MR NICE said:Yoyo, I wish I could believe you but what do expect when he makes all these silly statements against other directors of the industry.
Getting to back to the music then honestly if it was good then it would have touched my heart the first time i heard it, which it has not and I am not the only one.
Would it not had been better if he had asked a Pakistan music director to compose the music instead of asking the Indians to do everything.
yoyo said:
charizmatic said:they cant release the movie in jus 16 days common frnd even the official site of the movie is not up yet
does every film have to have a website.
MR NICE said:Well, couple of years ago we also had another very confident director by the name of Fahim Burney. He thought he had made the best ever Pakistani film.
On a serious note and what I have seen of the promos the film does look promising.
SALL said:
yeh movies kaun dekhta hai
aanizdabst said:they both will probably releas in 2 years time....
STANDARD said:I am surprized..there is no movie after 'YEH DIL AAP KA HAWA' is DOLBY DIGITAL..
All movies showing DTS ..but DOLBY DIGITAL IS A different effect ..which boost more powerful sound..
yoyo said:ok, i got some updates for the film city it would be made in shiekapura and will be of international standards. it will be funded by the goverment and will be in the next budget. Constrution should start by the end of this year and be completed in 2 years.