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The existence of numerous sects - each one claiming to be rightly guided - is a predetermined fact which the Noble Qur'an makes reference to. Allah Ta'ala declares, 'And if your Lord had so willed, He could have made mankind a single unified group, but they will continue to dispute and differ' (Hud 118).

Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said, 'Verily this nation (of Muslims) will be divided into seventy three sects. All of them would be in the fire except one.' When asked which one, he replied, 'The one that adheres to my Sunnah and the Sunnah of my companions.' (Abu Dawood).

This brief article, details some of the fundamental differences between Muslims, Qadianis and the Shiites. It is hoped that the reference below will highlight some of the deviant beliefs of both the Shiites and the Qadianis.


The Qur'an in its present form is authentic, complete and protected from any distortions upto the day of Qiyaamat.

Verses pertaining to Jihaad have been abrogated by the Wahy revealed to Ghulam Ahmad. He has in addition to the Qur'an, received Wahy, which is as important as the Qur'an.(Astugfirullah)

The Qur'an is incomplete and distorted. The original Qur'an had 17,000 verses. Hence 2/3 of the Qur'an is missing. The original Qur'an, compiled by Hadhrat Ali (Radhiallaahu Anhu) would be brought back by Imaam Mahdi.(Astugfirullah)


Nabi Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) was the final Nabi, through whom Islam gained completion and through whom prophethood was sealed and Wahy (revelation) ended.

The Prophet had been sent twice to the world. The first time he appeared in Makkah, in the form of Muhammad and the second time in Qadian in the form of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. (Astugfirullah)

The Imaam is a successor to the Nabi appointed by God. He is infallible and excels all Prophets, besides Nabi Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) in dignity. They possess the knowledge of the past and the future. They possess authority of death. They are divinely protected against error.(Astugfirullah)

There is no object of worship except Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.

The same Kalimah as the Muslims, except that Muhammad in the Kalimah refers to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.(Astugfirullah)

Same Kalimah with the following addition: 'Salvation is only attained by granting allegiance to Ahlul Bayt (the immediate household of Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) and by disowning their enemies i.e. Abu Bakr, Uthmaan and Umar and all non-Shias).(Astugfirullah)


Imaan, Salaat, Zakaat, Sawm and Hajj

Obedience to Allah, obedience to English government.

Salaat, Sawm, Hajj, Zakaat, Khums - 20% tax on profits, Jihaad, enjoining good, preventing evil, Love for the godly ones and hatred for the evil ones i.e. the Sahaaba.


The companions of Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) have been praised by Allah Ta'ala Himself in the Noble Qur'an. It is therefore not permissible to criticise them or undermine their integrity.

'The companions ate cheese from the Christians, although it was well known that it contained pigs, fat'. Faatima (Radhiallaahu Anhu) appeared to Ghulam Ahmad in a revealed state.(Astugfirullah)

All the companions became Kaafir except the immediate household of Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) and three other Sahaaba after his demise. Ali (Radhiallaahu Anhu) is considered by some as a vicegerent, others regard him as a prophet, whilst another group regard him as god.(Astugfirullah)


1870: His first public appearance as a preacher and defender of Islam.
1880 - 1884: He wrote Baraahin-e-Ahmadiyya - four volumes
1890: He claimed 'I am the replica of Jesus.'
1892: 'Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) was the final prophet. I do not lay claim to prophethood. I am the son of Mary.'
1893: 'God speaks to me and gives guidance for reforms'
1894: 'Jesus was a liar and his grandmother was a whore.'
1899: 'I am a Nabi but in an indirect sense.' (Shadow of Nabi)
1900: August 7th - an Imaam in his Jumuah Khutbah called him a Nabi and Rasool.
1902: He declared: 'I am superior to all prophets including Muhammad'. 'One who does not believe in me is a Kaafir.' 'The Qur'an and my words are from Allah.'(Astugfirullah)
1904: He declared 'I am god and Lord also Krishna'
1908: Mirza was struck by Cholera and slipped into a comma on May 25 and died in the next day. He was buried at Qadiyaani.

The wives of Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam)
The Shiite's bear the same enmity and malice for the wives of Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam), as they bear against the Sahaaba. They are frequently referred to as hypocrites and infidels.

