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Posted 25 Jan 2004


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Posted 25 Jan 2004


Age: 44
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lahore, Pakistan
U can see she is already not comfortable with the clothes that she is wearing at the time of buying new ones .
Posted 25 Jan 2004


Age: 44
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lahore, Pakistan
Another one : Waisay Yahan moti nahin lag rahi per ghazab he lag rahi hai ;)

Posted 25 Jan 2004


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Posted 25 Jan 2004


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Posted 25 Jan 2004


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Posted 25 Jan 2004


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Posted 25 Jan 2004


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Posted 25 Jan 2004


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I think next JB meet is gona take place in Mardan , kia khayal hai FFM
Posted 25 Jan 2004


Age: 44
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Waaaaaa beerduu tu tooo chaaa gaya reyy , aab humari Na honay wali bhabi ko Kab lahore lay ker aaye ga tuu ?
Posted 25 Jan 2004


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So for the last session of the meet the time was agreed to be 9:00 PM as NB was a lil late . Me
(Platonic) & madmax left from my place at about 8:00 PM & reached Bhatti Tikka House at about
8:30 PM

After reaching there we first ordered our stuff & started waiting for NB , during our
wait we started wandering around , i took madmax to one of the near by pedestrian bridges on The
Ferozpur Road .

We also visited a famous local kite shop & checked some of the stuff that they were having with
them .

After that we came back to the shop where NB joined us just on time and we went inside the shop
. A view of the ordered stuff including Karahi Gosht , kababs & Leg Pieces , before attack .

During Attack .

And after being attack

After having dinner we went to a nearby place a took some more snaps .

Then we went to Daewoo Terminal , we went inside the waiting room and had some funny chit chat ,
at about 11:15 PM madmax confirmed his seat . Then we took his luggage from my car and went to
the terminal . The road Hostess did her duty to help madmax locating his seat .

But that lil MEHERBANI of the hostess became some thing unusual for madmax and he started doing
some strange things .

SO as a punishment , Hostess sent madmax to the last seat .:D:D

Exact at 11:30 PM madmax's bus left the terminal leaving me and NB only with the sweet and jolly
memories of madmax .

As the bus left the terminal NB & me said the same words "Lo Jee Khatam Kahani" , we went to my
car , i dropped NB at his place and came back to my Home .

For you guyz it will be juts an end of ~FIRST JB MEET SAGA~ , but for me it is the begining of a new chapter of friendship with 3 guyz NB,MADMAX & WOL . I wish to see this relationship going stronger and stronger with every passing day that i spend on JB . Here i would like to say thx to JB Administration for running such a fine site , that earned me such good friends , now i can say that i got something REAL from this site unlike many other members who just come to JB for wasting there usefull time in useless chit-chat .

Posted 25 Jan 2004


Age: 44
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lahore, Pakistan
FFM yaar avoid quoting the posts that have the pics , humaray pass dial up connection hain , page load honay main deer lugti hai .thx
Posted 24 Jan 2004


Age: 44
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lahore, Pakistan
Thik hai meet attendies nay akailay akailay he Harisa phurka diya hai . Kal main bilkul free hune , Madmax sahab should kick out the idea of paying the bill from his mind , kal tooo meri bari hai bhai loog , hopefully i will take the gang to Bhatii Tikka Shop , Mazang Lahore .

NB i have the experience of shopping with our khan sahab (madmax) , meter hai pooray ka poora .

FFM bhai yaar i still insist , multan main hum sab ko travel ker kay aana parey ga , phir bhi if you want to invite us all u should offer us some hot hot hot stuff , including food , places & people etc as I have never been in Multan before . Do Give it a break , kuch time kay baad munasib rahay ga , aik dam he sari meets ho gaein tu charm khatam ho jaye ga . Itnay main UAE waloon ko kuch hath paoon marney do .
Posted 24 Jan 2004


Age: 44
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lahore, Pakistan
Madmax what u made of the Pics taken by your cam , yaar kal tak tayar kerwa key rakh , main scan ker kay JB per post ker doon ga .

