Have Pakistani Serials lost their edge over their Indian Counterparts. Why are Pakistani serials no longer viewed in India?
Is it because of the growing number of TV channels explosion in India and the popularity of Indian Saas Bahu serials in Pakistan and India.
Have the glamour, music and success of Indian Serials left the pakistani serials behind. Why are the pakistani serials not being able to generate huge amount of money like the India serials despite pakistani serials being popular in India as well in the early and late 80's.
Age: 125
7941 days old here
Total Posts: 2890
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Pakistan, Pakistan
u r comparing 100 crore pop. country than 14crore country..stupidity ..only money is not a guarantee of success and popularity.. pakistani dramas r still worth watched while indian drmas r not...only a few people interested.
Rain Man
Age: 125
7826 days old here
Total Posts: 24391
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United States, United States
indians make dramas with over 200 episodes, i don't even watch em, they always have same story rona dhona n nothing else, n most of the time they have film actors actresses workin there
PAK TV DRAMAS are the best...n that's it...no questions asked
Age: 125
7984 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
i don't watch any indian ones, and i've only watched 1-2 pakistani ones. but i've been told by family and friends, both pakistani and indian, that pak drama's are better. they say they're more sophisticated....
Age: 125
7754 days old here
Total Posts: 170
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Pakistan, Pakistan
Indian dramas are only popular(if they are) in women.....Our serials are much much better....The best Drama on air these days is "poore chand ki rat".......brilliant script and flawless direction with amazingly well cast of performers for every character
Age: 125
7670 days old here
Total Posts: 33
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India, India
pakistani serials.....does pakistan make tv serials?? nobody in india even knows that . indian serials are glamorous and grand and reflect popular culture. i have flipped thru ptv a few times and it is the most boring channel one could ever see. no offense. u dont have the aptitude for entertainment that s why indian channels were so populaR IN pakistan . also the fact tht they look so dated and the lifestyle shown is like how we lived in india in the 40's . there s no way an indian can identify with ur tv , not even muslims. ify are u so pakistani tv is better and more powerful then why are u so paranoid about our media entering ur country. i ll tell u why ..cause ur media or whatever it is would be wiped out clean. nobody wants to watch televsion from a theocraic society that is so unrealistically high on censorship and morality. inian tv is huge and u are right u cant compare a 1 billion people country to pakistan which is like as big as probably two states in india. ofcourse we have more resources and more money but that s not the only thing . other factors are freedom of speech and expression, censorship and ofcourse peoples attitude towards arts and entertainment. indians love to be entertained and we respect artists and give them the leverage to create whatever they want to . u have to change the whole social fabric of ur society to get it right, which is not possible since u are an islamic country. zeeyad38050.4881712963
Age: 43
8270 days old here
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Neutral Zone,
well ya know ..
in d past paki dramaz were da best of da best
n dey were popular in both countries... n now adayz i dona think indiaz producing any good serial coz dey r only producing soaps .. wid da endless theme ...
Age: 125
7670 days old here
Total Posts: 33
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India, India
pakistani tv is not watched in india where people are just innundated with entertainment. music i ll agree and that s also case indian labels are pickin em up . trust me i know my countries metality havin lived there all my life and ur tv is dismissed as boring and outdated. this young generation in india which is so unbashedly liberal is changing the whole scenario. 99% of the population doesnt even take pakistan tv. maybe ur dramas are good but ur television production values are so poor that they are an eyesore . nobody in india would watch it .
Age: 43
8270 days old here
Total Posts: 64603
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Neutral Zone,
well .... ya r too much biased wid yer opinion na .... and i know da reality coz me also belong to india ... whenever i have to visit to india i have to carry paki dramaz cdz n cassetez bag .. juz due to deir demand .. n i dona think indian young genration gona watch SOAPS ... coz woh tu boring n endliess theme k saath hotey hain ..
Age: 125
7670 days old here
Total Posts: 33
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India, India
well u must be travelling to mohammadpur or somewhere.. lol kiddin ... ofcourse indian soaps are boring ..so are american soaps ..all soaps are boring but they are not made for u and me . regular tv serials the indian ones are slick and there are no technological comparisons . i know new delhi inside out and dont know a single soul that even knows that pakistan makes tv serials forget watching them . if u are an indian u know how we are now . just so consumed in this media blitz that our country provides us and the best of the rest of the world. pakistan tv doesnt even figure anywhere in this context
Age: 125
7776 days old here
Total Posts: 895
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
Tight said:
Indian dramas are only popular(if they are) in women.....Our serials are much much better....The best Drama on air these days is "poore chand ki rat".......brilliant script and flawless direction with amazingly well cast of performers for every character
wicked...i totally love that drama. ..it has everything...direction, acting...its such a nice drama..