Pakistani Serials vs Indian Serials

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Age: 125
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Have Pakistani Serials lost their edge over their Indian Counterparts. Why are Pakistani serials no longer viewed in India?

Is it because of the growing number of TV channels explosion in India and the popularity of Indian Saas Bahu serials in Pakistan and India.

Have the glamour, music and success of Indian Serials left the pakistani serials behind. Why are the pakistani serials not being able to generate huge amount of money like the India serials despite pakistani serials being popular in India as well in the early and late 80's.

Posted 03 Mar 2004

The War is going on The War is goig on at:
Posted 04 Mar 2004

~Fragi~ says
Aint A war
Posted 04 Mar 2004

i dont now but mehndi and ghulam gardish, saharey are the best dramas ever.
Posted 04 Mar 2004

tikal says
u got to be kidding me..comparing paki dramas with indian......what do indians bhe bahu and gher gher ki kahani and thats it.....look at pakistan's drama history...full of awesome , interesting , attention grabing dramas....i still watch old ptv dramas on videos, cause they still gime a good time.!
Posted 05 Mar 2004

zeeyad says
well u should watch pakistani dramas cause they are made in ur country .....however low budget and backward they are. cant even show two people hugging in the 21st century. i m sorry but the rest of the world doesnt care especially india cause we r just consumed by the media blitz that our country and more progressive nations provide us . we r forward lookin people and dont care about stuff that comes on ur regressive tv . like i said ..they must be good but trust me most of the people dont even know pakistan makes tv serials
Posted 05 Mar 2004

LOL. why is it that whevever we discuss a facet of pakistani entertainment (music/drama's especially)and its success (nationally or internationally), 9/10 (new) indian members join JB 2 bring up pakistani society, and religion in regards 2 that facet?!?!?! LOL. everyone's certainly entitled to an opinion, but sticking to the topic at hand would be so much more productive. we've gone from discussing which countries drama's are better, to talking abt pakistan's tv in general, its society, its religion, and its people?? go figure....

as far as this topic goes, pakistani serials might not be more popular than indian ones (and even that can be argued judging by most of the responses in this forum), but they're certainly better, in my opinion. production values are simply icing on the cake. we may not have that luxury, but interesting storylines, excellent acting, and solid directing are just a few small things that pakistan DOES HAVE, and these aid in the pakistani product (dramas) being vastly superior. one indian (mr. zeeyad) doesn't speak for 1 billion+ people in india. lol. i'm sure we all know indians who live in india, and abroad who watch and prefer pakistani dramas. as 4 those indians who may not get 2 see'em, or prefer not 2 - who really cares?! its their loss.
Posted 05 Mar 2004

zeeyad says
judging the response nfak..what a jk that is considering most of the players here are pakistanis. and talkin bout me bein one indian not knowin what pakistani dramas are all about.. well maybe one in a population of 1 billion would have seen what comes on ur tv. ur tv is non existant even in ur own country where people are just so starved for indian entertainment. the luxeries u r talkin about are necessities. its call story tellin and u r just tellin it in a dry uninteresting way that is just so boring and regressive. ur tv is so high on censorship and morality that they are not even healthy for the eyes. no offense but our ads are higher budgeted than ur tv serials. get real ..ur tv has nothin in for the rest of the world . it just doesnt jell with the kinda enviornment that we breath in and have no delusions about the fact that nobody in india even knows that pakistani make tv dramas.
Posted 05 Mar 2004

zeeyad said:

well maybe one in a population of 1 billion would have seen what comes on ur tv.

talk abt generalizing. beautiful...!! i love it. lol.

u're constant bringing-up-of pakistani television, and pakistani society is commical. its almost as if its a saftey net of sorts, which u fall back on whenever u see a facet of pakistani entertainment being praised moreso than india's. LOL.

its as if your convincing yourself, not us. lol. u know india sucks in that regard (dramas and musically) so you feel compelled to bring up negative aspects of pakistan - completely irrelevant to the issue at hand - in order to make up 4 it. LOL. its okay yaar. whatever makes u sleep easier.

Posted 05 Mar 2004

Members Look and think!
Mini skirt and Banyan is progress of india. ydakh38051.5909837963
Posted 05 Mar 2004

Saki says
ydakh said:

Members Look and think!
Mini skirt and Banyan is progress of india.

lol lol lol....this is sooooo funny!
Posted 05 Mar 2004

well i cant comment on indain livinin india whether they prefer pak drams or indians cos i dont know them.
But one thing for sure here in the uk they show pak and indian dramas and pak dramas have more ratins especially on zee tv and plus even my indian freinds think mehndhi is the bestes drama.
You Zeeyad you in india you dont know wat indian are like in the uk watch that film I PROUD TO BE INDIAN i aint seen it but i heard it suppose to show we stick togehter obviusly that bit about the skinheads and that trouble is false,it shows wat we and the indian here are like .
Posted 05 Mar 2004

umair16 says
all ud insian and pakistani here in the UK are good friends . . i have so many indian friends and we all get along weiked . . even on the cricket match . we joke and then over it . their are some who go over the top.

Indian and pakistani are all friends in the UK . .
Posted 05 Mar 2004

yeah i think we are like one race and community and indians in india and paki in pak are another cos they dont seem to see things in our views.
Posted 05 Mar 2004

Saki says
miss attitude said:

tum ne meri baat cheen le

Posted 05 Mar 2004

valandrian says
Posted 03 Jun 2018

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