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yas yaar, mera aur 'standard' ka debate choro, i'm lovin' YOUR debate here. lol.
HOWEVER, i'm going 2 have 2 disagree with u. i can't rate their talent, cause i dont watch bollywood movies, but judging strictly by their face...sushmita sen looks better in my opinion! sorry yaar!
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MR NICE said:
Even if People from the big cities don't watch Punjabi films but the fact is that the hardcore audience still remains in small towns and cities and they go and see every Punjabi flick.
Another reason believe it or not is that of people do not understand Urdu as well as they do Punjabi. I can give you example of my servant in Pakistan who is a mad fan of Saima and does not miss any of her Punjabi films but does not hardly watch any of her Urdu films because he cannot understand Urdu properly.
There is nothing wrong with Punjabi films but we should totally stop making the Gujjar and Badmash type films.
EXCELLENT POINT, mr. nice. i'm not 2 sure i agree with the language part, but the fact of the matter is: however bad punjabi films are (quality, script, vulgarity etc.) fans of such movies go and watch them. humayon gujjar, asoo billa, sher-e-lahore are all examples of punjabi movies which people made popular, for whatever reason. everyone complains that shaan should do different roles, yet they fill the halls for such types of movies. i think the reason for this is, they know, like i do, that if our complaints fall on deaf ears.....why continue to cry abt it??? just go and watch the movie, and enjoy it for what it is: ENTERTAINMENT.
and btw...your servant in pakistan has good taste in talented actresses! lol.
Age: 125
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lol. i'll take august....2007, for $20 CND!!! (J/K)
waisay tak to salakhien EXCEPTIONAL quality ki ho gi! LOL!!! they will have had 3+ years to do post production! LOL. i hope those who r waiting for it (and don't mind wiating 4 it), are still lollywood fans @ that time. LOL.
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oh le. now i'm in the company of iqbal kashmiri, sangeeta, and altaf hussain.
i guess that would make 'double standard' among the likes of sayed noor, and javaid seikh who DO UNDERSTAND lollywood and EVERYTHING abt it(severe sarcasm). lol.
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aganist quality urdu movies? I WAS THE BIGGEST SUPPORTER OF LP B4 IT CAME OUT. OTHER IDIOTS COMPLAINED AFTER ITS RELEASE. but then again, ignoring facts is nothing new 2 some on this board.
and btw... i already saw asoo billa. recommend another one. lol. the time salakhein comes out, i could watch an entire years worth of movies - urdu AND punjabi.
LOL @ yas devil!!! me keh deta houn...salakhein will release on july 18th. LOL. now we're set! anyone interested in loosing some $$, place u're bets now, on when this film will release. LOL.
Age: 125
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UMAIR16 has hit the nail on the buzzer!! 100% right!!
these movies (punjabi, especially) are here for entertainment. they make u laugh intentionally (by their good jokes), or unintentionally (by how ghetto they are)!
and i agree with charizmatic as well....ITS NOT PAKISTANI CULTURE OR PUNJABI CULTURE. THEY'RE ONLY HERE FOR ENTERTAINMENT. watch 'em if u want - don't watch if u don't want to! simple as that.
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see what i mean people?!?! everyone is so excited abt salakhein, cause its being depicted as 'the most professionaly made movie' in pakistan, by 'educated people.'
yet in the last week, we've heard 2 relase dates for it. how professional/educated is that?! one post says its coming out in may, and this post says its coming out in august.
I MYSELF saw the eid show with one of salakhien's bigwigs (most likely rashid khwaja) and he said FROM HIS OWN MOUTH, the movie was coming out in april, along with meera.
so we have april, may, and august. bas june aur july re geya hai, and then we'll have the entire spring/summer seasons covered. LOL.
Age: 125
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your name should be DOUBLE standard, not standard. LOL.
try and read what u write b4 u post, cause u constantly contradict urself:
in this topic u r saying 'movies r 4 entertainment' and that people should ignore SALAKHEIN'S 'hot songs' just as they watch a bollywood movie and ignore ITS 'hot songs.' and in the other topic(s) u're saying punjabi movies contain vulgarity, and people should call 4 a reform. how retarded is that???
then u go on to say that because SALAKHEIN has 'quality chorography' its okay 2 watch it. newsfalsh einstien: 'hot songs' r 'hot songs' - doesn't matter how the chorography is.
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The `Fuzon' layer
After Junoon, Strings, and more recently, Xenia, another band from across the border, is making waves...
THE LATE Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan kick-started the trend, that was followed by artistes such as Haider Ali, Xenia, and the duo of Strings. Pakistani music acts have been well appreciated and accepted in the Indian music scene, for their superior music quality. Apart from Xenia and the late Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, most bands have a strong rock influence on their music. Now, another band that fuses rock with their unique blend of music has hit the music stores across the country.
