Age: 125
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did i ask u 2 support saima?! lol. i said if u don't like her.....DON'T WATCH HER MOVIES! and if u think she should leave....u're entitled to think so! but that doesn't mean you're right. age doesnt determine how long u stay in acting, talent does.
as 4 zara...i said ESTIMATE!!! and laaj isn't exactly a hit. also...commando...if it becomes popular...guess who ELSE IS IN IT!!!! LOL, LOL, LOL!!! nonetheless my point is 2 show, EVERY actress and even acotrs in lollywood have more flops than hits!
Age: 125
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mr. death yaar, there's MORE than 1 copied song by bollywood per year! u know that as well as i do! and my point was...they copied a RELIGIOUS song....that crossed the line, 4 me.
secondly i never said bollywood is crap. lol. i said they're having the same problem as lollywood....they are running out of original ideas. and less ideas mean, u get in the habbit of copying....wouldn't u agree?? out of the 500-600 movies they make, 90% are the same old story (i think...cause i have not seen a bolly movie since aur pyar ho gaya)!
lastly i personally don't watch bollywood cause i'm past that stage now. lol. i dont even watch hollywood movies (belive it or not)! i only watch lollywood cause the punjabi movies are funny and i'm a big fan of shaan (pakistan's SRK)! and even that, i watched my FIRST lolly movie this past march. so it is still new 2 me! i'm going through a phase, which i think will not go away! lol. thats all yaar....but again, i think bollywood is making strides...i can give credit where credit is due.
Age: 125
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thanks 4 the religion lesson! lol.
bottom line mr. death yaar....sikhs are crying over the movie, cause in it, the main character converted 2 islam. but since sayed noor's a professional and he wanted 2 make evryone happy...he changed the story. now the main character was muslim from the beginning, but raised by a sikh family. now if only SOME indian directors could do the same and show some class (change some of their anti-muslim/pakistan stories for US)...
Age: 125
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lollywoodfan said:
sayed Noors Uff yea beveeya on prime tv on eid day!!!!!
thanks lollyfan!
i have this on vcd. it is a VERY funny movie! if nobody here has seen it on eid! u won't regret! plus saima's in it!!!! she's average in this movie. but she's in it nonetheless! maummar steals the show!
Age: 125
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i told u it was my first time askin' somebody what they're wearing for an occassion (lenga comment)!!! LOL.
in canada as well....unless its at home or 2 read jumma namaaz or eid's....u don't see anyone in salvaar kameese! but as much as i'm lookin' 4ward 2 eid...i've said it b4 and i'll say it would be THAT much better in pakistan!
Age: 125
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lol. i've been up there a couple of times (cn tower). but as i get older....i've noticed i'm more afraid of heights. lol. weird eh?! lol. i can't even look down a balcony anymore. lol.
Age: 125
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u're not making any sense paki lion! u said lolly will improve when the film wallahs know 'our tastes.' i'm telling u....they're banking on larki punjaban 2 bring people back 2 the cinema...and saima is in the movie! that means in their mind...saima IS our taste! thats why they cast her in a movie that is being so heavily depended on! lol. people may not go ESPECIALLY 2 see saima...but she's in it nonetheless, proving she's still got it!!
Age: 125
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paki JB the only source of things?! LOL. get real yaar. EVERY PAKISTANI IS NOT ON JANUBABA. LOL, LOL, LOL. just because most people don't like her here, doesn't mean she only has 2 fans.
and besides, my point is, you're making no sense. if its ok 4 the other old actors/actresses 2 continue 2 act and play lead roles, its okay 4 saima. how is it that they look ok with young people but saima doesnt??? this is a classic example of a pakistani (you), putting down a fellow pakistani (saima) and thats why lollywood is in the state it is in right now.
and how would u know they have fans all around the world??? u don't speak for EVERY pakistani....and alot of us actually LIKE saima. so she 2 has a lot of fans worldwide.
as 4 those indian actors lookin ok with newcomers....again thats your own opinion. if its ok 4 them, its ok 4 saima. be realistic man. for others, saima looks fine with the new guy in LP.
Age: 125
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i love how YOU bring her up in EVERY discussion! now u see why she's so popular?! its cause people such as urself, who 'claim 2 hate her' constantly bring her up 1 way or another! hahahaha!
Age: 125
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IMAN said:
Yooo how old r u itni saima ki side leyrahey ho u sound like ur 30..somethin....saima is not all that okay get that through ur head there r other actress.
she ain't all that 4 YOU. as far as acting goes, she's all that and more, 4 me! sure there's other actresses, but none AS talented.
and i'm not 30-somthing, yaar. LOL. why is it so hard 2 belive i'm not as superficial as some and i put more stock in talent, than looks????!!!!!
Age: 125
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MrDeath said:
nafak i thought u were a great admirer of bolly.. but come out to be da same old ppl?/sh*t
i think this message is in regards 2 that topic in the lollywood forum 'should they, should they not'?? if thats the case....let me xplain mr. death...
i do admire bollywood and i respect most of their accomplishments. but i DON'T RESPECT the fact that they copied nusrat's RELIGIOUS song. they copied him a billion times b4, and it was somewhat ok....but when u cross a line....its becomes inexusable. so in the end, bollywood's ok....i just dont watch they're movies 4 that main reason, and cause they dont interest me as much anymore. making movies against my country is not helping the matter either! 1-2 are fine cause they're just movies....but when they make dozens upon dozens....u think i'll want 2 watch ANY of their movies?! nonetheless...i do admire bollywood and i maintain, they are making big strides in movie-making.
and besides...u don't see me holding the fact that u don't watch lollywood movies over u're head do u????