Age: 47
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Karachi, Pakistan
MrDeath said:
Dont worry Mrdeath... i will only complaint about fighting and replies which are not related to the Topic.. so if we stick to the Topic all will be fine.. BTW.. i like to know about all religions.. as i see you are a Hindu.. i like to ask some question about ur religion.. if you allow me.. Please tell me should i ask on furoms or PM you.. You will be a great help..
Age: 47
8294 days old here
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Karachi, Pakistan
ydakh said:
I have never attack other some truth has to mention...I am not saying others r wrong,contovertial is good for Islam in a betterment of Islam,I am against to say 'Kafir' and Kill these people,u know who call to these things?
I want to share the meaning of Kafir with u guys... Kafir is an Arabic word (as we all know ) it means a non-muslim, it is not a gali.. there must be a word in all religions i.e. Hindu - non-hindu, Chirstian - non chirstian. and so on... It does not mean if you are a Kafir u r a bad guy... I know lots of Hindus and Chirstian who are very good by nature...
Age: 47
8294 days old here
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Karachi, Pakistan
ydakh said:
yes bibijan,U r right!,really Mazar has not found,but before building saudia Arabia in 1935 from whole arab,u will see a history,Hazrat Ammna and other 'Jannat-ul-Baque' picture are present here,I watched that pictures,but Saudia Govt has findished these Graveyard,so SaudiaArabia is not a true Islam,only one purticular sect has occupied saudia arabia,u will have understood what do I want to say?It's also mentioned BBC. We have only respect 'Makkah' and Madina'...some construction has been happended since 1400 years..
In Saudia the reason for not building mazhaars was that people will start shirk.. we as muslim are not allowed to say "SaudiaArabia is not a true Islam" Only ALLAH knows..
Cute_gal said:
i don' blv in dargha , mannat....& stuff like dat.....
Me also dont belive... But the Sufi did a great job spreading Islam we should respect them..
Age: 47
8294 days old here
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Karachi, Pakistan
Every person has a different point of view... maybe my info is not correct.. if you have correct info please correct me also... we should always listen to someone who has more knowlodge..
Age: 47
8294 days old here
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Karachi, Pakistan
you all are correct.... if you want to know what i think... Islam started from Arabia... people started to convert into Islam.. so the Sufis traveled to other countries to spread Islam.. they went all over the globe, and converted hundreds and thousand into Islam.. They went to Africa Europe Far East Etc Etc... But in SubContinent we built Mazhaars and started making shirk.. I go to Mazhaars and only have Fatiah.. but because of lack of education some of us worship Sufis..They say "Ay Baba Mujhe Aulad Dey" We should only ask ALLAH for everything we want.. We all know Sufis spread Islam all over, we should respect them.. I have traveled to many countries but i did not see a single Mazhaar anywhere except India n Pakistan.. My point is why there is no Mazhaar in Saudi Arabia from where Sufis were born, also no Mazhaar in the largest Islamic contry Indonesia.. Sufis went there also.. Please correct me if i am wrong.
Age: 47
8294 days old here
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Karachi, Pakistan
I know your eyes in the morning sun I feel you touch me in the pouring rain And the moment that you wander far from me I wanna feel you in my arms again
And you come to me on a summer breeze Keep me warm in your love and then softly leave And it's me you need to show
How deep is your love I really need to learn 'cause we're living in a world of fools Breaking us down When they all should let us be We belong to you and me
I believe in you You know the door to my very soul You're the light in my deepest darkest hour You're my saviour when I fall And you may not think I care for you When you know down inside That I really do And it's me you need to show
Age: 47
8294 days old here
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Karachi, Pakistan
Bro Riza said:
Ydakh i am a sunni, and i am very well aware of sufism it is also been inherited in my family, and also through to me, but it wasnt untill i researched myself and didnt just follow what was inherrited, i realised somethings which werent right. You have to try and be open minded. At the end of the day all you need to know, is follow the ways of the prophet(saw), because if we do then we are guaranteed jannah, that is enough to know. There is also ahadith about inovations, i will look it up. I think you need to chill out a little, dont attack other muslims, only Allah can judge, you dont know for sure if what you follow is right, as neither do i or anyone else on this planet. Only Allah knows. So have patience with others. Not try to be offensive just giving you advice. jazakallah.
You are right Bro Riza..only Allah can judge... we dont know who will go where....
Age: 47
8294 days old here
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Karachi, Pakistan
I think it is ok now... no faltoo stuff till now... lets see what happens.. how many members are blocked in Religion.. Muslim should reply in Islamic topics and Hindus should reply in Hinduism topic... so no fighting..
Age: 47
8294 days old here
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Karachi, Pakistan
We should call ourself Muslims only.. today we have so many firkaas.. many more to come... what i think about religion is... we should pray 5 times a day we should obey our parents we should give zakat, khairat and sadka we should fast in ramadan we should never break anyones heart If we follow a firkaa, which maybe wrong, because some say hath band ker namaz paroo, some say hath khool ker.. Religion in about faith... what ever we do we should have faith in ALLAH, either hath khool kar or band kar nawaz.. kabool kerney wala ALLAH hai... bas neait saaf honi chaiey
Age: 47
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Age: 47
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Karachi, Pakistan
ydakh said:
I dont agree religion forum is good one,but I am sorry to say mojority of job members are childern,they r not mature,so I suggest u watch those people who post properly and serious talking whose people should be allowed,rest of all bad members should be done out...
you are right... only members creating mess should be banned in Religion