one thing
dotn really agree to "bollywood promoting indian culture"
well its no more true
wotever they show in (most of) their movies NOW is not v indian,, infact its not indian at all
its just a way to make money by selling ppl wot they want to see or beleive (b them indian or pakis)
they r selling a dreamworld to frustrated ppl of both countries
dont forget that india n pak r 3rd world countries
except in few big cities situation is not that briliant
the culture these movies are promoting is bad for both sides
wot do u think,, that BHAI LOG style movies are encouraging something positive in india ??? i really doubt that
and wot abt ovverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rich NRI family movies... its enuff to frustrate half of the indi population
i have family living in india,, i have indi friends
but none of them celebrate their parties/weddings in the way shown in movies..
on the other hand i knwo a paki family in khi who celebrated a wedding for 7 days with 7 different themes,, including sangeet, holi etc
im sure not much indians do that
it depends on u,,, wot do u want to adopt
shishu is right on that point,, y dont we adopt something positive from their country... the whole world knows indian eco is dvlp so fastly for last few yrs,,, y cant we adopt same policies
their movies contributed a lot to discourage the cast sys in india....
we do have a cultural (religious) difference... we cant help it
we want to follow our religion or their movies,, its our own choice... i dont beleive in things like CONSPIRACY or wotever
wot my children will adopt is in my hands,, not in karan johars
the truth is we both are unable to accept the 'happy' existance of other
we cant change the history but we can try to change the futur...... if indians are our enemies y do we follow them
we can simply walk side by side........
give it a brraaaaakkkkkkkkkkke
getting late