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TeenTracker said:

Saima is patheitic i agree with u pakilion and all my friends (Saima Haters) and Khan Sahib I am in lahore but no sign of saima love around me

you're in lahore?!?! ustaad jee, i swear i feel so happy yet sad at the same time. happy cause one of my buddies is in the greatest pakistani city, probably enjoying himself, and sad cause i'm not. lol.

as 4 'saima love'....go 2 a threatre on mcleoud rd, and i'm sure you're be surrounded by 'saima love.' LOL. or go 2 video stores and the counltess posters of her will prove she truly is 'punjab di kuri'!
Posted 01 Dec 2003



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lol. no yaar....i'm not tryin 2 fool u. tum hi koi chakkar chala rehe ho in the other
Posted 01 Dec 2003


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yaar.....the best thing 2 do would be drop the 'who copies who' topic, cause if we get into details....i won't be able 2 stop. lol. lets leave it at this....lolly and bolly copy one another in more ways than one.

as 4 kite flying...i've never cut anyone's kite. lol. i'll try next time i go, and i'll wear gloves. lol.

4 me....the best feeling, is scoring on a breakaway in ice hockey, and makin' the goalie look like a fool. lol. u ever play hockey b4?? ice, foot, road, field hockey...any of 'em?
Posted 01 Dec 2003


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lol. yaar menay sorry ke diya hai...what more do u want?! lol. aur vaisay bhi.....the slik one's 2 slick 4 u! judging from the way she writes...she wouldn't do anything if u asked her...unless she wanted 2! am i right oh slik one?! lol. (j/k)
Posted 01 Dec 2003


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i know. so is pakistan. the corruption that exists in both countries help make em the kick ass nations they r. lol.
Posted 01 Dec 2003


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Mani said:

*** ******** ***

Posted 01 Dec 2003


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brown people in north america want the prices 2 be flexable in pk and brown people in pk want the prices 2 be fixed, as they r in north america! lol.

4 me....however pk is....its the best! the corruption, the food, the sites, the atmosphere all make up pakistani culture! its the best yaar!
Posted 01 Dec 2003


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lol. charizmatic yaar....vo hai hi itnee popular, what can we do?! lol.
Posted 01 Dec 2003


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shahrukh khan said:

jab saima achi nahi lagti...yahan a kar sab ko sunnate ho

Posted 01 Dec 2003


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LOL! i'm laughing more at the fact that nirma did umra! lol. (j/k, j/k, j/k)!! nai, nai....she's a muslim....all muslims are entitled 2 do umra.
Posted 01 Dec 2003

Topic: Pappo Lahorie


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i'm happy! she's 3/3 so far during eid!!
Posted 01 Dec 2003

Topic: SHAAN


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Saki said:

wow...i didn't know that they went out... do u know more abt this affair? i'm interested.....

my family knows shaan's family. shaan was @ my parents wedding when he was a little kid! according 2 his uncle, who lives in front of my gradparents house in lahore....reema and shaan had quite the affair a while back. it got 2 the point where they were set 2 marry. upon continuous pleading with shaan by his mother, 2 NOT go through with the wedding, shaan didn't look like he was going 2 listen. so this uncle personally went 2 reema's khar-wale and demanded they break the couple up, for professional reasons and personal ones....and that was that! shaan and reema broke up, and shaan married shortly thereafter, a women whom his mom chose!
Posted 01 Dec 2003

Topic: GIA ALI


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lol. news 2
Posted 01 Dec 2003


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....atleast they ask this time, instead of taking our songs like they normally do. lol.
Posted 01 Dec 2003

Topic: SAIMA


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Saki said:

My aunty went to saima's house as they live near her in lahore, and she said that all over saima's house she's got her wedding pics wid Noor saab....but on the whole she's a down to earth lady and recently had her appendix operation done.

her relationship with noor is nobody's business but her's and his! lol. i 2, think they are married, but none of our opinions matter!

as 4 your aunty goin' 2 her house....u have a lucky aunty, saki jee! saima lives in model town right? i heard thats where EVERY star lives. is this true??! glad 2 hear she's a nice down 2 earth person....
Posted 01 Dec 2003


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so how does salakhein look???
Posted 01 Dec 2003


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anybody know which movie this pic is from??
it looks like a punjabi movie, but i'm not 100% sure?? anyone know?