Kitmaan and Taqiyya (Holy Hypocrisy)
Among the fundamental teachings are kitmaan and taqiyya (to conceal one's real faith and belief). Imaam Jaafar Sadiq is purpoted to have said to Sulaymaan bin Khalid, 'O Sulaymaan! You follow a religion that whoever will conceal, God will bestow honour on him and whoever will reveal it and publicise it, he will be disgraced by God.' He further states, 'Among ten parts of religion, nine lie in Taqiyya. He who does not observe taqiyya is devoid of faith.'

MUT'A: Temporary marriage(Astugfirullah)
A 'Hadith' attributed to Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) reads, 'Whosoever does Mut'a once reaches the rank of Imaam Husian, whoever does it twice reaches the rank of Imaam Hassan, whoever does it thrice reaches the rank of Hadhrat Ali and whoever does it four times attains my rank.(Astugfirullah)

Another purported 'Hadith' states, 'Anyone doing Mut'a with a believing woman is like one who has made the journey to the Ka'abah 70 times.'

Khomeini's view regarding prophethood, 'Every prophet came to establish justice on earth. His aim was to establish justice but he was not successful. The same is the position of the seal of prophets who came to reform human society and establish justice but he failed during his lifetime.' (Ittihatwa-yakjihati).

He further states, 'It is a necessary principle of our faith that our Imaam have ranks that exceed those of close angels and the appointed messengers.' (Al-Hukmatul Islaamiyyah).

May Allah Ta'ala protect our Imaan and save us from being part of the deviant groups, Aameen.

Jamiatul Ulama (Transvaal)

Posted 27 Aug 2003

Mani!!! says
~Fragi~ said:

well Gota knowledge ...

come again.
Posted 20 Feb 2004

Mani!!! says
Cute_gal said:

Mani!!! said:

The conept bout this of a non religious man is that Qadyanies arent muslims, and shiaz have diffrent kulma and all...but they are not offcially no n muslims.dat all.

no comments...

meaning what?
Posted 20 Feb 2004

~Fragi~ says
Mani!!! said:

~Fragi~ said:

well Gota knowledge ...

come again.

but where    
Posted 20 Feb 2004

Cute_gal says
Mani!!! said:

Cute_gal said:

Mani!!! said:

The conept bout this of a non religious man is that Qadyanies arent muslims, and shiaz have diffrent kulma and all...but they are not offcially no n muslims.dat all.

no comments...

meaning what?

means....i don' agree wid wat ya said...
Posted 20 Feb 2004

Mani!!! says
Qadyanies av officialy been declared non muslims . its in the constituitio nof islamic republic of pakistan. i was saying on the basis of that. Im not aksing uto blv me, just saying thats what i know....

Diffrent ppl av diffrent belief,s ..the basis of all the diffrent religions.

As far as shiaz are concerned ...i was told so by a shia friend..also the mut'ta thing ...also the matum thing..also bout he strnage burial ceremony.

I dun think that u av ny doubt in me being no n religious!!!!!!!!!
Posted 20 Feb 2004

Cute_gal says
Mani!!! said:

I dun think that u av ny doubt in me being no n religious!!!!!!!!!

'course not...
Posted 20 Feb 2004

Mani!!! says
Posted 20 Feb 2004

Cute_gal says
Posted 20 Feb 2004

Mani!!! says

Makes me regret tho.
Posted 20 Feb 2004

Cute_gal says
regret wat??...
Posted 20 Feb 2004

Mani!!! says
say stuff without thinking how people wud react...changes ma whole image wid them!
Posted 20 Feb 2004

PumpKin says
majority in my country r suni

when we praise the same GOD why we choose diff way ??
Posted 20 Feb 2004

Cute_gal says
Mani!!! said:

say stuff without thinking how people wud react...changes ma whole image wid them!

