Age: 38
7316 days old here
Total Posts: 433
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
where is the music of the film. the trailorts should release 1 then the ,music then the film but we pakistani go the other way which is not right at all ...
Age: 38
7316 days old here
Total Posts: 433
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
wats wit this sheikhpura sounds like a village plzz pakistani's nevba get anythging which souns intresting any ways good luck for the gow SHEIKHPURA lol sheikhpura lolol they guys make me cry plzzzzzzz!
Age: 38
7316 days old here
Total Posts: 433
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
because they are having a competition between eachother to see how does salakhien and kTSIPH and that reemas film wats the name yeah wat eva the name is he just wana see how do they do in the cinemas then bring out his filmand by then i think i am gnna lose my in trest in his film coz if he wana release a film reals it on time rather then potponing his decision all the time becoz of this film interest starts to depart that is wat i have learnt in UK CINeMA as i am Media producyion student herev and that is one of the greatest way to flop a film so best of kluck to him for floping his film go lucmannnn.......
Age: 38
7316 days old here
Total Posts: 433
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United Kingdom, United Kingdom
hey wen is pehla pehla pyaar music releasing in uk anyone knowsssssssssss? and wat about kyuntumse itna pyaar hai including the film and the music in uk???
Age: 38
7316 days old here
Total Posts: 433
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
ermm that "maya ramdin" her voice is not real for that sunno na suno na mujhe chero na chero na song because Shery Goshla has sang that song and maya ramdin has sang the title song and wen ary was showing the curtn raser they told the audince that she is the singer wen i could tell and even some others too that that wasnt her voice at all!11!!!
Age: 38
7316 days old here
Total Posts: 433
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
y cant they do any thing in pakistan do promote paistani talent even in singing why are they just putting tghere hands on bollywood no dought oue singers are talented too but no one gives them a chance like hadiqa, seher, khatija, fakhir, haroon, etc
Age: 38
7316 days old here
Total Posts: 433
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
sana got a six pack and wat kinda costume is she wearing in the film its so un realistic she looks like wh''r? in that seen no offence though just the costume am talkin about buit the song is nice mujhe isq huwa re lalall the end!
Age: 38
7316 days old here
Total Posts: 433
Points: 0
United Kingdom, United Kingdom
i do know how to speak, read and write urdu ok am just saying that the trailors are just kinda stupid but am not saying they are bad bad they are really good but it doesnt ring a bell in my head!the dilogs they have put in the trailor its just sound stupid but when i watched the film then i will know what was these traiols about....