Age: 125
7984 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
peeps......make sure u watch box office in the coming weeks. saima has promised her first EXLUSIVE interview with them, as soon as LP releases in pakistan!
when saima talks....we should listen, cause she doesn't do it 2 often. lol.
Age: 125
7787 days old here
Total Posts: 443
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Canada, Canada
you know i was wondering how come i've never seen saima aur shaan in awards show aur in any show they never come and shaan ive never seen him on he
btw my cousin have seen shaan in real life and she said he's goodlooking.
and my aunt has seen meera in a beauty parlor it new in lahore...and she goes shes quiet but she said she looks like a i don't if thats true or not cuz my aunt choice is not that
Age: 125
7984 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
good question. i have no idea y shaan and saima never come 2 award shows or any big function.
when saima came 2 the musical premier 4 LP (her first appearance at a big gathering), some guy even said 2 her that she should start attending such events, cause half the time, the awards are her's and some retard has 2 come and accept 'em 4 her. lol.
shaan's a good lookin' guy, no doubt.
as 4 @ your comment abt your aunt. lol. so she's short eh?! interesting....
paki lion
Age: 125
8047 days old here
Total Posts: 1162
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Netherlands, Netherlands
lollywoodfan said:
Nfakfan what do u think of the poster ?
this kind of posters and films sucks man! a hero always wears moustache and hold guns and villains always angrily looking and always shoutS..cant we get rid of this kind of stereotype moviez??????being a pakistani does not means that we should appreciate every pakistani moviez..we should criticize too..and hopefully directors might catch up our comments so they cant improve their skills and ability to make good moviez according to our wishes! so for me this kind of moviez as mentioned aboved should not be make!
Age: 125
7984 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
yeah i saw that lollyfan! it was an ok movie. saima kept saying 'eh koi mahaul hai' throughout the film which was funny. lol.
behrehem daku isn't the only movie which shares the same name as sultan rahi movies!! other examples include hakumat and sholay...2 movies which copied sultan rahi movie names!
Age: 125
7787 days old here
Total Posts: 443
Points: 0
Canada, Canada
no its not between u n me theres nothin between u n me.. if u were a nice guy i would give u my add but u seem like a bad guy n annoying one...leave me alone..what r u another ASIMA!!! n dont talk about my pic here yaar come on get a life GUJJAR!!!