Posted 01 Dec 2003


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lol @ umair...

sanam jee....u're comin' 2 the great white north?! great! bundle up yaar cause you're'll be cold! but its like i said....if u can sirvive pakistani heat, u can survive canadian winters and visa versa!!

and if u come, u're invited 2 our place. lol. our families could have a big dinner party. lol. (j/k).
Posted 01 Dec 2003


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welcome saleina...

i don't think they have 2 many lollywood movies in north american theatres. the only way u could watch lollywood movies is rent 'em from u're local pakistani video store. lol.

however.......i hear 'yeh dil aap ka huwa' is comin' in mid-december....the 1st modern pakistani movie since chooriyan 2 release in north america...
Posted 01 Dec 2003


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wats up with veena malik in these pics??! she's doesn't seem/look like her usual good-lookin'
Posted 01 Dec 2003


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whkhan1 said:

To PAKI lion
All these people obviousley haven't seen LP.
Just wait and see her in LP and I am sure all these people will take their rude remarks back.
You know the sad thing is Sima is the only pak actress who never speaks bad about anybody, yet she is the target of everybody's jokes and insults.
I have never defended her before watching LP, but now that she has put so much effort to loose weight and looks fantastic in LP It's time for people to forget old Saima and apperciate the new larki.

right again khan sahib.

u made a good point also...abt saima keeping 2 herself, yet being the target of everyone's jokes and insults.

the way i see it, when you're at the VERY TOP of the heap....thats the price u pay from jealous onlookers (lollywood actresses, and some of their fans who want 2 see 'em where saima is - atop lollywood as far as talent goes).

it happends in all walks of life! when you're the endure jokes, insults and criticism. but its how you react 2 such situations which defines u as person/professional - and saima's silence speaks VOLUMES abt her character both, as a classy lady, and as an actress. just another reason (one of MANY) why i like her the best...

Posted 01 Dec 2003


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umair16 said:

kabhi khabi - never heard of it . whos the director and co.

lol......i meant 'sometimes' in urdu. LOL.
Posted 30 Nov 2003


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PartTimeLuver said:

well guyzz...
stop fighting....i m here to tell ya dat "SAIMA'S EYES ARE GREENISH BLUE"....
lolzzzzzz.......ain't dey.......
     c ya.........

thats what i think yaar! lol. more green than blue....

even @ the musical premiere 4 lp, she was dressed as plainly as could be....yet her eyes were green...which leads me 2 belive...if she didn't dress up (clothes or make-up wise) why would she put contacts on?! get what i mean?!... just a thought!
Posted 30 Nov 2003


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doesn't matter yaar! in pakistan....u get 2 bargain @ almost EVERY store! but over here, the prices are set. we get sales sometimes, but the price is non-negotiable! lol. thats what makes pakistan so much better! the ability 2 bend the prices, among other reasons....!! lol.
Posted 30 Nov 2003


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kabhi khabi these kinda movies are okay yaar! lol. i'm lookin' 4ward 2 it, cause of the story...should be educational. and also it has a HUGE cast...!
Posted 30 Nov 2003


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PartTimeLuver said:

deedar is a bitch...n so is her sister Nargis...donon Pakistani showbiz kay naam par dhabbah hain..hate 'em...prostitutes...yakhhhh
newayyyzz..stay kewl...
c ya......

yep. i'm with PTL....i agree....hate deedar and nargis 2!
Posted 30 Nov 2003


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PartTimeLuver said:

lolzz...getting emotional abt saima....yaar if someone doesnt like da movie...he shud simply state k yaar movie pasand nahin aayee ya movie wasnt good....he shudnt have passed comments like "it's a big disaster" or "even bollywood flop movies make more than LP made" is supposed to avoid such comments until final box office reports come offence...stay kewlll.....
       c    ;ya... ...

Posted 30 Nov 2003


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paki lion said:

listen up..i noticed that u think wherever saima stars in the film..its always a hit..
   -never said that, but this is not the 1st time      you've misunderstood....

i even noticed no one can criticize about films where saima stars in..if someone says lp is not good movie then its his opinion no one should be forced to like the film wich has saima in the film..this comments is also meant for khan sahib!
   -nobody criticizes LP, cause most of 'em have seen what a good actress saima is in it, unlike u. and if they do criticize...i'm not stopping them....

Posted 30 Nov 2003


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lol. yeah...u could come and take advantage of the u.s. dollar being worth more! u'll get MAJOR savings! lol.
Posted 30 Nov 2003


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lol.....i'll think of something.....gimme time! lol.
Posted 30 Nov 2003