paki lion said:first of all dont call me buddy and what truth! u are the minority who support saima! it doesn't hurt me if roles goes to saima..its just i feel ashamed as a pakistani that a buddy is playing an heroine role compared wid bollywood and hollywood moviez!
ydakh said:Lahori director only can proud punjabi movies..
..bcz there is no competition of punjabi movies with other dont happy these directors that proud of punjabi stuff..but national lang is healthy competition of any director not pulling legs of colegue director,that ofter do.
NFAKFan said:
ydakh said:Lahori director only can proud punjabi movies..
..bcz there is no competition of punjabi movies with other dont happy these directors that proud of punjabi stuff..but national lang is healthy competition of any director not pulling legs of colegue director,that ofter do.
ydakh, why do u always bring up 'lahori' people/directors????!!! i even noticed in the other topic, u said 'only lahore people can call reema pretty...' whats up with that??!??!!!!
in regards 2 punjabi movies, i encourage you 2 read the following article, from the british film institute:
it explains everything PREFECTLY. a very informative and fair article. read it FULLY and let me know what u think!!
ydakh said:because nfakfan..all director belongs to they resbonsible of defame of paki movies..have u even consider and think why mojority of people say rubbish
about paki movies?specially punjabi's fact...I am not saying punjabi...these director pervaiz rana..altaf hussain and many more punjabi director proud only in be punjabi..they dont say...we r pakistanis...specially punjab's people..ok...leave offensive just fact on studying me in these people saying usually in realistic.