Ajj Ka review kaun post karey ga , Madmax ya NB ?
Posted 23 Jan 2004


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lahore, Pakistan
He will be with me on saturday for final day of JB meet , i will covey your message .
Posted 23 Jan 2004


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lahore, Pakistan
post more of her !
Posted 23 Jan 2004


Age: 44
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lahore, Pakistan
I am here on earth these days , participating in JB meet 2004 .
Posted 23 Jan 2004


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lahore, Pakistan
Well before 3 hours he was with us i.e madmax, platonic and NB . aab ka pata nahin !
Posted 23 Jan 2004


Age: 44
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lahore, Pakistan
Tomorrow Me & Wol wont be able to join the crew , but Nb will take care of madmax , so wait for a updated review from NB & Madmax .
Posted 23 Jan 2004


Age: 44
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lahore, Pakistan
2nd Day , Review of Dinner .
According to plan 3 of us including me (Platonic) , NB and MADMAX were supposed to meet at about 2:30 pm , but NB called me at about 12pm and told me that he will not be able to join us in the zoo and other places trip , but at the same time wol called me and invited all the gang on a dinner at food street , the timings for that were 7:20 pm .
After coming back from zoo , me   and MADMAX   did the lunch at my place , then i took MADMAX    for some shopping , on our return from there we posted some stuff on the JB i.e madmax's review , we had some hot discssion on boy/girl friendship , marriage , cricket , cars , basant , computers , clothing , bollywood , lollywood specially Larki Punjaban , food etc . At about 7:00 Pm we left for Food Street and reached there at about 7:45 pm .
We took some snaps of Food street .

wol    joined us in 5 mins , and we went inside the food street , NB called us and told us that he is lil late and will join us at about 8:30 pm , now three of us went to a Kashmiri tea stall where wol    and MADMAX    had some tea , and a brief introduction between me and wol    took place . I am not including MADMAX    as wol    & MADMAX    have some old terms on msn . wol   told us about all the administration , history and current affairs of the JB , anyways with the arrival of NB    we decided the place where to eat

wol   ordered the agreed stuff , during our wait for food khan sahab MADMAX   found a Paeshtoon waiter and started teasing him , we took some more snaps of each other .

NB    bhai doing some expert photography

wol (Left) & NB    (Right) .

khan sahab i.e madmax   .

What we ordered was Chicken Tikka , of BUTT on my    choice and NB    suggested that Kunna Gosht will also be a good thing to eat , so this is the look which that stuff gave
Kunna gosht

Chicken Tikka

And whole stuff when it was ready to be attacked was like that

And after being attacked

During all the dinner it was raining very lightly making both the food atmosphere and Girls   in food street more beautiful , NB    started a never ending series of jokes and he was making all of us laugh constantly . After finishing the dinner we decided to have some hot coffee from Fortress Stadium , so we left for fortress stadium at about 10:30 PM .

There we had some hot coffee , nb's    jokes were coming without any break and the nature of these jokes was becoming critical with every passing moment , and at the climax of these jokes , they had become so sexy that i cant even post them here . OOOO sure i dont want myself banned on JB , NB   also read one of his poems that he will himself post here , that was really a grt one . I must say the guy has talent , he is very keen of reading books , unlike us who are more interested in ..........&............&............. etc .
MADMAX   did some shopping there as well and NB    helped him , while me    and wol    had a brief chat related to JB's current affairs .

Then i asked a guy to take a snap of our whole gang , due to inexperienced hands he took a bad pic of us but still this pic is enough to be an evidence of our presence there in the meet .

From Left to Right ...>Madmax,NB,WOl,Platonic.
Posted 23 Jan 2004


Age: 44
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lahore, Pakistan
Back from The Dinner of JB meet's 2nd Day ! . Full Review coming in few mins .
Posted 22 Jan 2004


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lahore, Pakistan
Ok we r back from our trip to Lahore zoo , funny thing is that we found FFM there he was again wandering with some of his friends , i will post his pics in the night with our several more activity's pics .

Big Newsis that WOLhas invited us including me (platonic) , madmax and NB on a dinner in Food street Lahore . This will be the Climax of JB meet's first two days .

