STANDARD said: reema is now not suitable for herione role..she
should introduce new people despite of indian actress.
ok what if reema quit from lollywood! there wont be any other actress
who can be compared with her!
obviously, everyone gets old day by day, month by month, year by year!
but cant we just look back to her career and see what exactly she has
done for our lolylwood industry, that no one has ever done?
i mean lets say madhuri dixt, used to be a glamerous girl, now that she's
turning OLD that doesnt mean that we should stop watching her movies
jus' because you'll feel embarrised!, even you'll be sooner become OLD!
NO human could ever stick up with their same age, and with their same
style!, but "intellegence" could never vanish from us!
I like Reema and i will alwayz be her fan!