IMAN said: OhhhHHH....20
i'm 18 its the reputable MAfia....Canada sux though i wanna live in PAKistAn..
i've know daisy since gr 6 i don't where u were all this time man...what the hell have u been doing DIASY...LOZLzz
Anyone here has MSN??
u probably thought i was older just cause i like saima eh?! lol.
canada doesnt suck man! we should be greatful we live in the one of the most peaceful countries on the planet! but u're right...i would rather be in pakistan 2, regardless.....!
i'm not in your part of town i'm up in thornhill and ya'll r up in scarlam! lol. (j/k)...i feel left outta this new mafia.

lol. (j/k)
i got msn..i'll pm u my contact, if u want it. holler back if u do! same with u daisy...! and i'll definately post in your 'canadian' topic!

LOL @ iman's toony tuesday comment. LOL. popeys or kfc?! kfc's halal now u know?!