Age: 47
8294 days old here
Total Posts: 380
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Karachi, Pakistan
SALL: NO dont come near me..... SANAM411 comes for rescue and save SALL SALL:thnks SANAM411 u came at the right time SANAM411: no problem., come i will take you for launch tomorow.. SANAM411 takes SALL to a roadside cafe where the chef was cutting , cleaning, washing and cooking mice.. SALL:AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaa..yukkkkkkkkkk,, yukkkk yukk brkkkkkkkk.. I hate mice. rest laterz
Age: 47
8294 days old here
Total Posts: 380
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Karachi, Pakistan
rani---hum woh hein jo kabhi kissi ke peche khare nahi hote...aur jahan khare hote hein line waha se he shoro hoti hae.... com'on hurry up it's my turn. cant hold it any longer
Age: 47
8294 days old here
Total Posts: 380
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Karachi, Pakistan
jani420---Sindhi + Balouch = Jani Karachi + Quetta = 420 (Sindhi + Balouch)X (Karachi + Quetta)= Jani420 antique piece, 420 was british law before partiton
Age: 47
8294 days old here
Total Posts: 380
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Karachi, Pakistan
At the reception desk JANUBABA ask's for his room key and suddenly... he hears a loud yell ..eeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh... JANUBABA turns back and see SALL jumping up n down..[bounce] SALL:i haaaattte rats yaaaarrrr..... yukkkkkkkk.. hellllpppppppppppp PUMPKIN comes to help... catches the mouse from the tail and says PUMPKIN: comon SALL it's just a mouse.. SALL: NO dont come near me..... Rest laterz........
Age: 47
8294 days old here
Total Posts: 380
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Karachi, Pakistan
Suddenly SWEETIE comes to help.. SWEETIE: Whats happening guys why are you all fighting.... JANUBABA: Well SALL and PUMPKIN were fighting about.. as JANUBABA was telling SWEETIE about the fight a mouse went by SALL's feet.. SALL: EEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK.. Help a mouse.... JANUBABA: cleaning his glasses.. SALL you are a girl..OH OH..GOODA GOODA... PUMPKIN comes for her help and catches the mouse and runs in the kitchen.. PUMPKIN: Hi chef.. take this and make a broast out of it. CHEF: Ok Sir, who will eat it. PUMPKIN: well i will eat the brain and rest SALL will finish it..also bring kaddo ka halwa as sweeet dish.. all enjoyed the dinner and back to the hotel.. At the reception desk JANUBABA ask's for his room key and suddenly... Rest Laterz....
Age: 47
8294 days old here
Total Posts: 380
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Karachi, Pakistan
quote:to be honest.. i agree with bibijan.. we dont really need this forum.. cuz all we see here is criticism.. and one obviously cannot hear anythign wrong/against his/her religion.. and that creates alot of misunderstandings.. arguments.. and so on.
Age: 47
8294 days old here
Total Posts: 380
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Karachi, Pakistan
dont worry Sharara, i just called Bush and asked for a nuke.. we will tie him and send me to moon.. no maybe mars.. Sun... YES.. Sun is better he will melt before reaching there...LOL
Age: 47
8294 days old here
Total Posts: 380
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Karachi, Pakistan
oh oh you guys got me wrong ... first i m on your side.. second while going through the forums,posts i noticed that members whos posts or replies were deleted were arguing with mods "why did you delete it" so my friends( Admins & Mods) there should be a forum where members can come in argue as much as they want... not in other posts. i think u guys got my point..
Age: 47
8294 days old here
Total Posts: 380
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Karachi, Pakistan
Admin[automatic] Well anyways dont forget me when you take a new server. i will be the first... [:D] BTW why dont you join politics, you give good answers..LOL[:D]
Age: 47
8294 days old here
Total Posts: 380
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Karachi, Pakistan
quote:really nix question
FFM means
i dono .. 2 :P
i think when registring u must have hit ur fingers on the keyboard and got FFM , like i use to do long time back, later i realized it was a mistake.. cause niks n email addresses we use for a long time so we should think twice before registring...
Age: 47
8294 days old here
Total Posts: 380
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Karachi, Pakistan
quote: it is good suggestion .. and as all Admins know I've always ... act on this :) from start to now... :) whenever i've deleted any topic.. i inform all ADMIN's :) k why I delete any topic and ... even a single post :) ... it is our old practice... and 2nd thing we've trust on all our MOD's k they can't delete any thing wid out any solid reason ... but we'll work on ur suggestion to orgnize this feature to work 100% ... thanks you for ur suggestion.... :)
Yes but i see members asking questions WHT DID YOU DELETE IT in other forums.. if u start Why I Deleted It than others members will also know what n why mods delete.. i know Mods n Admin have a solid reason when they delete...
quote:JB is becomin the most oganized forum on the web...
I think because of me. hehehe
quote:Well, basically you are correct. But what usualy most of the admins & mods do is to PM the user that his/her topic was removed. But as you know most of the people don't provide their emails correct when registering or hotmail boxes are always full.. so email's get returned!
not ma fault :) we can use Idiotic Topics forum for this purpose if that may help!
See members dont get the message(PM) n keep asking in other forums.. once a posts is deleted the member will know where to check.. not in Idiotic Topics . it is a serious issue
Age: 47
8294 days old here
Total Posts: 380
Points: 0
Karachi, Pakistan
quote:Well, I agree. MODS please delete any irrlevant reply/topic without any warnings or as such.
Let me know if this seems hard, otherwise i'll put approval on each topic/reply before it goes out!
MODS for this forum are: Cute_gal, faysal, ffm, SexyBabyGirl18
do Cute_gal, faysal, ffm, SexyBabyGirl18 stay 24hrs online or one of them is always connected then its ok.. and also u should increase more mods in religion so someone is alway online.
quote: well .. i think .. ager .. aap positive perspective se dekhain to .. debate honey chaiye.. these forums r for debates n discussions.. but i dono think .. k itnee limitations .is forum ko alive rakh sakhien gein .. althou religion is a sensitive topic n issue .. per why we had made this forum .. juz for discussion . if we have to close it ... or restrict da debaters ,,, den ,... not only close this forum .. we shud close dis whole forum ....
well tell ya the one thing ... we r here,not only for fun .. or so , we can gain info abt our religions n others .. so ........ any how ....
its hurts na ......
u r right this forum was made for discussion. go through the posts and see do you find discussion on religion or pulling each others leg.. BTW if you cant find any faltoo talks here, just tell me i will collect all faltoo talks and post here..