Fuzon began in 2001. Shallum (Shallum Asher Xavier) and Immu (Imran Momina) were the founding members, who decided to put their heads together as they realised that their musical ideas and tastes were pretty much the same. The next thing we know is that they created a handful of fusion tracks, the only thing lacking was a quality vocalist who would sing for them. Meanwhile, Shafquat (Shafqat Amanat Ali) had been singing for a few jingles and happened to drop into Immo's recording studio (Oh, yes! he did have one of his own.) for an assignment. Shafquat's vocals impressed the duo, who decided to jam with him, and lo and behold, a unique musical Fuzon was taking shape. Shafquat has a strong foundation in eastern classical music. But during his college days, he was exposed to rock, jazz, and blues, and ended up fusing these genres and singing them. Most of the songs in the album reflect his unique ability to blend the tunes of the sub-continent in a Western style of rendering.
Saagar (Virgin Records; CD; Rs.199, Cassette; Rs. 65) features 12 tracks, each reflecting something unique in the music, with a common strain of rock melodies, blended with classical and folk vocals. Though the opening track "Akhiyaan" has been doing the rounds along the FM stations of the country. The energetic and infectious track that begins with a folk vocal rendering picks up tempo along with some impressive guitar works towards the end, and by that time, you feel like hearing it all over again. "Jhoom Jhoom" would probably be the most energetic fusion track in recent times. "Aankhon Ke Sagar" has a terrific melody — soothing and energising at the same time. The guitar mix of this track is impressive too. "Naadanian" and "Pyar Na Raha" speak of love, and are comparatively slower, but the melodies tend to stay in your minds for a long time.
The superior vocal quality of Shafquat, and guitar works of Shallum do wonders to the music. In a poll among vocalists of recent bands, one wouldn't be surprised if Shafquat takes the cake.
During these days of musical malnutrition in Indipop, impressive bands like Fuzon provide solace — and hopefully inspire a few Indian bands as well. As they say, music knows no boundaries.
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rickyyyyyy said:
the only waay indians or the rest of the world would see any of ur artists would be if india showcases them ...nfak was a genius ..but he got real popular after he started workin in india....we dint listen to pakistani cd's ..he worked for our labels and we made him popular to the rest of the puri got him the assignment with peter gabriel...its all about packaging.....junoon plays more in india than it does in pakistan and for indian labels ...rahat fateh ali khan and fuzon are one film wonders cause of mahesh bhatt. the movie was an astounding flop and they are long gone from the scene.....nobody knows who they are....but ok lemme tell u ur new guy on the block who s makin waves...aamir jamal ..his song s a successs in the movie 'murder' and he ll stay for a while but he has to keep repeating it ..its a cut throat industry and one needs to sustain ..i think he will like adnan and junoon did ...
om puri introduced NFAK to peter gabriel. thanks 4 the laugh rick-meister! and he got popular after workin' IN india?! even funnier. u only wish my friend!
i could admit - in some cases, we use the indian media to gain exposure - key word being USE. but trust me, the world at large sees pakistani aptitude (especially musically) with or without the indian media as well. nfak and his nephew are prime examples.
fuzon, and rahat - one film wonders??? thats funny ....fuzon's never worked for ANY bollywood movie (or lollywood for that matter) to date, and rahat's workin' on his next bollywood venture already.
you're right abt one thing tho: paap was a flop. but the music was kick-ass, and you know it. and last i checked, pakistani talent had NOTHING to do with the making of the movie - only the music.
you're insinuating that pakistani musicians need to know how 2 play the game (in india), so to speak?! my friend...pakistani musicians ARE the freakin' game! movies are one thing ricky....but musically, we leave india so far behind, its not even funny. if not 4 bollywood, india's music scene is non-existant. don't believe me? here's an article from THE HINDU LAYER...
Age: 125
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rickyyyyyy said:
well u know nfak u r so ignorant if u dont know who mohsin khan is ....famous paki opener and then he married an indian actress and settled down in bombay to work on a movie career ....fairly successful ..couldnt sustain it though...nice fella...rana guy looks good to me ...cant deny that ..wether he s GOOD ENUFF ..i dunno ..if he is ..then rest assured we ll lap him up and u ll lose him ..i promise u that ...and i dont believe u forget who mohsin khan is ....nfak think u should work on ur memory ...try takin some apples and occasional orange would help too....
nope. no idea who mohsin khan is. and i'm surprised that you and your fellow indians on this site DO know him, after claiming you don't know any pakistani artist. if ya'll know abt a guy who seems like a second rate actor, i guarantee you, you'll know who maummar rana and co. are, in no time.
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lol. ricky my man, u see how YOUR mind works?! seems 2 me, you're the one whose delusional. lol.
first u said maummar was looking for 'greener pastures' and then u admit that he was GIVEN the role (for whatever reason, be it sunjay dutt refused, or the director loved maummar that much)!
you know your sh*t when it comes 2 bollywood, so you're probably right - maummar was given sunjay dutt's scraps. but the bottom line is, he didn't go lookin' 4 it. he was presented with an opportunity, and he jumped on it. simple as that.
as 4 mohsin khan.....I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO HE IS, so i wouldn't expect indians 2 know him. LOL. maummar's another breed tho. its like comparing apples to oranges. maummar will make the most of the opportunity -as small as it may be.