Posted 21 Feb 2004

thorra tajassus ke tehat search ke through yeh topic mila, hairan hun abhi takk. itni ghalat informations to western community islam je baare me nahi rakhte jitni idher ahmadiyyat ke khilaaf likhi gayi hain.

there are just two topics about qadianism, both content some informations, which in my opinion are more than just only wrong. they are wronger than wrongest.

strange for me. next time i will correct them. inshallah
Posted 04 May 2005

Cute_gal said:

Verses pertaining to Jihaad have been abrogated by the Wahy revealed to Ghulam Ahmad. He has in addition to the Qur'an, received Wahy, which is as important as the Qur'an.(Astugfirullah)...sarasar jhoot, no ahmadi-muslim believes this.

The Prophet had been sent twice to the world. The first time he appeared in Makkah, in the form of Muhammad and the second time in Qadian in the form of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. (Astugfirullah)...itna barra aur sarasar jhoot, no ahmadi-muslim believes this. we even dont know ke konsi gupp maari hai.

The same Kalimah as the Muslims, except that Muhammad in the Kalimah refers to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.(Astugfirullah)... jhoot ki bhi koi hadd hoti hai yaar, har ahmadi-muslim ka kalima yehi hai, la ilaha illa allah, muhammad ur rasoolu allah. phir bhi jhoot par jhoot, propaganda

Obedience to Allah, obedience to English government.... just first part is the treust one. we are obedient to only Allah. nothing more. baaqi sabb gupps.

'The companions ate cheese from the Christians, although it was well known that it contained pigs, fat'. Faatima (Radhiallaahu Anhu) appeared to Ghulam Ahmad in a revealed state.(Astugfirullah)... ajeeb si stories hain, kuch. kissi ahmadi-muslim ko to pata bhi nahi inn jhoots ka. tafseeli jawab in urdu on the link at the end. itne barre barre jhoot yaar.

.... aur is chronology ki kya baat hai, siraf aap ko hi in baton ka ilm hai, aur kissi ko nahi. haha sarasar jhoot,

cute girl
please be fair. itne jhoot to kissi normal jhoote ko bhi hazam nahi hote, jitne aap ne nadaani me just copy and paste kar diye.

bravo to all other critical users. aisa laga hai ke aik bhairr ne chalang mari to peeche peeche sabb bherroN ne chalang maarni shuroo kar di. insaaf bhi koi chez hai.

bahar haal ooper diye gaye thake hue aitrazat ka jawab is in urdu available on the link here!!!!

downloadable as PDF-file on and here!!!!

we are used to it. argumentations against western pseudointellektuals, who generally blame islam coz of there surface oriented thoughts and argumentation of real third class propaganda of maulwi hazrat about ahmadiyyat, too.
Posted 05 May 2005

Bazigaar says
after reading all above...all i have to say is k there is really a big mis-conception between different sects of islam...and not only in sects of islam, but also between different religions...and har koi ek dosray per ilzam bazi kerta hae without any proof...

i am friends with ppl of differetn religions including Qadiani and Shia and i don't think most things written about those guysby cute_gal r even true...if they were...then some kind of source should be included...warna ye to dosroon ke religion per keechar uchaalne wali baat hoye

djeedja lotta - i take it as u r Qadiani? i will suggest u something i suggest to doesn;t matters what others say bout u;r belief...what matters is what u believe in...if u r satisfied and happy...dat's what's between u and God...

last but not least...feel free to argue but do remember k even though our members belong to different faiths... at the end of the day..we r all humans...respect each other and their faith
Posted 06 May 2005

Bazigaar said:

djeedja lotta - i take it as u r Qadiani?

wah wah, buhat acha likha yaar. mogambo khush hua. thanks a lot.

we call us ahmadi-muslim or ahmadi, not qadiani. its just like if somebody calls mussla to us instead of muslim.
Posted 06 May 2005

Bazigaar says
djeedja lotta said:

Bazigaar said:

djeedja lotta - i take it as u r Qadiani?

wah wah, buhat acha likha yaar. mogambo khush hua. thanks a lot.

we call us ahmadi-muslim or ahmadi, not qadiani. its just like if somebody calls mussla to us instead of muslim.

sorry bro i didn;t meant it in bad way...yeah i know..ahmadi...
Posted 07 May 2005

