If u had 2 save someone from drowning who would it be, ZARA or MEERA?
(this was a commonly asked question when 'Chalo Ishq Larahain' came out and as 'Salakhain' is coming out soon maybe the quetsion will be asked again as it features these two)
Age: 125
7994 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
lol. i can't see how u hate saima so much, yet u like sana. lol. i guess u're wondering the same abt me tho. lol.
(abt noor)...oh le! i like her yaar. she's not THAT good, but better than sana, in my opinion. lol. u see what i mean when i say u and 1 have COMPLETELY different taste when it comes 2 actresses?! lol.
what do u think of sadia imam and veena malik, my personal favorites?!
Age: 125
7797 days old here
Total Posts: 443
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Canada, Canada
TeenTracker said:
iman is right Mr Khan waiasay bahion aur behno zara aur meera ka koi comparison nahin hai
Yup ur right....and nfak im not really saying that i hate saima i just hate her in some movies...im not saying she ugly or anything she is pretty n so is sana but noor now come one NOOR...hahahahaaa....i hate noor n i hate vina malik too...lol...saadia is okay
sorry to say but man...you have bad taste...have u noticed noor's neck its so large...lol...in the drama with faisal qureshi i forgot the name of it....IMAN37962.1559837963
Age: 125
7994 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
IMAN said:
Yup ur right....and nfak im not really saying that i hate saima i just hate her in some movies...im not saying she ugly or anything she is pretty n so is sana but noor now come one NOOR...hahahahaaa....i hate noor n i hate vina malik too...lol...saadia is okay
sorry to say but man...you have bad taste...have u noticed noor's neck its so large...lol...in the drama with faisal qureshi i forgot the name of it....
thats the last time i talk 2 u abt actresses. our views differ 2 much. lol. (j/k)
seriously tho..i'm no fan of noor....but @ the same time i don't think she's ugly. have u seen her in the jawad ahmed video?! not bad @ all!
as 4 veena malik...u OBVIOUSLY have not seen 'saas bhi ek ma hai.' lol. otherwize u'd change u're mind...!!