Age: 125
7592 days old here
Total Posts: 66
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United States, United States
oye yar who said i haven't seen zara sheikh ....she's one my fav too.. well listen up guys... everyone have their own choice/taste/and point of view.. so thats y we all have differents point of views to saima.. but if u don't like something then don't talk bad about it.. like u guys are disscussing her figure and stuff.. if u can't give respect to somethin then atleast don't disrespect them..........
Age: 125
7984 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
mastii, i agree with everything u've said!
u have said what i have been saying 4 the last year!! u don't have 2 like her (saima) but don't make personal jokes abt her either!! just my opinion....
but these guys r free 2 express their views as well, i guess - however rude they may seem 2 me and u or even saima herself! u like reema 2 eh?! same here. she, along with saima have talent. so does zara. i don't like sana and meera tho. how abt u?!
Teen Tracker
Age: 125
7950 days old here
Total Posts: 28886
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Pakistan, Pakistan
bhai NFAKFAN (Old name but fits right) and masti dil par mat lo saima ko industry mai dekh kar hamara BP high ho jaat hay
last week i met an indian who said "You people have no talented or beautiful fil actress that you are using that huge piece of sh*t for years long" and believe me i am speech less
Age: 125
7984 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
Points: 0
Canada, Canada
lol @ your BP going high! jinaab, aap apna khyal rakhain! hum saima ke khilaaf batein dil par nahi letay, jitna aap uska lollywood me hona, dil par lete hain!! let saima make movies....u don't have 2 watch! she has a right to earn a living yaar!
lol @ you being speechless with your indian friend! u should have told him abt zara and veena, and our top models like natasha, iman ali, etc.!
Age: 125
8325 days old here
Total Posts: 8696
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ahh thats nice....ur cousin's getting married....yeah same here my uncle's getting married in a month or we're busy in that...thats why u dont see me online much!...u know...busy busy very busy.....i dont even know what imm goona wear....i want like green kameez and blue shalwar.....light green and light blue....hmm i dont know!..howz life.....
Age: 125
7984 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
Points: 0
Canada, Canada
congrats on your uncle gettin' married!
i say u wear something off-white....that colour seems 2 be 'in' these days...atleast from what i see. i'll be wearing a black suit with an off-white shirt and a matching off-white solid tie! but me giving a girl fashion tips is pretty gay, so u wear what u want. lol.
life - lets see: couin's wedding, family coming from overseas, vacation from school/work, ustaad teen sahib and u r back @ JB, and saima still rules! i'd say life's good! lol. how abt u?!