
Age: 37
6468 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
It's getting late
and I can't sleep...
it's all your fault
for chosing me.
I like you so bad,
I don't knw what to do
I'm spending all my time
missing you.
When were together
it's so hard to part,
I can't let go...
you stole my heart.
I lie awake...
picturing you in my head,
wondering if your thinking of me too
cuz I'm always missing you

Age: 37
6468 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
Something about these winter holidays
make my thoughts feel so strange
memories, looking back
every things going fiction
but i want some facts
these songs I'm mumbling the lyrics to
and they all remind me of you
but at the time i was so foolish
and one part clueless
i couldn't see what was right in front of me
and now its too late
because i want you to want me
like you did before
and now I'm unsure of what to do
can't make a move
as i subtly suffer
but i know its all okay
just make it through another day
every day brings another chance
more hope
more hope that someday sometime
your feelings will return again
because when i couldn't look at myself
you told me i was perfect
and every thought you spent on me
was worth it
and I'd do anything to get that back
because i miss the way you look at me
and i wish you knew about the way
I've always looked at you

Age: 37
6468 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
It's been some time, since you've been gone
I thought by now, I would be strong
I think of you, and shed my tears
I wonder who, will still my fears.
Your memories remain, inside my heart
My soul it seems, to be torn apart
You told me secrets, I hold so dear
I only wish, you would be near.
I still miss and love you, can't you see
I wish to hold, and talk with you
So many things, I could not say
And now you've gone, so far away.
You taught me to, in God believe
You said he would always, take care of me
So take my hand, and guide me there
And save a place, one day to share.
one advice: take care of yourself!
one request: never try to change yourself!
one hope:don't forget me!
one lie: i don't love you!
one fact: i miss you!

Age: 37
6468 days old here
Total Posts: 15689
Points: 0
United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates
My Heart was broken,
But its healing
My soul was Bruised,
But its healing
My arms were empty,
But they're finding their way
Our realtionship was broken,
That could not be fixed
Our friendship was lost,
That I will always miss.