NFAKFan said:poor bullsh*t! even if choorian was not made lollywood would still be there ok! get real life dude! come to the fact! its really pisses me off u are claiming something wich is pure and only made up by YOU! u even claimed without saima there will be no lollywood! u tell me whats the reason behind saima and choorian its pushed lollywood to rise????just coz choorian became superhit and saima became a so called 'queen of lollywood' (acoording to u and in ur eyes only)? u can appreciate saima everytime but dont think and most of all DONT SAY lollywood exists thanx to saima or her moviez...for god sake!you all can say what u want abt punjabi movies, but last i checked, it was thanks 2 a punjabi movie (chooriyan) that lollywood still exists. the business it made was equal 2, or more than most indian movies!! so say what u will peeps.....punjabi movies are here 2 stay!!!
NFAKFan said:u are calling me retarded! plz saty in ur limit ok u bloody saima ass-kisser! after sultan rahi there were several punjabi movie made wich became hit ok!paki lion's retarded.
lollywood.....especially the punjabi-movie-makin' sect of it, WOULD NOT BE HERE 2DAY HAD IT NOT BEEN 4 CHOORIYAN. this is a commom-sence FACT, einstien. after the death of sultan rahi they were ready 2 pack it in, UNTIL CHOORIYAN CAME OUT.
slik chik said:I TOLD U NA..NFKAN WILL CALL U RETARDED IF U DONT CONSIDER SAIMA AS A SEXY, BEAUTIFUL, YOUNG LOOKING. SLIM, GIRL!lolz, so wat ur sayin nfak is that shes the new sutana rahi fo lolly?
she definately fit the size requirements to replace that guy!![]()
slik chik said:ting is, he neva called me retarded cuz he knows il eat him up alive.
NFAKFan said:yo, i sed it, dats enuf!just waitin' 4 the lion!!
NFAKFan said:NO U ARE BEGGING FOR THE SAME SCRIPT!its not enough! paki lion needs 2 say the word, and i'll bust out the proof!!
and ydakh.....chooriyan set a standard, even 4 urdu movies. how? FACT: actresses and even actors in lollywood 2 this day, beg 4 similar roles/scripts irregardless of wheather or not they're urdu or punjabi. thats why its always brought up.
NFAKFan said:give me all the proof! u are just making these statements up...i never heard any actice to be like saima or what so ever! so gimme all the proof!yeah paki lion...i'm beggin' 4 the same scripts (severe sarcasm)
. ignore the interviews and the comments made by these actresses, y don't u. lol. nothing new. lol.
NFAKFan said:wether diz statement is true or not saima is still old looking and fat!oh! and as 4 actresses wanting roles like saima, here's just one example (meera interview). if u can get a hold of the show sunday ke sunday, and have them air the same episode they aired abt 1 and 1/2 months ago, u'll see resham, veena malik and noor all admit that indeed, saima is THE heroine currently, in lollywood!!
'Meera insists that Punjabi films should be made more often. "The Punjab circuit is so large and we should entertain our Punjabi viewers. But I prefer romantic Punjabi films like Mehendi Walley Hath or Choorian. I don't want to work in a typical 'gandasacised' Punjabi flicks where all the heroine can do is shake her butt and nothing else. Allah Neghaban is my last Punjabi film. I am not going to do any more Punjabi films unless I get a meaty role or a solid script like Choorian."'
anything else paki lion?!![]()
paki lion said:wether diz statement is true or not saima is still old looking and fat!
NFAKFan said:first of all dont call me buddy and what truth! u are the minority who support saima! it doesn't hurt me if roles goes to saima..its just i feel ashamed as a pakistani that a buddy is playing an heroine role compared wid bollywood and hollywood moviez!
paki lion said:wether diz statement is true or not saima is still old looking and fat!
even when i provide proof, u still can't face reality. lol. says alot abt u paki lion yaar.
and yup! (2 u) saima's old lookin' and fat, yet ADMIRED/ENVIED by most of her lollywood peers. despite the flaws u mention, she's still looked upon as the standard most actresses try 2 meet, professionally. truth hurts doesn't it buddy?!?!!!