singers in lollywood. in my opinion, when it comes to CLASSY, good-looking singers...humaira arshad takes the cake!
anyhow, i heard she has a new album coming out this summer (2003) and I was hoping someone might have some info on it??
Age: 125
7984 days old here
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Canada, Canada
as for some information on her (in case you might want to check out her music),
she is a singer from lahore pakistan. she learned her trait from the one and only ustaad nusrat fateh ali khan, and got her big break after singing noor jehan's song on some television show. after that she released an album here and there, but her most recent album, gul sun dholna got over HUGE with pakistani's. she had 3-4 excellent songs on this album, and from what i saw when i visited lahore (3 weeks ago)humaira arshad is a real big star and she's bound to become even more popular.
thats about all i know. hope you're all caught-up-to-date now. lol.
Age: 125
7984 days old here
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Canada, Canada
born and raised in hogtown, canada (a.k.a. toronto)! but my parents are from LAHORE, pakistan! i've been there 4 times in my entire life and if someone held a gun to my head asking me to chose between lahore and toronto...i would choose lahore in a heartbeat!! simply amazing over there. where are you from sanam411?!
Age: 125
8325 days old here
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umm imm from the US...boston MA...and arghhh! same heree if i had to choose between pakistan and the US......I woulld definently choosse PAKISTN...misss that place.....hum!!
Teen Tracker
Age: 125
7950 days old here
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Pakistan, Pakistan
NFAKFan I am glad with your comments about Lahore coz It si my home land but i am far away from there and as far as Humaira Arshad is concerned her songs are irritating and boring so accept my appoligise on this matter
Age: 125
7984 days old here
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Canada, Canada
lol. no problem teentracker! not everyone has to like humaira arshad. but i hope you'll agree with me that songs aside, she is one of the most classiest people in pakistan. a very nice lady indeed.
just give her some time! an album here and there, and she'll eventually grow on you! lol.
as far as my comments on lahore, i was simply saying how i honestly feel. i love that city, and pakistan in general. if i had a choice, i would pick lahore in a heartbeat.
may i ask where specifically you are from, in lahore?!
Teen Tracker
Age: 125
7950 days old here
Total Posts: 28886
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Gr8 i think i found a true lahori .I will get the album of that singer and tell u after that how it look like .The thing outside pakistan remain in my memory is MOZANGS Night Parhata , UMER Fish Corner Rahu , Gwalmandi Food Street , Ichra's Pathorra, Liberty Gol Gappay,Barkat market Beef Shorma,Akbar Chock Dahi and Lassi,yummi Paye Nashta at Shahi Qila, Anarkali Chat and Kababs, Minar Pakistan Ganney Ka Rass,Moon market Burger and so on I spend whole life in Model Town
Age: 125
7984 days old here
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Canada, Canada
not bad!
my family lives on moni road, literally a 30-40 second walk to DATASAAB. the places which I enjoyed the most were anarkali, hall road, the new food street across from anarkali, and this amazing TIKKA place near gulberg. i 4get the name tho!
outside of lahore, changamanga, and jalo park were fun too.
the city in general tho, is OUTSTANDING. only in pakistan (and lahore specifically) can u get the urge to eat at 2am, and go to food street to find A BOAT LOAD of food and such a lively atmosphere!! i was amazed. in canada, i could not dream of doing such a thing. next time i go, i'll be sure to check out the places u mentioned!
Age: 125
7984 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
i thought i'd dig up this topic (humaira arshad) just for the hell of it. its been a while since the last post! lol. anybody seen her new haircut? i'm not liking it, but she says she wants to stand out. i guess i'll have 2 deal wit it right?! on the bright side tho, i saw her perform at the aug. 14th concert in karachi and it has grown back a little. so soon it should be back 2 normal. lol. anybody agree or disagreE?! does the new doo suit humaira?!