Age: 125
7991 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
i go 2 a halal kfc, where there's a big-ass sign that says, 'halal meat.' lol. so its all good...
i'll pm u l8r and i'll add u 2 my msn and u could do the same...
as 4 ending the saima topic....dream on yaar! we personally won't bring her up sice we disagree, but the topic's runnin' fine. let it be. lol. plus her movie still has 2 release in pk and we gotta talk abt it SOMEWHERE, no?! lol.
Age: 125
7991 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
MrDeath said:
yo r misunderstandin me.... wat i ment was dat we dont listen to yr music which remains in pak... ofcourse those ppl who come to india(junnon,nfak,adanan) are alwayes listen.
as far as u sayin..that bolly cant make good songs.. oh..welll... i think i am talkin to a person wid a very much inferiorty complex..
u're misunderstanding ME! i'm sayin: do u know EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN INDIA???? the population is over 1 do u know for sure that our music doesn't reach some of them??? maybe they have relatives in pakistan who send them cds, or maybe some of them go out themselves and buy cds IN INDIA itself (they ARE available, if u look hard). so our music IS heard.
if pakistani's can get access 2 bollywood movies (pirated or otherwise), then i'm sure indians' have access 2 our music (pirated or otherwize). so u're point makes no sense when u say, u only hear our music if it comes 2 u (nfak, junoon, adnan). your movies don't 'come 2 us, yet we watch somehow! similarly...our music may not play all over india...but u sure do hear it somehow. thats what i'm tryin' 2 say....!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
why would people expect 40,000 in collections in the first 3 days of release from lollywood's larki punjaban? keep in mind, lollywood and its movies are underdogs....LP is supposed 2 be good, but 2 expect bollywood type collections in its FIRST 3 DAYS OF RELEASE???? be realistic people. and keep in mind 1-2 of those days were during ramadan. give the film'll make more. just u watch....
Age: 125
7991 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
TeenTracker said:
Okay I went to Mc Load Road and today and i met 10 o my frndz and they all says saima sux
lol. obviously your friends will have the same opinion as u! lol. ask a third party...someone u dont know! and go 2 video stores on hall rd...pure saima posters! lol.
Age: 125
7991 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
choro khelnay ka maza hi kuch aur hai! u should try it out with your friends...
aur wrestling....yaar....tumharay paas naam to hai: 'MR. DEATH'......enterance music, koi bollywood ka gana laylena, aur vince tumhay wrestling tights/costume provide karday ga. LOL. you're all set 2 make a wwe debut on raw this coming monday....!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
IMAN said:
OhhhHHH....20 ....kool
i'm 18 its the reputable MAfia....Canada sux though i wanna live in PAKistAn..
i've know daisy since gr 6 i don't where u were all this time man...what the hell have u been doing DIASY...LOZLzz
Anyone here has MSN??
u probably thought i was older just cause i like saima eh?! lol.
canada doesnt suck man! we should be greatful we live in the one of the most peaceful countries on the planet! but u're right...i would rather be in pakistan 2, regardless.....!
i'm not in your part of town i'm up in thornhill and ya'll r up in scarlam! lol. (j/k)...i feel left outta this new mafia. lol. (j/k)
i got msn..i'll pm u my contact, if u want it. holler back if u do! same with u daisy...! and i'll definately post in your 'canadian' topic!
LOL @ iman's toony tuesday comment. LOL. popeys or kfc?! kfc's halal now u know?!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
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Canada, Canada
u can't stop makin' punjabi films! they're halarious! theyre not hurting anyone. if people don't like 'em, they don't have 2 watch! but they don't have 2 stop makin' 'em!
Age: 125
7991 days old here
Total Posts: 3942
Points: 0
Canada, Canada
peeps...over here in canada/us, the PTV Prime feed is having troubles. so we are being shown the UK feed of PTV Prime, which means we get 2 see the commercials/trailors 4 larki punjaban 4 the first time (on our feed, we always get songs, thats it).
lemme tell u....i was blown away! this movie looks FREAKIN AWSOME!!!! 4 those who have not seen the trailor......i swear....u can't tell this is lollywood!!! AMAZING!!!!!! i was THIS close 2 callin my travel agent so i could go 2 london especially 2 see this movie. lol. (j/k)