Anybody still want to join us can PM me .
Posted 22 Jan 2004


Age: 44
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lahore, Pakistan
New day new morning and new plans , now i am leaving to pick Madmax from his hotel , we will hopefully visit 2-3 places of lahore , then we will have a lunch with NB who is in his office at the moment , after that we a plan to see WOL as well . Keep on visiting for updates . Chao
Posted 22 Jan 2004


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lahore, Pakistan
Posted 22 Jan 2004


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lahore, Pakistan
First Days Review :

Today , on 21 January at 11:00 am PST , madmax called me that he is coming from Mardan via Noshehra through Daewoo and he will reach Lahore at about 6:00 pm , so i contacted New_beau and told him that this is the plan . He said that he will join me at my place in Allama Iqbal Town .
I went to Daewoo Terminal at about 5:45 pm .

There a bad news came to me that bus timings are 6:30 pm , anyway i started enjoing the hot girls coming and going through different buses . It was raining very lightly , i enjoyed that very much as the thoughts of meeting an internet friend by-face for the first time were coming to my mind . Due to rain bus took much time and delay made me stand for 1.5 hours as finally Madmax's bus reached the terminal i took a snap of his bus .

I havnt seen madmax before , as he never showed his any pic to me , but he had seen mine so he was in a good position to bluff me , last night he gave me some idea of his physique , he told me that he is only 5'4 feet with a waiste of 54" which i never believed as true . Anyway as the door of bus opened a beautiful tall girl came out and statred staring me straight way , suddenly an idea came to mind "OYEEEEEEEEEEEE madmax larki too nahin" but after giving some horney looks she turned towards her mom and went away . I took a big sigh and thought in my mind "Nahin Yaar , aisay kaisay ho sakta tha" , these ideas were coming and going in my mind when a tall guy with glasses on went of the bus and passed me while staring with a weird look , this was the time when i was looking for a 5'4 guy , i noticed that that tall guy is standing on my right and is continiously staring at me , i stared him once , after 4-5 seconds againg i looked into his eyes , then after 4-5 seconds i again looked into his eyes , he was staring at me while saying some thing in Pashtu , this time i pointed towards him and just said "MADMAX" and he said yes , so after that he gave me a warm hug , we went to my car and came to my place where NB joined us within 15-20 Minutes . We logged in turn by turn and posted some words that u people have read above , and then at about 8:45 Pm we left for dinner .
Now the problem that we were having was what to eat , NB recomended one place in Lakshmi Chowk

we ordered takatak there , NB & MadMax themselves chosen the stuff to be cooked and we went in the hotel

MadMad is visible here in the following pic

Take a look how good that food was looking

and what we did to it

This dinner was financed by NB , actually it was a treat to both me and madmax as NB became MAMOON of a sweet lil new born nephew .
After that we arranged a hotel room for MadMax , then after dumbing his lugage there we went to take some kashmiri chai

Again NB paid the bill and he is also visible in the pic , as the guy with his hands in pockets .

Interestingly we found ffmthere in Lakshmi wandering with some of his friends take a look at him

he became much angry to see us there , i think he was feeling some embaracement as in the start he tried to demolish our plan but failed to do that .platonic38008.034537037
Posted 22 Jan 2004


Age: 44
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lahore, Pakistan
Reached home after dinner , uploading the pics , wait for the story and pics , coming in few mins .
Posted 21 Jan 2004


Age: 44
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lahore, Pakistan
Yes we are together here in my room , Me , madmax & NB . For making this meeting occasson more alive we are taking snaps through web cam . which will be posted soon .

Wol has been contacted through NB , he will also join us tomorrow .
Posted 21 Jan 2004


Age: 44
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lahore, Pakistan
queen victoria said:

ha ha khisyani billi khamba nochay
sorry mr complexed
main is baat ka isi tarha jawab day sakti thi but it is not my standard so jao ghulam tumhain maaf kya

Ok enough is enough , no more useless chitchat , ceasefire from my side .
BTW bibi u have a very nice signature .platonic38007.0922453704
Posted 21 Jan 2004


Age: 44
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lahore, Pakistan
SALL said:

yepp kiddooo bachu ki call i thi..
ehemm KAHIN se

shhhh.. zyada nahi puchte,, khekehkehekhe..
areyy waise kya na bass 2/3 log.. heyy admii jii ko kidnap kar k le janaa

Khawajay da gawah Daddu
Posted 21 Jan 2004