Cute_gal says
djeedja lotta said:

thorra tajassus ke tehat search ke through yeh topic mila, hairan hun abhi takk. itni ghalat informations to western community islam je baare me nahi rakhte jitni idher ahmadiyyat ke khilaaf likhi gayi hain.

there are just two topics about qadianism, both content some informations, which in my opinion are more than just only wrong. they are wronger than wrongest.

strange for me. next time i will correct them. inshallah

it's an oldddddddddddddddddd topic......but enewayz.......i bet dere r other shiaz n qadianis r on dis forum......but no1 really corrected me or even posted dere i assumed woteva i posted is true......i'll look fwd to it...
Posted 08 May 2005

Cute_gal says
djeedja lotta said:

Cute_gal said:

Verses pertaining to Jihaad have been abrogated by the Wahy revealed to Ghulam Ahmad. He has in addition to the Qur'an, received Wahy, which is as important as the Qur'an.(Astugfirullah)...sarasar jhoot, no ahmadi-muslim believes this.

The Prophet had been sent twice to the world. The first time he appeared in Makkah, in the form of Muhammad and the second time in Qadian in the form of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. (Astugfirullah)...itna barra aur sarasar jhoot, no ahmadi-muslim believes this. we even dont know ke konsi gupp maari hai.

The same Kalimah as the Muslims, except that Muhammad in the Kalimah refers to Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.(Astugfirullah)... jhoot ki bhi koi hadd hoti hai yaar, har ahmadi-muslim ka kalima yehi hai, la ilaha illa allah, muhammad ur rasoolu allah. phir bhi jhoot par jhoot, propaganda

Obedience to Allah, obedience to English government.... just first part is the treust one. we are obedient to only Allah. nothing more. baaqi sabb gupps.

'The companions ate cheese from the Christians, although it was well known that it contained pigs, fat'. Faatima (Radhiallaahu Anhu) appeared to Ghulam Ahmad in a revealed state.(Astugfirullah)... ajeeb si stories hain, kuch. kissi ahmadi-muslim ko to pata bhi nahi inn jhoots ka. tafseeli jawab in urdu on the link at the end. itne barre barre jhoot yaar.

.... aur is chronology ki kya baat hai, siraf aap ko hi in baton ka ilm hai, aur kissi ko nahi. haha sarasar jhoot,

cute girl
please be fair. itne jhoot to kissi normal jhoote ko bhi hazam nahi hote, jitne aap ne nadaani me just copy and paste kar diye.

bravo to all other critical users. aisa laga hai ke aik bhairr ne chalang mari to peeche peeche sabb bherroN ne chalang maarni shuroo kar di. insaaf bhi koi chez hai.

bahar haal ooper diye gaye thake hue aitrazat ka jawab is in urdu available on the link here!!!!

downloadable as PDF-file on and here!!!!

we are used to it. argumentations against western pseudointellektuals, who generally blame islam coz of there surface oriented thoughts and argumentation of real third class propaganda of maulwi hazrat about ahmadiyyat, too.

i read ur links....don' agree wid it....but again.....diff religions diff beliefs....n i appoligize if i offended any1 by dis post...
Posted 08 May 2005

Cute_gal says
Bazigaar said:

and har koi ek dosray per ilzam bazi kerta hae without any proof...

i am friends with ppl of differetn religions including Qadiani and Shia and i don't think most things written about those guysby cute_gal r even true...if they were...then some kind of source should be included...warna ye to dosroon ke religion per keechar uchaalne wali baat hoye

well i shud've posted a link....but oh well...... ain't no point 2 find a link now...dis is an olddddd post.....
Posted 08 May 2005

Cute_gal said:

i read ur links....don' agree wid it....but again.....diff religions diff beliefs....n i appoligize if i offended any1 by dis post...

may be u read the links, i dont believe this. but its still ur right to have another opinion.

the fact is, which i underlinded, that the information about ahmadiyyat u posted were propagandistic material. this is all. it is just like the same propaganda which a lot of catholic christians make against islam that muslims believe no woman has a soul. no muslim believes this. it is just propaganda, sarasar jhoot.

and for ur kind information, if u want to know about someone, then its better to ask him, not other ppl. they might give u just and only wrong information, which in ur case is true. for ahmadiyyat, there is a link online here ahmadiyya muslim community. i think this is right information about us. and not any other links.

u didnt offend, but u hurt. haha new generation bhi waisi hi hai jaisi old one hai. it hurts sometimes. sorry if i offended or hurt u.
Posted 08 May 2005

Ashii says
agar yeh sab galt hai to phir hum sab ki soch aik damm galt ho gai na

just one question DL
agar yeh sab jhoot hai to phir sach kya hai,, i never found anyone who cld explain me the real difference between ahmedi and other muslims,,
baki se puchein ge to they ll surely say something based on lies,, so better to ask to ya

kahin to koi fark hai na ??
(im sorry i cant check these sites,, i realy dont have much time these days,, if u cld tell me briefly)
Posted 09 May 2005


i wont tell the differences. i tell u just, what i believe. if i explain "the difference between ahmadi and other muslims", then i indirectly declare, that ahmadis are different than muslims, so non muslims. hahah and we dont believe, that we are non-muslims. pakka pakka musalman. alhamdulillah

so first i believe ke Allah is still living and talking to ppl, giving them wahi and ilham as HE did ever, if somebody is deeply in LOVE with Allah.

secondly, that if somebody is under HIS messenger Mohammad (saws), and does, what Mohammad (saws) did, he could get the level of prophets, too, coz our Prophet Mohammad (saws) was the best of prophets and a complete personallity and a comlete guidline for mankind.

so based on these two promises of ALLAH, told in the sura nisa verse 70, which is following.

"aur jo bhi Allah ki aur iss ke Rasool ki itaat kare, to yehi woh log hain jo unn logon ke sath honge jinn par Allah ne inaam kiya, Nabiyon me se, siddeeqon me se, shaheedon me se aur saleheen me se, aur yeh buhat hi ache saathi hai" al-nisa 70

an ahmady believes, that there is a prophet names mirza ghulam ahmad qadiani (as). but he didnt bring any new laws or shariyat but he is under the shariyat of ANhazrat Mohammad (saws). just like hazrat isa(as) came after hazrat moosa(as). and an ahmadi believes that mirza ghulam ahmad (as) is the promised messias, which all muslims are waiting for, or were waiting for.

so ahmadies believed on his message, which is nothing than islam. everything from quran, from sunnat, from hadis and so on.

and an ahmadi believes that hazrat isa (sa) is dead like all other prophets and human being and he is not still living in the heaven or anywhere else. He was a prophet and a human being, so he died as its natural.

official site for ahmadiyya muslim jamaat
Posted 10 May 2005

Cute_gal says
djeedja lotta said:


secondly, that if somebody is under HIS messenger Mohammad (saws), and does, what Mohammad (saws) did, he could get the level of prophets, too, coz our Prophet Mohammad (saws) was the best of prophets and a complete personallity and a comlete guidline for mankind.

an ahmady believes, that there is a prophet names mirza ghulam ahmad qadiani (as). but he didnt bring any new laws or shariyat but he is under the shariyat of ANhazrat Mohammad (saws). just like hazrat isa(as) came after hazrat moosa(as). and an ahmadi believes that mirza ghulam ahmad (as) is the promised messias, which all muslims are waiting for, or were waiting for.

so ahmadies believed on his message, which is nothing than islam. everything from quran, from sunnat, from hadis and so on.

and an ahmadi believes that hazrat isa (sa) is dead like all other prophets and human being and he is not still living in the heaven or anywhere else. He was a prophet and a human being, so he died as its natural.

official site for ahmadiyya muslim jamaat

so da diff dat i see is dat we all blv dat Anhazrat (PBUH) was da last prophet ......and hazrat Isa (PBUH) is still alive and gonna come bak b4 da end of time....

jus' 1` u guys recite da same Kalma??.....

P.S. no offens
Posted 10 May 2005

Bazigaar says
Cute_gal said:

jus' 1` u guys recite da same Kalma??.....

P.S. no offens

...according to my knowledge...they recite same kalima
Posted 10 May 2005

LiL_DollY says
Posted 10 May 2005

Badal says
masla yeh hai kay yahaan pakistan main qadiyani sect ka koi material available nahi hai, govt of pakistan nay sab zabt kar liya, shaid unkay gharoon main ho bas, is liye kuch kehna fuzool hai kyun phir sab refference mangain gay, aur zubani refference doonga tu bilkul hi mukar jain gay kay aisa kuch likha hai unki books main.

however, i believe gulam ahmad qadiyani was not a prophet, neither he deserved to be a prophet at all ( aur promised messias hona tu door ki baat hai).
Posted 10 May 2005

@cute gal
"la ilaha illallah, muhammad ur rasool ullah"
there is no worthy of worship axcept Allah, Muhammad is his prophet.

this is the kalima of ahmadi-muslims. but now some maulwis say, that we mean Ahmad, as we are saying Muhammad. nauzubillah. Ab yahan par aakar kon aqal de. khair.

Ahmadi-Muslims believe that Mohammad (saws) was Khatamun nabiyyeen. but they dont believe, that he(saws) was the last prophet. "khatim" mustnt mean last as "arabic word "sharab" doesnt mean "alcohol", it means "juice". so sharab is forbidden in urdu-speaking countries, but not in arabic speaking countries. hahaha Khatim means the best, the sael of prophets. jaisay punjabi me kehte haiN ke "kabab banana te idde te khatam hai", doenst mean, that nobody after that person will make kababs, it means, that his kababs are best. all other meanings are against quran.   

thanks yaar

@badal sahib
no problem yaar. about whole of the ahmadi material and the literature is available online at
Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat, so please go on.
and whether u believe or not about the prophethood of Mirza ghulam ahmad (as), doesnt matter, coz kuffar told to Mohammad the same, that he did not deserve to be a prophet(nau zubillah), and christains and jews are still saying the same to Mohammad (saws), so what. come on, get some new arguments. u got the link. its ur turn. be logic. in this era of internet, aproximately everything is online. so we can talk about quran and hadis and so on. be cool.
Posted 10 May 2005

Ashii says
djeedja lotta said:

so first i believe ke Allah is still living and talking to ppl, giving them wahi and ilham as HE did ever, if somebody is deeply in LOVE with Allah.


djeedja lotta said:

secondly, that if somebody is under HIS messenger Mohammad (saws), and does, what Mohammad (saws) did, he could get the level of prophets, too, coz our Prophet Mohammad (saws) was the best of prophets and a complete personallity and a comlete guidline for mankind.

'wilayat' ka rasta khula hai
nabuwwat ka nahi...
fark hai dono mei

djeedja lotta said:

"aur jo bhi Allah ki aur iss ke Rasool ki itaat kare, to yehi woh log hain jo unn logon ke sath honge jinn par Allah ne inaam kiya, Nabiyon me se, siddeeqon me se, shaheedon me se aur saleheen me se, aur yeh buhat hi ache saathi hai" al-nisa 70

iss ayaat se kahin bhi yeh pata nahi chalta k Khuda aur Rasool ki ataat karne waale NABI k barabar honge,, saath hona alag baat hai

djeedja lotta said:

........and an ahmadi believes that mirza ghulam ahmad (as) is the promised messias, which all muslims are waiting for, or were waiting for.

yeh wali baat bhi reliable nahi lagti
coz MESSIHA k aane ki jo nihsyaniyan batai gai hein Quran pak mei woh poori nahi hui

djeedja lotta said:

and an ahmadi believes that hazrat isa (sa) is dead like all other prophets and human being and he is not still living in the heaven or anywhere else. He was a prophet and a human being, so he died as its natural.

but yeh to Quran pak mei bhi likha hai that He s no dead and he ll come back as messiha

may i say something,, plz dont take it wrong,, but according to my vv limited knowledge
muslim hone liye kalima parhna kafi nahi hota (and its true for those aswell who call theirselves sunni, shia, ehl e hadees, etc)
Allah ki wahdaniyat
Rusool e pak (saw) ka akhri nabi hona
Quran pak k aik aik lafz ko sach samajhna
+ amaal

jab base hi nahi to agay ki kya sochein......

hmm,, me out of this topic
and thnx DL to clear out things
Posted 10 May 2005

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